Reed wants to draw better... at last
So here is my sketchbook

Hi there folks! im relatively new to digital painting. (well i painted digitally in the past, but that was just for fun)
After i failed to study biology (i broke up after the math-lessons creeped the sh*t out of me) i did the thing my parents feared the most: i went to art school.
So here i am, art student from Germany trying to be a part of the awesome art-community here, to draw a lot, to learn a lot, oh, and to have a great time of course.

so i will try to upload some sketches every day here since i´m working every day (at least doing some gesture-drawings or so)

As a beginner, i have to say that i suck on many things.
Therefore, critics are always welcome here! :D

i will also try to focus on digital stuff, cause this is the goal i want to reach one day: to be proud to say i´m an digital artist

so i´ll start up with some older stuff i did last year first:

[Image: soulcagefiend_zps3e11b45b.jpg]

[Image: kemba_zps881a140e.jpg]

[Image: traveler_zpsabf2050b.jpg]

all of the above are from last summer.

Aaand some studies from this week:

LotR Armor:

[Image: armorstudy_zps38f418ed.jpg]

Piece of wood:

[Image: woodstudy_zps7560d28f.jpg]
Looking good man, I like what you did with that piece of wood :)

Today was a good day, i could leave university earlier and had nearly the whole day to draw x]

i drew a lot an Din A2 so here are just some A4 sheets i scanned in:

[Image: img003_zpsf99f6876.jpg]
[Image: img001_zps5dfc0de9.jpg]
[Image: img002_zpsb95cff07.jpg]

and some digital stuff... i need to work on my portraits... i got serious nose-problems any tips?

[Image: portrait1_zps335f562e.jpg]

[Image: legspart1_zpseef07fd3.jpg]

[Image: study_zpsa65cb73a.jpg]
Hahaha, the keyboard sucks in this one XP
okay, till tomorrow then ^^
Hey Reed, just saw your message on Eriks/ Niim's thread. Ok, you're in. You have to draw a portrait a day and I will personally kick your ass if you miss it even for one day. We only started this yesterday so you found us just in time. The timer resets everyday so jump right in.
1 nil to you today. Me and Nim have already uploaded ours.
Good luck and feel free to give us a shout if you need any help/ critique.

Live everyday like its your last one.
So here we go... my daily portrait and some Pelvis-stuff

Daily Portrait #2:
...why do my portraits always have this crappy manga-look ... its because of the eyes i think :/

[Image: portrait3_zpsdb7e518f.jpg]

See.... crappy manga-look! :€

[Image: arms_zpsbf0283e8.jpg]

Studies from Hogarth

[Image: img004_zps298b0e31.jpg]
[Image: img005_zps5e96da0a.jpg]

Studies from Bammes

[Image: femalestudy_zps1ce98091.jpg]

some value sketching...

see you tomorrow for more stuff! :D
nice paintings and studies! I like that lion warrior! (: that bammes book, is it the thin yellowish one or some other? I bought the thin one but it didn't have hardly any anatomical stuff in it... I think I got the wrong one...

Hi nim! thank you, i have the thic blue bammes book: (don´t know if this is available in english). but a fellow student bought this one: and the content is nearly the same ^^
Okay this time i am a little earlier than usual, because i meet with some friends in the evening. had nearly no time to draw today, cause i overslept:

some random poses from imagination:

[Image: img006_zps26bd1f7f.jpg]
[Image: img008_zps55928dbc.jpg]

and some anatomy from imagination:
[Image: img007_zps7b9eb0d0.jpg]

and my daily portrait #3:
[Image: portrait4_zps2d5a0ca0.jpg]

till tommorrow then ^^
Very good stuff from imagination. Some of your poses look a little stiff maybe because you indicated contracted muscles where there should not be? But they're all good sketches, I like the dynamism in there.

I have a question, I always read that "Bammes" stuff on other sketchbooks and searched online what is it about. So it's a book ok, but as it is german, do you just reproduce the sketches in there with steps that are depicted (as some sort of tutorial?) ?

