Lungcell's draws and paints
man beautiful work in there! great rendering, I really enjoy your delirious and fun characters but your sketches are just gorgeous! Those lines, maan, those lines!! :D

You are your only limits!

Lookin good
@Rafa Haha well that's a tough crit to swallow too - as Bobby Chiu says, gotta punch laziness in the face. >:D
@LaleAnn Thanks you! I'll post some more pencil pages :)
@Ahnei Thanks dude!

Some rough sketches that were ok. My subjects are boring :(

Gettin' rusty at studying… quick still lives to get back into it.

Dragon Girl sketchboook :D

Some 15 min studiesss and a 45 min portrait. Gotta keep things short and sweet right now :O

More from last night and a piece I finished recently that I'm not that happy with…

Really nice work here, keep pushing with the studies ! : )

Also, loving the traditional work and those clean linessssssss !!

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Thanks ShinOkami :) I post more lines soon! Here are some 15 min studies from last night and a character design I finished for practice.

Awesome sketches. Great sketchbook! But I would suggest do more values studies just B&w.
Caisne Thanks for the critique, helps me be more aware of some areas to focus on :D

Here are some 30 second gestures and some anatomy pages. Really starting to appreciate Hogarth as time goes by :O

Damn, what sexiness is this that has been laid out before my eyes?

Serious props, man. I'm loving the sketchbook stuff and studies. Your pencils are definitely strong as hell right now. The quality of the translation between your traditional and digital stuff is getting better.

Keep it up. :]

Archreux Thanks dude! I've spent a lot of time obsessing over pencils and structure in my sketchbooks but it's definitely time I let them take a back seat and focus more on colour and values from now on :O BUT before that… just a bit more haha. Here's some gestures, chest studies from today and a page of character designs for fun that I forgot to post!

Focusing on values at the moment. Need to do some application work now…

Trying a little fairy-girl for practice, I think I'll continue it on tomorrow. Values are hard though and I'm having trouble painting her chest and boobs :( Some value/texture practice and experimenting with timber pencils on some 30 sec gestures. Laters :D

Struggling with studying and time management after my day job at the moment :(

Lotta mess here.

Hey, I like bewbz too bro! Sweet drawings, high five.

Hot damn! Those gestures are awesome. Super solid work all around! :D

Whoa, your drawings have just given me a massive motivational boost. excellent work!

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