smrrfette's Odyssey
That last wip looks great! i really want to see more.
Also great studies, good job with that face, aand i wont say anything about your pencils because you already know they are great.

One (slang)word: whoa.

Thank you all for the support! This is craaazy o___o

EduardoGaray - Thanks Eduarddooo! My pencils?! My pencils are killing meee haha :'( but thanks! :D

Egbu - thank you Egbu! Though I need to rework the b & w one a bit more (I stuffed it by colouring yesterday, meeeehh. Haha I'll make sure I do!

Kaffer - thanks Kaffer! ^ ^

Yann.F - why hello thar! Thank you again, Yann! Hahaha :D thinking + practise and disciplineee o:

Monsieur-Beefy - Thanks you Mr. Beefy! ;D

Jonesoda - thank you Jonesooodaa! Glad I achieved a somewhat badass-lookin' character :)

Tatar88 - wow, thanks man! I guess this hard work is finally paying off in some way. Will do and right back at you!

kerm - Ohhh kerm! You absoluteellyy killed me with that image omggg :D it's so true xD. No worries man! Aaah, thanks you! Though, I am always trying to develop it - nothing beats experimenting! Thanks for dropping by <3
p.s. haha many people have asked that - but no :3 it's just some pic of a guy I found on pinterest :s though admittedly, he looked like Matt Damon

Matthias Kinnigkeit - Thank you Matthias! Yeah, I still find I prefer drawing... even though I suck more at it lol. Maybe because it's more personal to me. Haha will do, gotta control the tools and not the other way 'round :) . Ohh, my arm is a lot better now, I had to seriously modify the yoga I do every morning though :/ but I can draw for a lot longer without any pain :) thanks for asking!

Fedodika - LOL haha probably. The thing is, I definitely, definitely could have continued with the study, but I saw no point in doing so - I already got what I needed out of it and I have a deadline I've gotta meet :P but thaaaaaaaaaanks you Fedokdikakaka :D

So today I worked a bit on drawing faces, because let's face it, I can't stand my drawings... even though I freakin' love drawing - I haven't been able to draw the way I want to draw - and I'm sick offf itttt. Anyways, learned a lot while drawing today (and the past couple of days with painting). Feelin' good.

sketchbook pages before photo studies:

Photo studies of a woman - geeeez I can see where I started paying attention:

and application, though super rushed:

And more work on this chic-thing (haven't touched it since yesterday)

Gonna go sketch some more and then I'm headed to my friend's house - we're having a Mean Girls night. That's right.

is it sad that I've seen that movie around 15 times now?

No, I didn't think so either.

Gotta step it up! I really want to get a lot done on the portrait tomorrow, even if I have a bbq lunch.
Let's do thiiis

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

anways, uuuh, those faces are lookin hot and.... You're having the same problem alot of ppl get at this stage i think. I'm goin through it too! your faces look correct, proportions are all right and stuff, and they all look like the same person! that's gonna work itself out though, just keep doin them photo sudzies and it'll get there.

btw the girl on the first page who says bitch please i thought she was preggers and it said "birth please"

Tofutti <3
Woaaaahhh that face portrait chick thing whatsit is looking unreal. First thing that comes to mind is kerrigan. Looks sci fi like, even though there is nothing on there that points specifically to sci fi. So maybe thats a good thing.. Idontknowwhatiamsaying.. lost my train of thought...

Hope you are enjoying your bbq lunch.. And I agree with Fedodika, watch that everyone doesnt turn out looking the same, unless it is your multitalented OC, then it's okay..

You've progressed quite a bit, keep at it!

Seeing your newest update makes me decide to get back to drawing. Digg those portraits, can't wait for more ;)

ramalooke - yesss!! Draw, draw, draw :D thanks man, can't wait to draw a buttload of faces now!

crackedskull - haha I wish, but thanks cracked!

Jaik - haha too bad I don't have more time to really finish her. I dunno what a Kerrigan is... (please don't hurt me) but thank you! :3 . Yeah it was cool to see people again haha. And I'll make sure that doesn't happen! I was doing portrait studies of the same model, so that's probably why :3

Fedodika - LOL damn you crack me up man xD but yas, I know haha - it's becoming a problem, 'specially since those portrait studies were of the same model ;_; I'll be doing a lot of studies in the future to correct that. I don't like sameness of character. It was more to see if I was able to use the study and apply technique with my sketching :P

Boring update is boring.

Yea, not happy with this - but it's "done"
I liked the concept, I'll probably repaint in it in the future - just... not now, I have a lot to do before xmas... and I'm screwed for tomorrow with time as well.


The holiday season truly is among us...


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
oH, come on, it's not that bad... You could left top of the head/painting dark/black as in concept and it would rock!

