Dan Needs to Learn
I saw Les Mis recently at the cinema. Anne Hathaway was amazing. At the end, the lights didn't turn on for a couple of minutes. I wondered why they hadn't turned on, then when they did, I realised that most of the people around me were crying. A very powerful film. I cried as well, but they were tears of joy because I enjoy the misery of others .

Painted in photoshop. Oval brush 90% hardness - opacity and flow set to pen pressure. No colour picking from the photo. I used the HSB mixer to choose my colours. I allowed myself to colour pick only from paint that I'd already laid down. Same piece on DA http://fav.me/d5rfc3e

[Image: face_study_7_by_brainfruit-d5rfc3e.jpg]
Like most I have trouble with faces and I avoid them like the plague hah. So it's great to see you really pushing yourself to do more here. It's great. You're surely accomplishing something impressive here.

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(01-14-2013, 02:02 PM)Zesiul Wrote: Like most I have trouble with faces and I avoid them like the plague hah. So it's great to see you really pushing yourself to do more here. It's great. You're surely accomplishing something impressive here.

Thanks Zesiul! I tried another face without reference. Unfortunately this one is not so great. Oh well. I will keep practicing and hopefully improving.

[Image: face_9_by_brainfruit-d5rmpxw.jpg]

Some Skull studies. I want to better understand the head, and I think this is a good way to start. Detailed version here

[Image: skull_studies_by_brainfruit-d5rq6q8.jpg]
Ouhhhhh those skulls ♥ Awesome way to show your process

Skulls are way better than study in colors. Good job on them!
Have You thought about turning color photo and your work to greyscale and compare the values , shadows etc. It easier to see if light and shadows are good. You can focus on softening or hardening the edges.
I tried to show a only few points. But You will figure it out :)
[Image: facestudy7bybrainfruitd.jpg]

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

those skulls are great Dan.
But yeah, could be a good idea to focus on edges now. :)

Thanks everyone for the helpful and encouraging comments. I've not posted for a while due to having to work like a hound to make some more money.

I think it's unintelligent to ask for critique on a study when no one can tell what you were drawing from, so I post all my studies with the original reference.

Latest study:
[Image: face_study_8_by_brainfruit-d5ty5i4.jpg]
man this is great, you leveled up! Not much more to say, but to keep working on those edges and colors.

(Sherlock) Decided to try something with traditional mediums. This is painted with Coffee, Graphite, Watercolour, Acrylic and Charcoal. It's here on deviantart: http://fav.me/d5u89j1

[Image: e3bce86ff55d0f1b232c554eb5004ffc-d5u89j1.jpg]
Another face without reference. Still so fucking difficult.
[Image: brainfruit_face_10_by_brainfruit-d5u9pcy.jpg]
Whoa, actually I love that Sherlock! The way You paint it draw attention.

And for the face. Maybe You should try to do more studies on hard edges. I see only soft edges on the face. Maybe try to change process now ant paint it using only hard edge brush. Hm?

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

(02-09-2013, 10:29 AM)Mannequin Wrote: Whoa, actually I love that Sherlock! The way You paint it draw attention.

And for the face. Maybe You should try to do more studies on hard edges. I see only soft edges on the face. Maybe try to change process now ant paint it using only hard edge brush. Hm?

I started with a hard brush and had to soften it because the image just became a mess. I don't yet have the knowledge required to know where to place the hard edges. It's really frustrating. I'll get there eventually. Thanks for the advice.

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