Olooriel's Practice Blog
Thanks for the feedback! It's been ages since I've done any still life, I really should make some time for those - I actually find them way more enjoyable than anatomy ;)
Not so sure how much time and effort I want to invest in line weight, because the pencil and ink drawings are really just a learning tool (mostly when I don't have computer access), and perfecting the technique on them (beyond fluid, not chicken-scratchy lines) isn't something I care that much about. I'll think about it though.

Thank you! :)

Some material and colour studies:

[Image: gold_study___daily_practice_by_olooriel-d8c7223.jpg]

[Image: gem_shading___daily_practice_by_olooriel-d8cgobq.jpg]

[Image: slime___daily_practice_by_olooriel-d9u3lt3.jpg]

[Image: colour_shifting___daily_practice_by_oloo...9u3m2a.jpg]

And a basic perspective exercise to get back into it:
[Image: 747baa8fbfc1fd096a4a81e9ae34dc08580d61cb.jpg]

Life's a bit chaotic lately, but here's a couple of sketches I managed to do, mostly on the train:

[Image: cgTKsDy.jpg]

[Image: OYDIwdS.jpg]

[Image: M3kQSep.jpg]

[Image: Y70gAe0.jpg]

[Image: YIR685E.jpg]

Right, this... has been forever since I updated.

After the terrible profiles above, I decided to study and practice profiles for a bit:

[Image: Yl3VLCO.jpg]

[Image: jYse6c6.jpg]

[Image: AE9MY0t.jpg]

[Image: q9f0Ds1.jpg]

[Image: GSZcKsV.jpg]

those 20 tiny ones are so cute xD

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Dang - So much effort. I like how you moved more toward specific studies. Values, colors, specific topics. etc.

@AlfonsoX: Thank you! They're a practice sheat from Bobby Chiu's stream, so the first couple of rows are very close to what he was drawing, the last ones on the bottom are my own. They were fun, I should do more of them some time.

@rootdraws: Thanks! Yes, I lately try to do the studies as a problem comes up, that way I know what I'm doing them for.

More profiles:

[Image: Z8vQRhZ.jpg]

[Image: vQOSQWF.jpg]

The above character in colour:

[Image: jopujNJ.jpg]

Quick figure:

[Image: ClqnM0f.jpg]

Skintone study:

[Image: 8icQfuL.jpg]

Trying to replicate a favourite artists oilpainting in different programs, it surprised me, but I think SAI won:

[Image: 7rkGi9b.jpg]

Experimenting with colours a bit for fun:

[Image: jCt6FMp.jpg]

[Image: XOsY4Qb.jpg]

[Image: 4CVgGgK.jpg]

[Image: T56gXSJ.jpg]

Some recent sketchbook drawings:

[Image: s3ZqRUS.jpg]

[Image: jeYI9LP.jpg]

[Image: GUQ7srv.jpg]

[Image: ZrZnxoa.jpg]

[Image: BHa84dd.jpg]

Hi Olooriel, see a lot of potential and dedication in this SB. Hope you don´t mind that i took the liberty to drawover one image with potential to illustrate my point. The issue  on the image is not structure but what could accentuate the illustration and the charecter overall.

Just my two cents. Hope it helps!

Hey Olooriel,

Rickrichards' drawover should serve a great starting point for you in critically evaluating your own work. I would say though, the issue IS structure, or at least structure is important for you to work upon in order to build up your character.

Hoping to see more studies from you so we can talk on it more!


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
Thank you very much for the drawover, it's fascinating what big difference such subtle changes make!

Yeah, I know, my understanding of structure is non-existant, really need to get back to some studies on that.

Some more sketchbook drawings:

[Image: 0KRNPsy.jpg]

[Image: yaj2dEM.jpg]

[Image: YkEvoYO.jpg]

And some digital colours on ink sketches:

[Image: KrhFY4n.jpg]

[Image: 34fi5PY.jpg]

My PC recently broke down, but I finally got it working again and scanned some of what I drew in ink while it was out of order - luckily, the weather was great, so I could go outside:

[Image: MeCUEsd.jpg]

[Image: wkJChM9.jpg]

[Image: Kw8EY2a.jpg]

[Image: oBHqDLg.jpg]

[Image: 4e47c1h.jpg]

My inktober so far:

[Image: SiRNNfV.jpg]

[Image: zIWac6p.jpg]

[Image: hnfYlJg.jpg]

[Image: 0bTF30C.jpg]

[Image: NQaaq4F.jpg]

Man i really like how you present the irregularities of nature.
Do you have some advice on that i'm still kinda struggling with it when i am outside sketching.
Beautiful Sketches! I love it :D
@Prabu: Thank you! :)

Inktober Part II, all fanart:

[Image: IEgXxDr.jpg]

[Image: F1ruO4U.jpg]

[Image: BMDWBhs.jpg]

[Image: lWZ7n06.jpg]

[Image: RzclOQs.jpg]

Hey Olooriel, some good stuff you got going there, but something becomes really evident when scanning through: your drawings are a little on the flat side.

Farvas has a solid point about the line weight. Even if you say you don't care as much about drawing in pencil or ink (and believe me when I say I don't either--its mostly a tool for improvement for me as well), it's still incredibly beneficial to keep line weight in mind as it helps reinforce the form of an object, the lighting direction(s), perspective, etc. I'd also suggest to keep all your sketchy lines in the uploaded image, that way we can better see your process of drawing a head and the form underneath.

No discouragement intended. Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback, and no worries, it wasn't discouraging. However, I simply don't have enough control over the brushpen yet to vary my lineweight with a purpose - this Inktober is my first time playing with that tool, and I'm completely out of my depth here. That aside, I know I need to get back to practising form and construction in 3d eventually, I'm just not going to bother with it month, I've got enough on my hands just trying to figure out a new tool...

[Image: vkW5Tko.jpg]

[Image: fj3Uj6K.jpg]

[Image: 6Gqtr3d.jpg]

[Image: JcPWvEX.jpg]

[Image: hbFMauB.jpg]

Right, it's been ages since I posted anything, too busy doign Redbubble stuff, but I really want to pick up the pace with my fantasy art practice, so just to get in the habit of posting here again:

[Image: bloodbrothers___kata_by_olooriel-dadquk1.jpg]

[Image: cambreth_by_olooriel-daufbzo.jpg]

[Image: naema_s_sword_by_olooriel-davuc2t.jpg]

[Image: the_great_fly_hunter_of_the_lily_pad_tri...b5f8ar.jpg]

[Image: fire_sprite___flight_rising_fanart_by_ol...beopef.jpg]

A couple more relatively recent ones...

[Image: spock_by_olooriel-datjj6n.jpg]

[Image: princess_leia_by_olooriel-dateu7p.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oru6uzL4Za1r76fkmo1_540.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ora6jnH0vV1r76fkmo1_540.jpg]

[Image: winter_wolf_by_olooriel-dbff166.jpg]


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