Hello I'm Ryan, I'm 19yo. I live in Paris, France. :)
my portfolio | my deviantart | my sketchbook
I like your pose and Bammes studies
@ Eleze. Well, in bammes books are no poses or gestures (like in Hogarths books for example) He merely writes down everyting in his texts and shows (in case of muscles) where everyting ins connected and so on. He goes very deep into anatomy and you can find awesome pictures of simplificated bones and muscles in it.
Basically you can learn how muscles interact with another and what you can see in the end.

the sketches from today are more inspired by Andrew Loomis figure drawing ^^(well exept the bone-stuff this are simplificated ones, like bammes do them)

don´t know if i have explained this the right way, but go to , scroll down and look at the vid there :D (and wait till 0.30 the beginnig is a little boring :)

@ Nikt: Thank you very much ^^
Okay Day 5!

my portraits drive me crazy i really don´t know what im doin wrong all the time... they just look like sh*t :€ Blearg, this drives me into madness!! is anyone with tips out there?!

[Image: portrait5_zps508b6cb2.jpg]

Daily portrait N#4 i really fucked up everyting in this
... need to study skin-rendering :/
again, same problem with the manga-eyes... tomorrow will be eye-practice all day!
[Image: portrait6_zpsbbe63653.jpg]

And some legs and funny faces:
[Image: img010_zpse2b9dcdf.jpg]
[Image: img009_zps5b4be158.jpg]
[Image: img011_zps01b3b4a0.jpg]

see you tomorrow!
I love your leg's study, really good stuff :)

Day 6

Thank you Silverkeeper :D

Daily portrait#5 still not happy with this one
i will do some value experiments next time, cause they look all flat
[Image: portrait7_zpsa97834d2.jpg]

and some anatomy studys from bammes and imagination:
[Image: img012_zpscbdf0725.jpg]
Bwahaha, this skull looks like: Gnarf!
[Image: img013_zps09b2841f.jpg]

c ya tomorrow!
Wow, you're line work in your studies are really nice. I'm pretty jealous, haha. It's so clean.

In the paintings you've got on here I noticed that some of the values are on the brighter side of things, and could go much darker in some areas. A lot of them are just lacking volume, and they appear flat. Your skin in the paintings could probably do with a bit more color in it, a few more reds, pinks, and richer colors overall. It doesn't seem like you have determined a light sourced in many of these paintings either, or the light source isn't working hard enough. As a result they appear dimly light, if at all, or by some sort of indirect light source. This is probably another reason some of them are looking flatter than they should.

Your lines are you strong point at the moment, keep hitting the values, color and lighting hard. I'd suggest a bunch of studies revolving around these things. Hope this was of some help. :]

Day 7

Thx Archreux, i will study values and light sources next ^^

Today was portrait day :D (well the only portrait im okay with is the last one the rest are like: "WTF did i just draw 20 minutes ago ?!")

Daily Portrait#6:

[Image: portrait8_zps8be2b588.jpg]

[Image: portrait9_zps944bb5f5.jpg]

[Image: portrait10_zps189f3960.jpg]

and some leg studies again... i have no idea how to draw this pose properly, especially the patella, i hate it when legs are bended like that.

[Image: Scan1_zpsfaa7491b.jpg]

c ya tomorrow!
Okay, day 8

Just ma daily Portrait#7 i also did some backbone-studies but im too tired to scan them in.
this one is from the cover of a book i bought, i think the original is from Daarken.
...and something is wrong with his neck :/

[Image: portrait11_zpsd53ace8e.jpg]

more tomorrow!
Day 9

Daily portrait #9

[Image: portrait12_zps263c3c04.jpg]

and some anatomy stuff and poses (all from imagination except the spine-stuff)

[Image: Scan12_zps1e2366ef.jpeg]
[Image: Scan1_zps10e59cf4.jpeg]
[Image: Scan13_zps066c0ac6.jpeg]
[Image: Scan11_zpsc2bcd618.jpeg]

more tomorrow, need to study more color theory and value :/
Day 10

Wasn´t at home all day so all i did was this page with a self portrait
[Image: Scan14_zpsd19df836.jpeg]

tomorrow there will be more, cya
good work (: I recommend you hunt portraits with good lighting (a strong value range and a simple lighting (few light sources)) and try to draw another head and a somewhat different angle but learning from the light/shading in the ref piece. desaturating and working in b/w first is often thought a quicker path of learning. keep it up!


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