Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
@JacobJanerka: I think I have that pdf somewhere on my harddrive, got to take a look at it again, thanks for the tipp!

A somewhat monochromatic speedpainting:

Doodles and sketches:

Nice stuff!! Your head drawings look a bit same-y to me, maybe do some studies of heads with really different facial structure. It's amazing how unique everyone's head is! Some people have brows that barely protrude from the face at all, and some people have chins that stick out so little it's like their face goes right into their neck, and some people's mouth cylinder goes out as far or further than their nose...there's a whole bunch of crazy stuff and cool shapes and forms you can use, no need to limit yourself to the default head structure in your imagination

@Samszym: You are right! I didn´t focus too much on diversity when drawing faces, I tried to be more accurate with construction. It would be better to include that in the future and combine it with studies.

Here´s a first test without ref, focusing more on diversity:

Why the insistence on drawing without ref? Real people's faces are so much more varied and interesting than what we can make up in our heads. Use references to inform you on the different shapes possible for heads to have in real life! I think you should do a ton of studies of people from different race and age groups then do drawings from memory/imagination to test that you remember what you learned from studies.

@Samszym: No, no, don´t get me wrong! I do not insist on drawing without reference. I know the value of reference and to get a really natural looking face, body, whatever, you need reference. I also know the value of reference when learning/studying, because you cannot possibly know how everything looks. You also build up your visual library when drawing from reference.
What I´m currently doing (besides also doing studies) is seeing drawing from a constructive point of view and I´m also trying to see how far I can go when drawing without reference to see my limits and push beyond them. I want to be able to construct what I see in my mind and refine it later with reference when bringing it up to a finished state.
I have seen many artists that are so brilliant when drawing just from reference, they have flawless observational skills, but when asked to do so without, they lacked the knowledge behind drawing. Understanding the form, proportion, perspective etc. is as I truly believe essential. And to get there, one way for me at least is through drawing from imagination mixed with studies.
Besides, I find it really satisfying to draw something from imagination, making it up as I go :) , no matter if it turns out natural/diverse looking or not, I could always go back and enhance it with reference if I wanted.
Hopefully this is somewhat understandable, I´m not critizising your tipp to do more studies, I know you are right here :) I just wanted to clarify that I´m not a "no ref snob"! Thanks for the crit, it is always welcome!

Here are some more pencils (some doodles from a bus ride and the last one is done with some reference from 4 different women)

Some cave dwellerish creature-thing, maybe somewhat intelligent


Awesome drawings! That cave dweller crit is cool. And that droid too with inside-face view. You can do a lot of distinctive character designs, that's real skill man.

@meat: Thanks a lot! :)

Some sketchbook update in studies and imaginary work. The second one was a notan light study, but I took it a bit further afterwards

Spend some time in the park due to the beautiful weather and made some gestures from life of chessplayers and some of their audience. Great to study from because they move so slow :)

And some imaginary work and light studies on people:

Nice faces and figures. If you havent already go check out Sinix on youtube.
Here's some useful vids of his: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUM3SHNCfpM

I can see you're getting better at drawing heads. You should check out Hogarth's book Drawing the Human Head. I'm almost done with it and Im finding it extremely enlightening. It shows a great way of measuring exactly where the temple and the ears should on any angle of a 3 quarter to a full profile.

@crackedskull: Thanks for the link! Exactly what I am trying to achieve in the near future :)

@Hypnagogic_Haze: I´m more connected to the Loomis head construction, but I´ll give Hogarth a try. Thanks!

To widen my visual library, I´m trying to do some quick design sketches. They are nothing fancy, their main purpose is to know how things look like and especially how they work, to gain a deeper understanding of diverse subjects. Here are some armor sketches:

And a quick character doodle of course :)

Some design studies of hoods/cloaks and some character sketches

Some intelligent creature practice. A gentle giant and a Rumpelstiltskin like character

Here is a quick revisit to the gentle giant sketch. Nr. 1 is emphasizing the silhouette, nr. 2 is using line weight to emphasize light direction in line only and nr. 3 is doing mostly basic shading:

And here are some TAD class assignments:

so much to learn... Awesome stuff!
I especially love the gentle giant variations.

@Wolkenfels: Thanks very much! :)

Small update with some more quick armor design studies (leather this time) and something I wondered since the last part of the Hobbit trilogy: how would a dwarf-elf hybrid look like. Done a first sketch to play around with that thought:

I kind of like the idea of a dwarf-elf race breed. I may even include it into my upcoming personal project. Here is a first sketch of what I imagine to be a dwalfish (I´ll call the race dwalves for the moment :) princess. She has elvish and dwarvish elements integrated into her design, I´ll emphasize them later on, as I will surely rework that sketch. I also can imagine females, like dwarves, have some facial hair, but integrating it in a more feminine way. Here I added some small braids to her cheeks

I was also in the mood for some creature, so here is the Smiler :) I imagined it as a cave/dungeon dwelling creature, an always hungry predator that has no eyes and acts on sound alone, maybe has some kind of sonar sense.


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