Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
beautiful work as always in the last few pages! I really like the last studies especially - would love to see one of your fantasy character scenes in that ballpoint + ink + marker setup! It adds a lot of drama lighting them like that!

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Discord: JonR#4453
The progress you made since Day 1!! I aspire to get to your level of rendering with pencils. Good job man, keep it up and you'll get to your goals!

@JyonnyNovice: Thanks! The goal with these marker/ink studies is indeed to get a better feeling for lighting (next to being more confident in proportions as I draw straight with pen without any preliminary pencil sketch). Tried to do an ink sketch applying the studies. Turned out ok and studying with inks really give you more confidence :)

@AfricanVoodoo: Thanks very much, that´s nice of you to say! Just keep on drawing, skill comes naturally if you just draw enough

Pencils sketches and ballpoint pen plus ink/marker study/sketch (the study is blue, cause my black ballpoint pen finally died and I had nothing else...markers with alcohol on top naturally smear :) Figured it is time for some halloweeney stuff....and combine i with inktober :)

Some pencil sketches and lots of doodles, nothing really serious. Tried to sketch out some extremely quick faces with facial expressions to see how I do drawing them from imagination. If you´re wondering about the horse, my 3 year old niece was visiting while I drew and she didn´t believe I could draw a horsey :)

3 years (almost 4) already, huh. There's definitely more confidence coming out of your latest drawings. Nice range of facials too, I'd love to see if you could achieve the same with a single, consistent face (and in different angles, too!).
@Hozure: Yes, time flies.....seems like yesterday since I started :) Your suggestion of drawing the same face really sounded great, so as I´ve actually never done that before, I gave it a shot and it was extremely fun :) Got to do this again with a male face....

Sketching around trying to be a bit painterly and an exercise for face consistency.

Sketching, trying out some lighting from below

Stuff in pen and pencil

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell sketches with some unicorn stuff requested by the 5 year old daughter of a friend of mine :) The last sketch ended another moleskine sketchbook....time to start the next one

Whassup Elder Scroller, you've got some solid work! I think the only thing i can offer as a critique is to watch your proportions and forms in those tricky areas;


Like the left one's rib cage isn't completely wrapping properly, it needs a little more width to fill it out. You're already pretty amazing so, just keep doing what you're doin ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika: Thanks! Understanding form and proportions is a constant "work in progress" :)

Been watching Dr. Strange at the movies lately so I did some strange sketches (not supposed to  be Benedict Cumberbatch). Male and female version

[Image: attachment.php?aid=92023]I like that girl with the cast shadow. Its a good change from the normal flat on perspective you draw you characters in. You should try out more dynamic perspectives like that.

@Adam Lina: You´re right, should do that more often. It would also train perspective at the same time as character design

Wandering hobbit lady about to start a journey...plus my thoughts on the election....

Great job, Elderscroller! I really like your latest posts, especially the hobbit gal illustration - it looks like something out of an old-school D&D rulebook. You have a very nice range of values in you pencil drawings, and I like the soft rendering. I'm looking forward to more stuff :)
@Magda_Piatkowska: Thanks a lot! I always liked those illustrations :)

Some ballpoint pen portrait studies plus an experiment in sketching. I tried to recall some artists work from memory and sketch something reminiscent to it. So first one is from Conan illustrations from Frazetta in subject and composition (pose is more moved than in the typical Conan painting). I obviously switched the gender roles here.

Second is in style to Alfons Mucha. Had lots of fun with that one and I think, I will do a painting of that one sooner or later (oil or digital, I don´t know yet) 

Had so much fun with the Mucha style sketch, so I did another with a Cthulhu-twist :)

Sketching characters....again :) Second one (the disfigured guy) is a first draft of an assignment. It´s some guys demonically mutated former warrior RPG character....poor chap

Sketching a character (the warrior) for a larger party picture of an RPG group as a commission. He´s a travelling knight,not very rich, of a viking-like race

Some more sketches for my recent commission

Haven´t posted in a while so here is a bit more than usually. Mostly pencils sketches, some ballpoint sketches from life/art of my recent trip to Vienna,trying to quickly draw portraits in coffee shops, at the breakfast table,in the subway.Last sketch is from a Hieronymus Bosch exhibition. Wicked stuff....


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