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
that last comp is great
keep up the super work ethic

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Really like the pencil portraits. That last horror creature with the dead eyes is scary, but hard to tear your eyes away from. Like maybe it will bite you if you look away. Awesome work!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


That's a huge improvement from the first page. I like your pencil work a lot and your digital stuff seems to be coming along pretty nice as well. Just try to pull your values a bit more together, as it gets a bit muddy in the shadow areas in the last illustration. But don't get me wrong, it's still an awesome piece of work :)

what a journey huh?
good artwork keep it up with the good stuff i also checked in deviant the head study really good
keep hack in it :P

That last piece is coming along nicely! lol i used to watch mean girls all the time with my friends.. whats with that. I wonder if the creators of that movie thought it would have a weird cult following

have you ever tried spending a REALLY long time on a study or imagination piece? I've found that a lot of break throughs can happen when you force yourself to stick to something for 30+ hrs.
I love it. You convey forms nicely and the idea is pretty cool ;3 Only those fingers could use some love. Y U no loving fingerss ;<. Keep the awesomness flowing ;3


Whaaaaaa?! i love it all *___* Badass smrrfette!
Your progress is insane, makes me realize i'm doing something wrong :/
Can't believe this is my first visit here 0_o Your sketchbook is awesome and there's a ton of work and improvements in here, great job!

Whoa! <3 you guys!

kerm - Mwahah! It is... it isssss! But seriously, thanks for the tip kerm! Definitely looks a lot more presentable than what it was originally.

ramalooke - thank youuuu ramalooke! 'Though, now I really don't like this piece :/ and yeah I agree! Could-a, would-a, should-a spent more time on dem fingers... always next time D: thanks for dropping by!

Jarrad - Nothing beats Mean Girls ;) hmm, yeah, every now and then. And I agree... it's usually those longer studies and pieces that I learn a butt-tonne from, though - I feel sketches are just as important as finished pieces.

As Anthony Jones said in his livestream today: there's a lot more practise that goes into learning how to do something in art, but you only need so much time to demonstrate what you've learned. For example, a soccer player would practise 3hrs before a game, but only play for 1.5hrs. Anyways haha, thank you for the comment :D

mrjovi - one day... one day haha. Thank you mrjovi, awesome of you to have swung by my dA... even though I never update it :3

grohn - Ooh, wonderful advice, I noticed my colours were muddy, though I couldn't understand why considering the colour temperature was more controlled; forgot that values account for muddy colours too :P so thanks! By that time though - I'd already given up on it haha... she had became worms meal mwahah!

Tygerson - Thanks Tygerson! Means a lot to hear that. Kinda wish I stuck to it and reeealllyyy finished it, instead of half-assing it once again D:

aks9 -Thanks man and will do <3!

Fedodika - omfg you're THE FUNNIEST DUDE I'VE MET ON THESE FORUMS, FEDODIKA auheuhauehahaha, but yes. I wish I could as well o_O
much lab xoxo

eclip-se - ah man, I wish D: so much I need to work on, I feel dizzy when I think about it haha so I need to keep fighting in the dark... but thank you! And thanks for the comment over on dA <3 Hmm, just keep fighting man, you're already killing it! Think about it like you're playing a strategy game... lots of thinking involved to take out each target ;D

Warburton - Haha thank you muchly Warburton <: your sb is so awesome, damn!

Not much to show at all! Literally a pile of junk and nothing more

Since that last piece, I burned out sooooo badly. So all of these drawings and sketches are literally doodles and poops - just me trying to overcome it.

So, practising new things, watching movies, watching let's plays on YouTube, exercising more, reading... oh and a particular novel I got from a Kris Kringle - thank you again, butt king! - it's called Prince of Thorns, I highly recommend it, it's frickin' awesome!! Aaand yeah, that all helped with breaking through it :D

Plus, December is so damned busy for me! Spirit of giving and whatnot, right? I can't seem to just sit down and focus on one thing without being interrupted/thinking about what I have to do in the near-future, etc.

Anyways, here's the poop I pooped:

Ergrrghg. Just looking at the above makes me want to work harder!

In other news: holy crap it's already December 23rd
HAHA wow

I already know what one of my New Year's res' is gonna be - I'm gonna do a robogabo and post daily in my sketchbook again no matter what and see how that goes (which will be especially easier when I have an SD card on my phone in case I'm outta town).

But yas, not sure if I'll be able to update 'til Jan 1st... all of the celebration...
(tomorrow I'm headed to family for Christmas, getting back home a couple of days after Christmas, then packing bags and headed to the beach to celebrate New Year's with friends from the 28th-2nd of Jan)
so, brace yourselves for a whole lotta


1 year down.

This year has been the quickest year of my life; a year filled with sososo much happiness and... of course with some regret on the side - leaving some friends, etc - it's so bittersweet. But even though I've lost some, I've gained some. I've met some a-may-zing people here in CD who have helped keep me motivated and inspired daily. You guys are awesome, thanks for swinging by my sb and kicking my butt, it's muchly appreciated :D

Studying art proves to be a hard discipline to manage at times - but oh so rewarding.
And finding my passion again after years of coasting in nothingness... I wouldn't give it up for anything.

Words can't describe my feelings about 2013. I've changed so much as a person - from my work ethic, to my lifestyle, to my view of the world.

So yeah, hope each of you have Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I'll see you guys on the other side :') thanks for everything so far, CD


tl;dr Merry Christmas and a Happy, happy New Year to all my fellow daggers <3 <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
... im cruyin...



SunSunSunSunIn loveIn loveIn loveIn loveIn loveIn loveIn love
Thanks! Wish you happy x-mas too! Yeah, also similar to puzzle that you have to fill and it's getting bigger everytime.. keep doing super work and soon you'll be there :)

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