smrrfette's Odyssey
Keeping up a good pace! If you wanna throw yourself a curve ball try drawing with a pen if you haven't =) Keep it up!

Your sketchbook drawings are great, want to see more of these! :D
But your improvement is awesome! I should try to draw with my left hand from time to time haha let's see what comes out xD

Nowio - mhm yep, there will be more, I can assure you of that :) thank you Nowio! Yeah, give it a shot, you've got nothing to lose after all haha

atrenr - thanks man :D yeah, I tend to draw in pen when I feel I'm slacking in the drawing process, I should use it a lot more often though! Will do!

Hypnagogic_Haze - haha thanks Haze :D yeah I'm hoping I can step up my game by understanding how this process works. Oh and yesss! Can't believe I completely forgot about my Chrissy prezzie! Got to give How to Draw some TLC for sure! Challenge accepted!

Still taking it a bit easier with my shoulder. Read quite a bit of Scott Robertson's "How To Draw" (thanks again to Hypnagogic_Haze for sparking my terrible memory)
applied a bit.

Man, perspective. Perspective is so much fun, I can't wait to fully understand it. This and fully understanding form and value. I've got to learn it, I've got to get better. No excuses.

and worked a little on this:

Argh, if I pushed myself, I could have finished this ^ . But you know - I've heard way too many stories of artists pushing themselves too far with injuries and causing serious long-term damage.
Best to just play it safe until I get the ultrasound and x-ray done.
Sooooo, started reading Thor: God of Thunder: Godbomb. Freaking love these comics. And the art is just... :')

Anyway. Going to see a Yoko Ono exhibition tomorrow with some friends. Hoping to learn some cool shit.
And after all, experience shapes an individual.

I'd love to visit more art galleries. Hum ~

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey Smrrfette. All the best for your shoulder and arms :-) Don`t worry, I had similiar problems, it sucks and it is unconvienet but it...happens and you are in good company. Even scott robertson
suffered from carpel tunnel and he is still drawing and designing :-)

"posivite thinking" is a good thing as you said, practicing it as well. However, I`m not a fan of the fanclub. After having seeing "the secret" I researched this whole phenomena and I was a bit shocked...about people. I found people in forums who are in their 40s asking if it is ok to be angry from time to time. Other folks who are afraid of listening to the hobbit soundtrack because it is melancholic and this could attract more melancholia into their life. Argh, crazy people.

Back to art: your constantly improving, nice. Post 707 is simply great (the hammer sharke dude)


Hope your arm gets well!
Perspective studies are looking neat and that illustration wip is coming along nicely.
Do tons of left hand drawings though, because when your right arm heals up you can DUAL DRAW!

Oh nice...friendship. ha ha that must be great.
wonder what that's like...

-stares out window. longing.-

Sweet sketchbook, you've got a lot of good things going here.

For that last WIP, I think it would be cool if you made the canvas taller and made the demon dude HUGE. That way you're sort of looking past the hooded figure's shoulder at this towering monster in the distance. Just a thought.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next... preferably without wrecking your arm :P

JJ Aaron - thanks man :) ooh, interesting take on it. Initially it was just meant to be a sketch finished within a day -but that didn't work out because I'm still getting into the swing of doing imaginative work. :/ but yeah, if it were a piece I was hoping to put in my portfolio, I'd have spent a lot more time on composition, etc.

Mannyhaatz - LOL Manny xD ! But yeah I know right?
I'm extremely lucky to still have some good friends to be honest. I've learned that the good ones are the ones that stick by no matter what. Taken a long while to believe that without any regret.
crackedskull - Heck yeaaaah, more left handed drawings for sure! Thanks cracked, gotta keep at it. Especially perspective omg :D

constructicon - Thanks you! Whoa, I never knew Scott had serious arm problems like that - I thought he managed super well throughout his art career. Thanks for the eye-opener! Yeah I'm just happy the doc realised where the problem was located (finally), hopefully I'll be able to get it working at 100% again, so that I can be at my best again. :)
And lol, people are strange like that. If anything, I love listening to melancholic, dramatic, aggressive music while I work - anything that tugs on my emotions, y'know?

