Arch's Book of Stuff
Huge improvement looking on your last pages! Looks like you've found your rhythm again with this latest update. Stuff looking light, fun and not over-labored. Great work man!

Hey, thanks Pugsloth! Totally, I wish I could drop out, my parents would kill me, though. I'll really get to those studies this weekend, I've got that older B&W dragon/knight piece I could use apply those texture studies on.

Nika, thanks, that means a lot! I'm glad it looks like it. :]

Just some spitpaints from yesterday. I'm really glad those exist, they're damn good as a break from other stuff. I might expand on the first one a bit more, I actually don't mind how it came out for 30 mins.

Skipping class tomorrow to get more personal work done. So I'll have a bit more for next time.

See ya, Daggers.

[Image: sec_zps5b95af70.jpg]
[Image: witch_zpsc679c305.jpg]

Sketch from last night. Got the day to play, I'll be back later tonight with more work!

[Image: Untitled-1_zps98d642ab.jpg]

Hey, hey, hey! Okay, so I didn't do much personal stuff today. I'm gonna buckle down tomorrow and kill as much 3D as I can so I can do some more painting stuff.

I'm trying to figure out now what, but how I can tackle some of my weaknesses, mostly faces and figures in general are what really seem to be a constant sticking point for me. Hmmmm... I want more pencils, too.

So much stuff to do, so little time. D:

Here are just some life paintings I did at my bros place, and me just messing around/experimenting.

[Image: stuf2_zps6b168935.jpg]
[Image: stuf_zps9752ad02.jpg]
[Image: sfsf_zps4c916071.jpg]

Working some more on that one thing, experimenting with different workflows/thought processes, and some spitpaint.

Really can't stop painting, I know I need to draw, but I just can't stop. Haha. Been finding myself eager to just get in and paint.

Anyways, happy painting/drawing, Daggers!

[Image: ghs_zpsfd0885d5.jpg]
[Image: flclspit_zps650ebede.jpg]

Today was a 3D day. There are so many ways things can get messed up, it's driving me crazy. Haha.

Here's some spit for meow.

[Image: faf_zps5b0f6363.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsf9b58b06.jpg]

Great sketchbook! I see a lot of improvement.

Thanks Haze, it means a lot. :D

Gonna finish this tonight hopefully, here's just a small process of where I am, sorta. Now that I remember, the more I was painting, the more I remember that it was an original idea I had as a kid but never was able to get it to come out right.

I've still got a lot of my older sketchbooks from middle school. I might just have to rummage through those for more inspiration. :Y

School sucks, etc etc. I'll be back with more people! Ya'll keep it phresh to death!

[Image: Untitled-1_zps92d23d1a.jpg]

Yes man! More refinement, MOAR!

Seriously though, looking juice. I can see a lot of "you" in this one, which means it's going to come out tight.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Thanks, bro! I'm going to aim to finish it today, so much stuff to finish, haha. I really wanna get to this one before it turns stale.

Here's some sketching done while waiting for my bus this week. I really enjoy staying after class to catch my other, better, and less ghetto bus. I get a great 3 hours to just sit down in concentration and test all the stuff I've been studying as I've only been doing quick UN-concetrated bursts of effort up till this point, and I don't have to ride with the darkness.

So, this means way more pencils to come. I'll be back with some paintings, I'm getting a better idea of what sort of stuff I need to study, so those will be coming at some point in the near future as well.

[Image: art5_zps693d32f1.jpg]
[Image: art4_zps76a42cd1.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1_zps4d2eeaff.jpg]

More Experimenting and procrastinating school work.

You have a really good eye for colour and the composition in this last piece is really nice. And I really like your sketchbook stuff too. It must be great having an outlet like this while still in school. Wish I got into it earlier.. So many wasted hours in school -___-

Hey thanks Jaik!
Yeah, I recently just started actually getting in some serious time into the sketchbook, so I feel that. And hey man, there's always more time for sketching and stuff. I usually end up having to force myself a little bit each time, but I'm finding it's been easier and easier to crack the sketchbook open. Habit. :DDD~

Here's just an update. I'm really having a lot of fun with this, I'm almost done now, I feel like I got too much of a stylization out of the forms, and the color as well. I'm still pretty happy with where it's going, though.

I also figured out how to set up a Livestream and will be doing them as much as possible, seriously, it's so much fun I really wish I'd thought of setting it up earlier. So if any of you lovely people get lonely like I do when working all the time, just feel free to pop on in, I've no life so I'll be up for chatting and whatnot. :D

Here's a thing I did in-between 3D stuff. I finished the castle, I'll post pics tomorrow. Next project is soft surface organic, it's going to be horrible, haha.

Let's hope I don't get mugged, or stabbed downtown tomorrow, Daggers!

wow great sketchbook you have here!
i can see lots of improvements from the beginning a few months ago!
keep them coming! :D

Thanks a bunch giorgi, I really appreciate it. :]
And will do!

This week felt like forever it lasted forever for some reason. I really feel like I learned a lot, not about art, but about myself as a person. Really, I wouldn't know how else to describe it. It was all quite a trying school week.

More art to come, I'm going to kick my own ass and learn a bunch this weekend. I'm starting another 3D assignment and am gonna give Mudbox a shot, I'm really looking forward to it.

Here's some stuff.

Here's some poop from today. Thoughtless doodling.

Pencils on the way, I'm digging into some heads and faces as they've been giving me some trouble. Arms, hands, and legs are also on my list! I gotta keep sticking with the basics a bit more until I get back heavily to painting, I really just feel like if I can nail down drawing the subject a certain way, I'll be able to paint it a bit easier.

Happy painting, Daggers!

Here's some spit from this afternoon. Scans. SOON . . .

Here's this weeks batch of sketches and studies. I'll just stick to posting what I've got in my book on Sunday's. I've gotta do WAY more, my face and head anatomy sucks so bad, ugh. There's something really fulfilling when looking at a page full of stuff. It was real nice being up all night sketching, I could see the quality drop though. Haha.

Love you guys. Any feedback is welcomed, as always. :']

that 3d building looks impressive, i really like it.
And those last pencils are really good too, i dont think your faces are bad at all, but if you manage to keep a dinamic fresh line drawing while developing your anatomy, etc... you will have something really special. I would recommend you to do lots of gesture drawings, but we all should be doing lots of gestures, all the time. xD
But seriously, keep practicing hard, i'm looking forward to see you leveling up!


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