09-24-2014, 07:05 AM
Studies an sketches:

Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
09-24-2014, 07:05 AM
Studies an sketches:
09-24-2014, 08:20 AM
love your sketches!!! totally jelly about them!
09-27-2014, 06:55 AM
@Wolkenfels: Don´t be! I don´t like my stuff half of the time. I still have so much to learn!
Some more advisor/quest giving characters: ![]() ![]() ![]()
09-29-2014, 05:05 AM
Some studies and sketches this time with a bit of landscaping:
09-30-2014, 06:33 AM
Small update with landscape sketch from life and some sketches for fun:
10-03-2014, 04:34 PM
Update with some (seasonal) doodles:
10-05-2014, 11:42 PM
Sketches and studies for environments/architecture
10-07-2014, 06:07 AM
Some Bargue Studies and a character sketch for today:
10-09-2014, 07:40 AM
Some more Bargue studies and sketches with different lighting conditions
10-09-2014, 11:18 AM
I'm digging that character series you are working on, is that client work? And nice Doctor illustration, you are quite a friend. Only way it could have been improved is if it were the 10th Doctor, amiright?
Sketchbook ~ Blog ~ Deviantart ~ Livestream
10-10-2014, 02:22 AM
I'm starting to really warm to the 12th Doctor, I think he may turn out to be one of the best ever.
These pencil portrait sketches and studies are pretty awesome, Elder. How do you get such clear and crisp scans/pictures of your pencil work? Mine always look like shit.
10-11-2014, 04:31 AM
@pnate: The characters are client work, yes. They are for an indie social media game and are serving as kind of advisors and questgivers (think of the civilization games...)
@Craig Paton: Regarding scans, I actually don´t do much. I have a really old scanner, scan at 300dpi with an unsharpen filter active in the scansoftware and if need be, I adjust the contrast in PS a little with curves or levels @ both of you: I actually also start to like the 12th doctor more and more (although he can be a little too patronizing), but you are right, pnate, David Tennant is by far the best doctor of all! I´m sure most of you know William Adolphe Bouguereau. For those who don´t: this guy is the godfather of skintones, the skinmaster, the ultimate skininator... seriously, try to study his work, it´s worth it. He has so many subtleties and color variations going on and as I did a study, to my surprise he doesn´t change hues a lot! In the original from the study below, I first thought, wow, so many greens and blues and purples....no! he used mostly reds, oranges and yellows. The cooler colors all come from desaturated versions of these hues in combination with putting the warmer hues beside them. ![]()
10-13-2014, 03:52 AM
Some more studies and sketches, this time another Bargue and a living master study of one of Marko Djurdjevics characters (he is brilliant with his characters!) that can be found here:
http://www.deviantart.com/art/FRANKA-481313471 ![]() Portrait sketch and Matrko Djurdjevic study: ![]()
10-14-2014, 06:57 AM
Some more Bargue and a sketch of a Medusa, where I tried to combine monster and beauty (as Medusa once was a beautiful woman)
10-15-2014, 07:18 AM
I´m somewhat into mythological creatures lately...here´s a harpy (and a Bargue study)
10-17-2014, 02:33 AM
Anatomy study and alien designs
10-21-2014, 06:18 AM
Some more studies/sketches from my sketchbook and a Sargent study
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10-21-2014, 10:56 PM
Some update with gestures, quick figure studies, anatomy and design studies from the last couple of days. These drawings are not pretty, but through them, the brain starts to understand form, proportions etc.
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