Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Some more speedpainting and trying out emulating traditional pencil sketching on my cintiq companion. Works rather nicely :)

Figure doodling

Quick life study:

Some character color sketches:

Environment sketch from mind after watching a Ryan Church tutorial a few weeks ago (I change bits here and there) and some various faces as warmups

Quick and dirty enviro sketch

Master study of one of Jaime Jones paintings. You can find the original here:

Zombie sketch

Studies and Faces done in Corel painter:

A life drawing of a helmet and a character sketch done in painter


I made a new study schedule to be more focused on my sketches and learning progress.
Including free sketching, I managed to consistently paint/draw for about 3-4 hours a day for studying/learning purposes. Usually I vary greatly between 1-5 hours a day, sometimes even not drawing for a whole day. I´ll post the schedule and how I handle it on my blog next week for anyone interested.
Here is an update on studies and sketching from throughout the last week (not including all I already posted during the week and color-valuestudies as they are very abstract):

Here are some studies/sketches from last week:

Some boring life study, trying to study light traveling through transparent objects

A more rendered out character sketch

Speedy lunch concept

Whoa! Tons of different studies and personal work going on in here, nice!
Especially dig your laterst one, for a quicky you've managed to get a good mood and atmosphere in there really nice.

Thought a bit about the lighting in your rendered character sketch. the values in the light, her skin especially, are really bright. But the values in shadow aren't as dark as they usually appear when something is brightly lit like that. Granted there's a lot of reflected light going on in there, but the light has a hard time reaching certain areas anyways heh. Just a thought : )
Nice expression and pose on the character too!

@Adzerak: Yes, you´re right, the lighting on the character sketch isn´t perfect, it could use some more values and dark accents, maybe I´ll render her out completely, if I find the time.

Here´s another still life study:

Youre figures are leaps and bounds better now than when you started posting. One thing about your portraits I've noticed. You seem to have a habit of placing the eyes too close together in three quarter view. I think it stems from not taking the time to construct the forms of the brow ridge and where it merges with the bridge of the nose. Also try to establish the front and side planes more of the temple and forehead. Perhaps thinking of it more as a box than a sphere will help. Awesome sketch book though regardless. Im so jealous of your imaginative drawing skills. Id really appreciate any advice you could give me :D

@Hypnagogic_Haze: Thanks very much for pointing that out to me! Some small habits are hardly noticeable to oneself.

Studies and sketches from the past few days. Finally included perspective and form construction. Please don´t be harsh on my vehicle designs, these are purely an exercise in form construction:


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