So, these are a few pieces that have been sat in hard drive limbo, kinda got to a point and realised my ambition outweighed my ability (story of all of my work, but i can usually ignore that voice to try and finish, lol)
I'l be posting up more sketches and stuff as i go, just unsure where to start on a fresh post. bit like the blank white page ad having little idea of how to fill it.

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a few attempts at speed painting, half hr on the creature design, half hr on the landscape, and got a littlecarried away with the demon and spent an hr and half on that....never got the hang of speed painting till this evenings live stream, very cool pointers for sketching

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Nice work...


just under 2 hr speed painting...

quick study from photo found on DA stock provider skydancerstock 1hr 45 mins roughly

just over an hr speed painting study of a photo

speed painting 1hr roughly from a phot posted in the resources thread

a more thorough study, base on the same set of photos in the resources thread, trying to practice texturing without resorting to imported images.

current piece roughing it out, trying to place the values before detailing and neatening it up...think i've bitten off more than i can chew, not used to so much going on. got that feeling of not knowing quite what bit to work on

a little further along. I know black is frowned upon, but if adrian smith can use it occasionally, so can I
Not sure why black is frowned upon when it is used so much in comics anyways lol. It could be part of the 'purist' debate if you know much about that.

Anyways, I'd be keen to see some anatomy studies just because in some of your illustrations, the anatomy looks a little off.. Other than that, great work :0 I'm sure painting multiple people is a challenge in itself D:

Just to throw it out there, Black is frowned on in illustrations because it distracts the attention of the eye and pulls it out of the image itself to look at a black space of nothing where no details or forms exist. It's okay to use it in smaller doses where this distraction doesn't occur and when used right can make a piece much better! Just gotta know how and when to do it~

Nice job on all the battlefield scenes. Not many are willing to jump into something so intimidating, but it looks like that is where you are most comfortable. Gonna second Chit and recommend anatomy studies, always the anatomy studies <3

(01-25-2013, 03:39 PM)atrenr Wrote: Just to throw it out there, Black is frowned on in illustrations because it distracts the attention of the eye and pulls it out of the image itself to look at a black space of nothing where no details or forms exist. It's okay to use it in smaller doses where this distraction doesn't occur and when used right can make a piece much better! Just gotta know how and when to do it~

Nice job on all the battlefield scenes. Not many are willing to jump into something so intimidating, but it looks like that is where you are most comfortable. Gonna second Chit and recommend anatomy studies, always the anatomy studies <3

thank you. i'm starting to get to grips with value placement but the last few paintings its like i've been concentrating on including so many different aspects- composition, value groupings, appropriate detailing, hard/soft/lost edges- that the head space it takes is immense, makes it hard to actually just paint lol. Definitely need to keep on with the gesture drawings. can't wait for the day i can just draw a person and have the proportions spot on 90% of the time first time. slowly but surely bits are falling into place

where i'm at so far on this, and the revisions i need to make, ... long way off from properly rendering, but starting to get a better idea of the general shape and details, think i need to find a system to get the corrections in place earlier,


Oh WOW~! it's really coming along nicely :D <3

slowly getting there...I think i've spent similar time on other pieces, but this is taking so much concentration lol slightly dreading getting to the colouring stage
It'll be worth it once you're done though D:


slowly but surely wrapping it up


trying to actually paint in colour from the start, for a change, a ways from finished on this. need to sort the back of the dwarf out as it looked fine doodling it, but the lighting isn't right, too defined. not sure about the orcs right arm either, not used to excessively exaggerated musculator and trying to figure out the interplay of the back and shoulder muscles has been a headache XD


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