Haha thanks for dropping by constructicon, your comments are full of gold nuggets!
Keep it going man!

Fedodika - You kill me Fedodika! You absolutely kill me HAHA <3
V Day for me was actually yesterday... sooooo... you're too late ;_; hahaha
mach lav 4 u tho

Yoko Ono's The War Is Over exhibition was surprisingly great ^ ^
super inspired

Though, I only have this half-assed poop done on the train for today:

It's funny, it's like there are two parts of me fighting when I draw - the part that has studied and loves realism, anatomy, etc. And the old me, the cartoon doodler, full of incorrect proportions and whatnot. :/ by just letting the pencil flow - it's either 50/50 or just plain terrible.
I've never wanted to force a "style" upon myself; but it sure as hell feels that way some times.
Unnatural. Not nice. Not me.

Eh, just more ramblings. Don't mind me.

Tomorrow will be legit.


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
How was the gallery? Where was it?

Looking really really good. I hope the injury is nothing serious. Keep on pushing, but don't risk any lasting damage, short terms gains are never worth long term problems :)

Jaik- Oh man, it was great! I mean - I'm in no way a fan of contemporary art... But damn, y.o. stepped it up. I forgot how many different mediums she dabbled in throughout her career.
It was at the MCA - which is easy to get to from where I live.
Hmm hopefully not, its just the same recurring injury from last year. Its just nice that I'm finally getting to the bottom of it. :) but yeah exactly, it just isn't worth it! So I am taking it much slower... *sigh* haha
Thanks for the support Jaik--!

Not much at all, I read stuff today, tried applying perspective stuff from imagination... Haha. Ha.
But it sure is interesting. Very interesting.
Top three using right hand, the rest left.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Ballpoint <3


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Love that penwork.

That painting of the archer and demon is coming along great!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


[Image: awY2X4F.gif]

atrenr - Mwahah! Yeeeep, dapens make me :) when I'm feeling :(

Tygerson - Thanks Tygerson ^ ^!

Fedodika - Yup, yup. Fuelling the fire <3

Ursula Dorada - Haha <3

Gotta get my shit together. Bad habits are starting to arise - it's funny how that happens, working on such a high and then blah, downhill all over again.
A change in the daily routine screws me all up.
So yeah.
Working on it!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Still clearing my head

So just this for today:

Firstly, I applied an arm without revising, then I studied an arm, applied what I learned, studied the arm again and drew it over.


From head

Its this kind of studying that helps me remember a hell of a lot. But it has always been the fear of seeing what I don't remember the first time of application without revision which put me off this technique. Such b.s.



sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
So much friggin dedication in here 0.0, like real serious work in here. Really cool and inspiring to see
Those king Arthur illus are really nice, who did them?
I'm not sure about some of the value studies you did. Like for some it feels you focus on light vs shadow, regardless of the silhouette it creates, and for others you group some of the lights in darker tones. Like for the first one you put the light parts of the horse on 50% grey, but then it makes the image hard to understand from a value perspective. Maybe try and think about both light vs shadow
and silhouette at the same time, and find a compromise

Tom Seas -Thank you Tom! I belive they're N.C Wyeth illustrations - check out this blog, it's golden... haha
Oh yeah, about that first one of the thumbs - I was meant to go over that before I uploaded it. It was the first and worst of the lot as it's very hard to understand what's going on :/ and yeah I see your point. I did these to study value in their simplest form. Only using 3 values and trying to get every thumb readable from a distance. It's nothing more than a value grouping exercise ~
Thanks for your input, Tom, always appreciated!

Finally - I'm getting the x-ray and ultrasound for my shoulder done tomorrow hnnggggggg--!

Just some stuff

Same idea for the arm studies. The weird dude was the starting point. From here I applied the same technique as mentioned above.
Will need to apply what I learned more however. Sketchbook here I come!

perspective warm up

value study to colour:

and a tip:

and I SAID I was going to finish this. Even if that means essentially starting over:

Lets keep going guys -
Keep going and going, beating any bs negative thoughts getting in our way of becoming the best we can be!
[Image: large.gif]

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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