Arch's Book of Stuff
I haven't scanned my sketchbook(s) in some time, so all I have right now are some of the very few things I've actually finished digitally. A majority of them are studies I've done recently. I really have a problem with finishing/starting things.
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Good stuff. The still lifes are fun to look at, especially the banana; lovin' that dirty-faced mage too.

Some overall critique based on what you've got here-- not listed any particular order of importance:

-Start implementing edge control to draw focus. You have a lot of hard or unfinished looking edges around your objects and in faces. Soften the ones you don't want to draw attention to, and sharpen the others as needed.

-Be careful of your cylindrical forms. I'm seeing the bowl and candle looking skewed in perspective, as well as the glass holding up the dagger. It might be a good idea to draw/paint a sheet of volumetric primitives to remedy this.

-A couple portrait/head studies will help you align features better and further your understanding of how the eyes, nose, and mouth look when their planes are hit by light.

That should be good n' plenty for now though, doo. Looking forward to seein' moororooreee.
[Image: Onion_zps8a77830a.jpg]

Study of an onion I'd done a couple of weeks ago. Working on my rendering, color, and lighting. Had a great time finishing it up. Who knew red onions were so red? Ha.

Attached Files Image(s)

It feels like it's been forever since my last post. I've been pretty busy with school lately. I've got plenty of paintings, and even more studies in the works. For now I suppose all I have ready to share is some older work from last year, and early this year. It's been years since I've scanned my sketchbooks and it'd probably be pages and pages of bad work if I were to scan 'em all.

So, I guess here's some alright work, a mix of studies and sketches. Sorry for the pretty dirty scans, I tend to let my sketchbooks get this way after some time, eh. I'll do better with the next few scans, and they will be much cleaner. Hope there's some interesting stuff in here. . . Really need to start getting better, and better.

Any tips, exercises, or study ideas would be very much appreciated. Based on what you guys see, sorry if it's a bit much, and again sorry for the somewhat poor/dirty quality. Thanks. :]]]

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I suggest when doing studys write notes on how certain forms are made (eg the top of a tigers mouth looks like a 3 turned sideways),doing this helps your brain remember the shapes allot better

Thanks for the tip. I've actually been doing this in my head as of late, rather than on a piece of paper, or sketchbook. It's so hard at times to constantly keep thinking and not just mindlessly draw, or get lost in what you're doing.

Much appreciated. :]

Whoa it's been quite a long time since my last post, I feel kinda bad. . . I've been neglecting to do so the past few weeks. I've got some gestures I tried scanning but the lines were far too light and they didn't show too well. I'll be going back over them to make 'em a bit darker so I can actually post more of my studies.

Here are a few more head studies, some from imagination, some are friends faces, and others are a fine mix. Moosen' from my dnd group I play with, we have such a great time and it sparks a great amount of ideas.

I feel like I'm getting a better grasp on the construction of heads as well as faces. I just gotta keep pushing it! They've been a huge sticking point for me, it feels good. .

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Dude, massive face/head improvement. Keep nailing down your proportions and the proper renditions of the various forms on the head.

I'd say the biggest thing holding you back isn't your faces, because you'll continue to improve them-- I'd work on your traditional rendering abilities. Better edges (hard, soft, lost) darker values, etc...just to bring that extra sense of draftsmanship. It might do you good just to focus on being a bit cleaner.

let's see more, doo...makin' me wanna scans things for feedback too now.
Thanks man. Yeah, I gotta get on that, haha. I've got a few things in the works that I'm bringing to a finish.
It's much easier now that I've come to a better understanding of stuff. Less fear and all that.

It's been so long! Lately I've been doing a whole lot of gestures, more than I'd like to admit, actually. So many, I don't think you guys would like to scroll through my page and see nothing BUT, so I picked through what I had done, and sorted out some of my favorites. This is actually the first few times I've done gestures, I love 'em!

I've got other stuff on the way. Paintings and all that good stuff, just you all wait! I've recently found something that I'd been looking for these past three years I've been in college, and it's helping me push to where I know I can be. Enough rambling. As always, thanks to anyone who comments/checks out my stuff. Don't be shy, lemme know what I can do better. :'D

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Cool :) I like the variety in your studies and the focus on gestures is going somewhere!

Keep the momentum :)

Thanks, I feel like they've been helping alot. I've yet to find the time to get down and do more things from my head, I just can't wait to see where I'm at after all of those. I hope I can even get to posting more of the gestures I've done, I've got maybe 20+ pages of them, a lot of them are crap, though. Haha!

Here's a WIP of a study I've been doing on and off. I will get around to finishing it, just two more weeks to break! Also, I really need to work on likeness. Those shapes. . .

I've really got about 6 paintings I'm working on right now. . .

[Image: studything_zps606aee71.jpg]

Hey, I'm quite liking your figure studies and that last study is coming along nicely. Keep it up!

Thanks and will do!

I've got so much more I want to post, school and whatnot is keeping me so busy. As always, thanks you guys! :]

I've finally got a week off from school work. I'll finally be able to post, and paint as much as I want, haha. Quick thing of my D&D Character, Gernstyle!!!!! He's stylish.

I feel like I'm finally starting to get a feel for painting, it still feels foreign to me, but I'm going to keep at it until I can figure out what works for me. Really not happy with this one, I actually like the rougher version earlier on in the process, and failed to capture that looseness. It all just feels to polished and stiff. . . Hmmmm.

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Unfinished study. I love Game of Thrones, especially this guy, he's my absolute favorite. That armor, I learned a good amount about metal, and faces.

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It's good to see some leveling up taking place.

For portraits it might be a good idea to hit up a master study or two, especially J.S. Sargent if you're enjoying a loose yet immensely accurate feel to your work.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
That's a good point. I'd completely forgotten about that, actually. Haha. I will have to find some of his portraits and get on learnin'. Thanks man.

It's been a'while again. Or at least it feels that way. Been doing a lot of CD Bloodsports work, not ready to post any of it yet. Gestures! Now! I''ve been loving these. Fresh new sketchbook. Sorry for the ugly scans, haha. I do my best to keep 'em clean. :]

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Nice studies and sketches going on here. Keep it up!

You are doing nice improvement here . Great sketches ! Keep up with good work and have lots of fun^^


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