Portfolio Class- Character Development!
i don't know... which one i should work on.. the staff make him look more like a pharao but less than King Arthur?

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work on you're own piece ;) your design, your king Arthur
Hey folks, bloody hell started way late on this project! Just started doing some research and studies on Tuesday, so here's a few preliminary idea sketches. Dan had said Native American would be hard to do so I figured why not. I chose in particular the Plains Indian people from maybe 1600-1800. Before guns anyway.

Here's where I'm at, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I think the main areas I'm having problems with are the interpretation of what could or should be "Excalibur" and how to make him a little more truly Arthur, rather than just another heroic warrior, or chief.

[Image: Arthurscopy.jpg]

Great work everyone!
Update about my progress.

Here's my final Arthur line art sketch
[Image: 9.jpg]

Keeping in mind that we have to do the villain and Dan mentioned: The villain- The Mordred archetype. an evil flip of the hero. So i thought, he why don't i put some yin yang in it, Good Vs Evil.
Since my Arthur type is the red dragon than obviously Mordred should be the tiger. That instant give me a color scheme to work with. Personally i never seen and white/red samurai so that's cool :)

[Image: 10.jpg]

I made some little tumbnails to see witch red and white combination works best. I think nr.11 what do you guys think? I definitely don't want him to look like Tom Cruise in the last samurai so to much red is overkill.
[Image: 11.jpg]

take care,

[Image: vivalarussia.jpg]

I literally found out about this last night, so this is my attempt at a russian arthur, I'll definitely be more prepared for the next character.

love the work in this thread, lots of awesome designs!
Been in London this weekend, heading home this evening. And last week ended up being a bit of a right off, had some personal stuff going on. I should have a lot more free time soon though :). I'll finish Arthur along side the others now. :).

This is where I got to. Hate it, but yeah..
[Image: file-2155.jpg]

Cheers again for running this Dan. Exactly the kick I needed.

HEY! just letting everyone know. upload your work as it stands for arthur by 12 hours from NOW and ill talk about it on the stream. Ill ONLY be critting FINISHED characters or those close to it. Ill also be introducing and assigning the second character, but the stream will be fairly short (the hurricane caused a backup in my deadlines and i cant spare the time til tuesday). I promise to do a more in depth review of the arthurs later in the week. thanks!
I went for the more ancient looking sword, like dave mentioned in the crit stream. I tried to be more methodical in my rendering approach to meet the deadline, doing one piece of clothing at a time, and this turned out to be a mistake - making everything feel kind of lifeless and stiff. I don't think it came out that bad though.

[Image: ShogunAsa-KingArthur-8.jpg?t=1352043977]

bigger size:
i think i let i like this..^^

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I'll post mine in a few ours
The same here as Tadas. :)

También se habla español!
Russian Revolution: Tsar Arthur
[Image: arthurevolution1.png]
Here's where i got to

[Image: Week2.jpg]

Looking at it now, maybe it doesn't read strongly as 'Arthur', but hopefully it still works. Will have to improve for the next one, i'm really excited for what i can do for merlin within Inca culture.

Still not finished after 2 weeks. Ah well. Arthur, Japanese Heian stylee.

[Image: arthur4-copy.jpg]

looking good guys. heres my arthur final still have a lot to learn though, thanks for the crits guys really helped, pumped to start the next character!

*He who says he can and he who says he cant are usually both correct*
Didn't manage to finish it on time. Spent so much time on it today that I don't think I should continue working on it right now. I need to see it with fresh eyes. I'll try to finish it tomorrow
Which version do you prefer?
[Image: 312ad.jpg] [Image: 312ba.jpg]
[Image: NBXKFl.jpg]

Click for big.
Ok, It's not 100% finished, but I think it's good enough for the crit. I just need to finish the sword, the face/hands, bottle and some fabric textures and small details, but the approach will be the same as the rest of the elements, so, hope there's no problem with that :)

Good job everyone! great concepts, great characters! :D

Cheers Daggers!

[Image: Arthur-Color-PRE-STREAM.jpg]

También se habla español!
Sketched in the changes I'm going to make. Thanks for great advice Dan :D

[Image: arthur2t.png]
Hey guys,
Here's mine, the only thing left is some minor color tweeks.
[Image: 12.jpg]

great work everybody!

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