Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff

Turning another sketch to a painting

Here´s a dwarf Leia with djinni 

Trying to sketch some more dramatic lighting with the armor

Something fairy tale-ish

More fairy tales and some sun priestesses

Awesome - I love the way you painted the material in the squid head piece!

Keep posting!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@Artloader: Thanks! That painting was extremely fun to do

And even more fairy tales:

Stopped the fairy tales and tried to come up with some strange superheroes from other time periods. Two 19th century and two stoneaged ones. The Mammoth-idea begs to be enhanced and rendered out. The Rock will play him once a movie will be made....:D  Added a flapper girl just for fun...

So, guess I´m moving on to sketching aliens. Tried to give the second one a feminine look without relying on the obvious feminine attributes. Hope that worked out...

Great sketchbook! Love your work man!

@Xenzo: Thanks very much!

Some sketching and a few quick mindless doodles done during a meeting (nothing art related), because that´s what meetings are there for....oh and I´ve watched  Alien Covenant yesterday (obviously inspired the Alien doodle). While it is nice to look at, the movie was soooo disappointing...Stupid scientist crew behaves like a bunch of school kids in a highly predictable cheap horror movie....too bad, I really love the old alien movies, even 3 and 4. Only highlight is Michael Fassbender


Casual sketching:

Book cover, I´ve been working on lately. It´s for a german novel called "Die Legenden von Sharkis"

Although I didn´t like the new alien movie, it had one thing I liked. It made me look into Giger´s work again. It´s strangeness and the mechanical forms that oppose, but strangely harmonize with organic forms is really fascinating. I did a sketch that vagely was inspired by his work. Not too good, I´m afraid, but I had an idea of doing a couple of paintings, inspired by Giger´s style, about the Cthulhu mythos. Stay tuned, the king in yellow is in the making....

The mummy sketch was a necessity as everything lately seems to be about mummies: there was a rerun of The Mummy 1 and 2 on TV this weekend, the mummy is returning to cinema and even our latest enemy from my last RPG session was...a lizard mummy priest (which I drew here)

After a few sketches, based on an old sketch of mine of the king in yellow, I came up with this slightly giger-inspired version. Painting it will take some time, but if the outcome is like it is in my head now, should look really nice.

Don´t forget to sketch even when working on a painting :)

Before I forget to post it, here´s part of the backside of the cover I recently made.



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