smrrfette's Odyssey
EduardoGaray - oh man there's so much to crit though lol aaaah thanks so much Eddy (:

Sir-lex - haha Ikr xD s'all good, I gave myself a time limit and it ran out before I fixed that shonky arm. Thanks Sir-lex <3

wla91 - Mmmm one day hopefully... thanks wla-!

Fedodika - lolol ty fedo <3 <3 #MORETIMEPLS D:

seriously. auuughhhguhgg...

quick head experimenting before bed. looks gross, but I'm figuring things out and having fun

some photo studies

2 hr sketch - really experimented on this... made right after a fckin failure of a self portrait study which I ended up deleting (something I raaaaaaaarely do) because it disgusted me at just how rusty I am.
I'm so slow and ughhh.

Need to do more.
Need to study more.
Need to sketch more.

... need to start this commission O_O
sdajsaif sdf


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Lovely hand studies, you've conveyed the subtle shifts in shape real well with them. I find that hard to do, ends up looking like sausage tubes. It's inspiring is what it is!
Been a while since i poked my head in here and took a look at your stuff, really nice to see how you've evolved your skills. Especially notable in the second pokemon painting, lighting and texture be crisp! No crits from me this time... ;P

Adzerak - thanks Adzerak <3 haha hands... I still definitely need to work on understanding their structure from imagination D: and still lots of evolving to do! thanks again!

My portraitssssssss suuuuuuuuuuck! I need to draw a BUNCH more heads. Structure is a huge weakness of mine, I really noticed this when digi sketching the b+w chic :/

warm up stuff:

imagination uuuuuughh
what are proportions? :

been trying to do more sketches from imagination:

I could've been so much better by now -- had I used all that -once owned- precious time wisely. I'm so stupid for wasting SO MUCH OF IT.

All I can do is move forward now.
Letting go of the past in 3... 2... 1...

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
how duz one become a smrrfette??

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - LOL! hit your funny bone on every edge in your house :D

forgive me for shitty update
scanner is all "where is memory card pls?" I'll fix that soon

Been working on the last commission I'll have for a while, I think :P so not much to show from there.

little study for it:

Maaaan I've gotta stop putting off studies. It's like once I realised I can sketch a bit easier... I can't stand sitting down (lol) and doing studies! Maybe I'm just lazy - but this needs to be worked on... I must do it... FOR HIM! v v
[Image: 1425398623_shia-labeouf-467.jpg]

lastly, a did a thing for Kill La Kill (just started watching it and f&@*#ng love it!)

It's got that perverted Japanese humour that I love so much and the animation and action is aaaaaaahh ~

Tried a different style, had a LOT of fun.

That's all for now >_<

fahk these weaknesses. MATERIALS - I'M HUNTING YOU DOWN.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Materials make me go ughhhhh. I know the feeling.

Nice update! I don't know why I haven't watched Kill La Kill yet, I'm probably gonna love it haha

heey! Man I love those Pokémon illustrations!
Your rendering is really good.
Keep posting! Would love to see more!
Great to see all the new stuff from you. Pokemon paintings look rad and I also like your dude rendering on #763

Keep it up smrr, you’re SO good already, you gotta keep pushing! You can do it!! Don’t worry too much about being slow… I know it’s painful to see time ticking away so quickly but there’s not much to be done other than *invest even more time*, and always try figuring out quicker/better ways to do stuff. But no beating yourself up over it!

Btw, I love your pencils, they feel very.. natural to me. Like, the lines you make just feel sooo good. …And I’m totally doing a bad job explaining what I mean! Duh D:

Keep it up!!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
YAY Smrr <3

1) Kill la Kill High Five o/
2) daaayum girl that fireman face: you NAILED it! It looks awesome in every way I can think about it. MOAR PLZ

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiet I love y'all <3

Ursula Dorada -  Cheers Sula! :D oh guuuuuuuurll I can't wait to have time to finish off KLK ^___^ and gah, I need to work on faces x10 D: but more will be coming for sure (mostly failed shit tho haha)

Lyraina -  Aaaaaaaaah, you're too kind Lyra! Thank you for the kind words and easing my miiiiiind about speed n____n will do o/! 

crackedskull -  Thanks Cracked! <3

VoodooMama - Hey thanks Voodoo! Ahaha, I have lots to work on with my rendering ^_^ I'll keep posting though, because, well, I don't wanna end up with another pile up of scans like this o_o haha

wla91 -  thanks wla! Yeah materials are hard af! So I gotta tackle them and stop putting 'em off!
And HEY! YOU MUST. WATCH. KILL LA KILL-! O___________O you probs will love it :D!

Alright, I'ma drop these here - it's moooost(?) of the sketchbook crap I had lying around the house (literally, I found some under my bed after redecorating my room lol)
The landscape scans are from my new(ish) sketchbook, it's an A5 sized one and is mostly used for experimenting, thumbnails and some observation studies. 
Then we have some life drawing from earlier this year that I attended with Cam (ImSkeptical). Ended up stopping for a bit due to the bleeping driving fines I got, thus the non-art job to pay them off etc. But I'll return hopefully in July some time, depending on whether I've settled the debt/Schoolism course isn't too cray.
Then there's some poopy sketches. Yep, so much failing. SO MUCH. Yes.
Fckin... ugh.
Also, the first couple of coloured scanned pages turned out shit because scanner be like: "how 2 compute colou-lour-lourrr...?"
Anyway, a little Bargue (can't find the others), gestures from today, ellipsis' and lines and fundamental stuff from today because I am SO rusty and I want y'all to know that I'll be doing these for warm-ups alongside gesture work in the mornin's'. (won't be scanning them because jayzus chrooist).


