Arch's Book of Stuff
That twisted metal image brought me back a bit haha , awesome stuff man. "If I can draw it, I can paint it." , There is a lot of breathing room working in a digital medium where you don't really need to be able to draw at all but it is definitely worth it to learn. Also don't forget that drawing doesnt have to be just lines, it can just be a silhouette block in of a shape and in the end your doing the same thing (Marking edges of a form). Keep pushing forward !
Ben- Hey! Thanks for the tips.

I suppose I found myself saying that ever since my friend told me about the different types of backgrounds artists come from and how that defines the artists strength(s). I don't remember it well enough to explain it properly. Haha.

But yeah, painting has felt easier since sticking with drawing, and a lot of my old problems that were drawing related aren't holding me back as much.

Still no idea what I'm doing... So, below are some sketches and junk I've managed to do between online class and internship work. :DDD

More stuff. Sketches and whatnot are really fun as I'm undecided on what it is I should really be doing.

It's been nice not having to go downtown every other day and do stuff. Working from home has been sweet, however I've been finding it hard to maintain a focused schedule throughout the day.

No video games lately, though! I think I'd much rather supplement sketching for video games because if I'm going to procrastinate it should at least be a 'little' productive.

There's also some stuff I've done for my internship that I'm waiting to get feedback on when would be alright for me to post, so there will be a couple of stuff for that later this week. :]

So much anatomy studies! haha. Going to go back through and have a look at them all when I get home. Love the latest character designs, are you going to render any of them up?

Awesome designs! And dude... Such a progress since 2013. Keep up the good stuff.
Casine- Thanks man! Happy you stopped by the stream for a bit, it was nice to have the company, haha. Definitely going to keep working hard.

CoreyH- Hey, hopefully they can be of some use to you. I honestly don't know what should have time put into it. I've been kinda hesitating to 'commit' to something. :'D

Felt like I should've done more today, ah well! I really liked this sketch so I just jammed on it all day. I'm trying not to beat myself up so much, it really doesn't help and I feel better knowing that I did something with my time, even if it isn't done doing something all that serious.

Thanks to the few who stopped by my stream and took a peak. More stuff tomorrow! :D

Today was sort of an off day.

Finished this, though.

I feel alright with it considering I've never painted skin before, or hands, or any of those other things. Lots of learning.

whatanoob.jpg :D

Just something quick.


Love the last one. Simplicity of the shapes in the face works so well. Where do you tend to pull your inspiration for character design from?

CoreyH- Thanks man! I really love Akihiko Yoshida and Wesley Burt when it comes to characters. Otherwise it's all fashion stuff, like Goth Ninja.

Here's, like, a thing. Stuff. I dunno what to do. :U

Pretty stressful days for what seems to be no apparent reason.

Sloppy sketch funtimes with a good friend of mine. It was fun to mix it up.

I missed so many great stuff during my absence here. I really like the figure studies and figures, my total fav is the knight with the orange background in post 262. He's just perfect for me, totally dig it. Keep up the good work! (:


Cyprinus- Hey thanks! I'm glad you like the knight. It's not very often I actually draw armor, it's so weird with all its segments and stuff.

Been busy with life things, online class, internship, and I've actually got my first real paying commission, maybe. I really hope I can make it work. I'm pretty fucking nervous and all I want to do is be able to prove to myself that I can do it.

I've got a couple of characters to jam on between things for fun. Eventually I need to finish the old illustrations that have been haunting me.

Hey grats on the commission man, I'm sure you'll do great! Latest characters are looking nice :)

That witch image look good, and that's awesome you got commissions! Hopefully you can show us when you're done.
Love these character designs!

CoreyH- Thanks man! It's pretty exciting :D

Ben- Thank you, sir. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to share.

Beardley- Thanks, I'm glad you like. :]

Sketch from last night while talking with some friends and some fan art of Sora I was going to do for Halloween because, well, KH is the shit. It didn't end up getting finishing because I was getting secondhand embarrassment feels while I was working on it. Maybe I'll try again another time.

Nostalgia is weird.

Hey man, been kicking some ass with these last characters, the anatomy is top notch!
Use those skills and join a CHOW too!

Ohh thats a good idea! Chow! chow! chow!


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