Sula's Sketchbook
@Pearwood: oh yes! Time is of the essence, my friend!

One more sketch for today.

...Is this study thing working?
[Image: W2-ColorSketch04.jpg]

More color sketches for Noah's class.
Not very inspired, but I can't deny I am liking this. It feels like this is way, if I do a bazillion of this, I may be up to something good, finally.

Maybe, who knows.

[Image: W2-ColorSketch05.jpg]

I love your pallets! You manage to use saturated colors and make them look real.
Great stuff!

@Rognoll: Thanks man!

Today's color sketches.
Brain dead, really, even if I like doing them.

[Image: W2-ColorSketch06.jpg]

(01-28-2012, 02:35 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: @Alexson: Thank you man, I will look into it :)
I have been reading a bit about atmospheric pespective, it will be my next study.

And here is today's. Photo study, ref:
It's a wip, going to polish it a lot more tomorrow.

[Image: Photo-study-01.jpg]

I lost some of the gestures and softness of the expression, going to work on that too.

nice work, she looks majestic, also loving the head ornament!

(05-27-2013, 02:08 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: ...Is this study thing working?

Yup ^^

@Trevor: haha thanks xD It's an old one though!
@iCi: :hug:

So it's still life week in Noah's Camp
Are you prepared for spoon paintings? lol

[Image: W3-FullStillLife01.jpg]

Today's color sketch
[Image: W3-ColorSketch01.jpg]

Hahah yes.
Dang, it was hard.
Now a full black one.

[Image: W3-FullStillLife02.jpg]

White on white. Beautifully done, Sula.
@Pearwood: Thank you ^^

Now the black one - was.. easier? Faster?
Lost edges <3

[Image: W3-FullStillLife03.jpg]

Hey, that's my ladle on the black still life! Haha :D
Anyway, looks great! About the white one - maybe some parts are a bit too white? On the other hand, I don't know what your toilet paper looks like. ;)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Killed the d20.

Darkness and Deetwunny. Nifty.

(My eldest once had a PBEM character by that name.)
@Lyraina: haha I am glad its recognizable xD But yeah haha I messed up that white one. Trying again!
@iCi: :D Haha I am going to make a full set painting I think. Going to be fun!
@Pearwood: Haha nice :D Yeah, this experiment was fun :)

Today's first one
[Image: W3-FullStillLife04.jpg]

Oh, wow! Oh, Wii!
These are awesome, Sula! Been thinking about doing some like this myself since i rewatched Jason Manley's colour and light theory. Now my monitor isn't calibrated, so I'm not sure how accurate what I'm seeing is, so pinch of salt with the following! If I had any words of advice here, it seems the white study sees to be using a lot of pure white.... the toilet roll seems to have the same kind of highlight brightness as the shiny flower-shaped container (a mixing palette? not sure...). It's almost like the study is still a little high key? And I really like how you're starting to get those variations in the subtle grays in, so you get a whole spectrum of colour even in white, but I think it could be pushed more? Was trying to find an image that summed it up for me, but struggled... this was the closest I could find: - it's like everything is still white, but the colour variation is pushed more so everything feels more... tactile somehow? Hope that's making sense. The black study suffers a little from the same thing, maybe an overuse of the very darkest blacks, but less so than the white.
@Pearwood: haha I was running out of white things to paint :p Now That I will do another, d'uh! Trouble.
@Zephyri: thanks so much for the feedback! Lots to think about. I will try the all white once again and keep that in mind! Let's see how it goes. The black one, probably the darkest blacks was messed up with level adjustment :p Well. Gotta try again.

One more color sketch to end the weekend.
[Image: W3-ColorSketch02.jpg]

Nice updates and really liking your stil lifes!

@Kidult: Thanks :D

(oooh is that Dennis :O!)

Today's uninspired color sketch.
Excessive overtime at work is killing my will to work and my freetime to work.

[Image: W3-ColorSketch03.jpg]


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