Then we have a couple of digi studies from today. 
An Ansel Adams b&w study. about 40mins?
Ever noticed how trees are similar to anatomy? hum.

And a colour study about 40-50mins? Trying to use a specific colour palette picked at the start - something I overlook/never do because I SUCK at it. Thus, here we are. Doing the thing.

Gonna be working on the Rural Fire Service commission from now to dinner, sketch at dinner and them back to the commission after. It's time crunch time and I've only got 7.5 days to complete this piece.

Le go! 

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Dang smrr, this last update is lookin nice. Some of these figure drawings are spot on. Also, wanted to say those Pokemon illustrations on post #752 came out phenomenal, really a step up.

From the looks of it, I'd say one of the things you might need some work on in your pencil drawings, are the faces. And I don't really want to say that, because you're already doing so many face studies; some of them with stylistic choices in mind. Like in post #763 those face experiments came out looking quite interesting and unique because of that.

If you are struggling with faces, one way of doing studies might be by beginning the day with the modeling of the head/face. Fill a folder with faces you find on the web and try doing a page or two of gesture head drawings timed at 30-60 secs, and only focus on the most basic shapes. Leave out the details for now, and focus more on trying to model head/face accurately, and add in the construction lines for the brow the eyes the nose and the mouth. Then try a longer study with the same approach. You're already doing so many face drawings from memory so there's no problem with the testing yourself part of the study. I don't think it's that time consuming of an exercise, but it does help drill the process into the subconscious mind.
smrr your butting awesome!
that pokemon sketch... ohh weee... ill buy a PSD for that for sure.
though the gengar one looks unfinished tho?
sketches are looking good as well. ive been drawing with graphite for years now , and still dont get close to the cleanliness of your drawings.

so yeah keep it up!

Seriously those 20 min figure drawings are awesome! Would totally love to know the measuring technique your using!

Awesome to see all these traditional sketchbook pages, reminds me of Daniel Chavez back in the day. He swears by traditional being the most educational.

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
All those traditional sketchbook pages are super sweet and inspiring to see, and your digital has some really nice brush strokes. Keep up the great work!
What the hell! Where did all those pages come from. You are a machine Steph! A MACHINE!!!

Was ultra cool chilling at Supanova. We need to keep up the monthly things.. maybe after this mentorship is over xP Maybe you guys could journey to my neck of the woods and we could do some plein air stuff?

(make you sit on a train for 2 hrs so you can feel my shittyrail pain!)

Thanks for stopping by e'eryone <3 <3 <3

Jaik - Haha I wish! And yeah hey, back at ya! Also you know how I feel about chilling up your way n_n plein air studies would be boss with you two, besides I've never done any before o:

lillysparks -  Thanks Lilly! Means a lot <3

Fedodika - Yassssssss Fedodikaaa yasssssssssss, my faces sucks saggy-ass hairy ballsacks, yaaaaaaasssssssssss ~ ~ workin' on it, I swerrrrr :D! ty bby! xxxoxoxox

Jonesoda -  Aaaah thank you Jones! Hmm, technique, I guess I used a combination of all the figure books/vidyas I've learned from over the past couple of years? Nothing special, just drew a long vert line to mark head to toe, then halved that to get the mid-section, quartered that, etc to get the basic head-stack height and went from there... then I went all Vilppu and Hogarthy and all that jazz :P oh and yeah man, Daniel Chavez is amazeballs n_________n :D ! But yeah I'd have to agree with him haha.

KurtJeremy -   Hey thank you a lot, Kurt! Wait, what!? You'd "buy" a .PSD of that? Holy shit o____o you're too kind, srsly. Haha and yeah, I'm not surprised you noticed that, considering the second piece took a quarter of the time the first one took :( nothing I can do now, I'm just happy the client liked it (though as the artist I'm not satisfied ofc haha) 
But still, big thank you and glad you're honest enough to voice your opinions on it ^_^

Dennis Kutsenko - Thank you kind words and holy crapolaaaaaaa thank you for the awesome feedback, Dennis! I always knew heads were me downfall, even though I love to draw them... but it's because I've been too much of a pussy to delve back into head construction (because it kicks my ass). Let's change that. Plenty more head construction studies in the future!


So my faces suck ;D
It's because I can't wrap my fickle mind around the concept of 3D shapes. One 3D shape in particular: the sphere.
Simple shape... hard af to wrap not only head around but my pencil  too! 
So today marks the day I shove  my pencil  up any and every sphere  that opposes me on my trek to conquer head construction!

Man, I need friendsss.


Applying construction to photos because I got distracted:

Applying from imagination:

Digi sketch:

Also crackin' on the Fireman commission, will show eventually

onward to a better tomorrow daggers <3 o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
ayyy, your faces are lookin better already. Keep doing these construction drawings every day if you can, even if it's just a page a day. You got this for sure, just laugh off any signs of weakness and take control of it, one step at a time.

Some inspiration:

Wow! Agree with Dennis
Faces are looking much better in that last update, nice rendering also!

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