Stuff from Crimson Crucible 6 Creepy Companionzzzz Challenge (that's 5 goddamn C's. Shit), the little of the stuff i did in November and the beginning of December annnnnd today's stuff. I have my shiny drawing schedule made too.

I never hated my work until now. Maybe it's because cents and dollars are slowly leaving my bank account as we speak. It's a nice feeling though, I'm mostly being hyperbolic. but, ya know. All truth is said in jest.

A lot of the stuff after the spooky shit is drawn from my mind; I was trying to knock off the rust that slowly began to cake on my brain. 

Yup, dat be it. Day 1 was actually mehhhh aoghiuh weiughiu aiighhht.
Not so bad. I wanna finish more designs and color/render some stuff.


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Tryin' to figure it out. Combining concepts 1 and 2 via potara fusion. 

Skinny bodies have deceptively big heads, but I'm definitely overdoing the big head part loool (and fuck they look wonky when i mindlessly sketch them haha). Still hoping to exhaust my knowledge before I turn to ref being the bulk of studies. Figurin it out...but I observe tons of stuff when I eat lunch; i try to pull from that.

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This is the concept I'm going to clean up in PS tomorrow.  I want to make this into a character illustration: kid ganondorf charging up a spell, lookin fierce. Phattitude levels at 100%

I like the looks busy...maybe because there's no value or color to break up the sharpness...maybe because I busied it up with TOO MANY DAMN SHIT.

Has elements from all 4 designs. Maybethat's why HA

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Stuff n things. I don't know whether to try to bring the image to a more realistic looking render or push the strengths that the lines/sketchy look brings.

I don't even know if companies that are known to be entry points for beginningging freelancers even use low render, line-esque drawings in their IPs.


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Hey Jak I like the rectangular shape patterns on the little kid ganondorf guy, are you using south american clothing for reference?

It's shaping up really well Jak! If I may suggest one thing, I would reconsider the background colours. The purple is fighting for attention over the character himself, and the character is becoming a bit lost (especially in the 2nd iteration). Grey - light grey is always a great combination as they allow the character to take center stage. If you dig the purple, however, maybe opt for making the background a lot lighter than the character.

I hope that is helpful to you. I'm loving seeing this character take form. Keep it up n___n
DQ_Nick: Nuh uh... that's actually really interesting though, i looked at some stuff you were referring to and yeah: they do look very south african-inspired, haha! I'm actually mixing Indian design elements and the designs already laid out in the game's world/culture. I just took that bit and punched it all the way up. Thanks, duude :  )

chubbycat: Thanks! I chose purple so that it would contrast with the warmer colors in the design...still coulda made the background lighter, like you mentioned. Purple/ grey or somethin'..right right? 

Drawing has been so much fun. It wasn't fun last week though. I wanted to die last week. And yesterday.
Last night, I was stretching my back because it felt so good cuz it hurt so damn bad. But I stretched too far and felt  my spine explode into pieces like Martha Wayne's fucking pearl necklace when she was murdered in front of a child man-bat.
I'm working on a young Nabooru now! My ganon was alright, but people only tumblr liked it! Got all kinds of NOTIFICATIONS N SHIT. 

ANYWAYS, here's stuff from today. I died last few days of last week. But I was reborn and apparently got a zenkai boost or some shit because I was i FLEW through today's shits.

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You've come a long way in here bruh

Love this pose and expression; Keep em comin you're on the right path!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
hey! great sketches (especially the ones in 308)!
I agree with chubbycat though. I'd always test the contrast in black and whiter. so you can make sure that you have the most possible contrast between the character and the background. Also the further something is away the less it should be saturated.
Great stuff though! keep it up!
Oh and btw how does that turn out with your timetable? I got one as well but it's really tough for me to stick to it! ;)
gregorkari: ahh, I get it. That makes sense 0___0. I'll go back and fix that image and this current image haha. Wish i read this sooner :P 'preciate that, mane
Oh, the timetable feels good. Not difficult to abide by on a daily basis. Sure it gets rough, but that's usually because of what I'm working on during a particular moment, not the schedule itself. I actually updated it.

Fedodika: Thanks man! Shit don't change til you get up and wipe your ass. That's all it is at the end of the day lmao ;  )

My sorta finished re-imagining of NABOORU, a YOUNG Nabooru. Ganondorf's second-in-command. And i updated my schedule.

Gotta study form n shit so i can finish this and ol ganon boyo.

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New, but old; but newbut oldbuttiihygiophoijuiyyguhefuytgoyi878580ptreedfrtygtyh


been a year nd a half and this is all i have hhahahahahaaaaaa 

I'll probably delete this sketchbook again in a few months and ask amit or somebody else with mod magic to restore it after another 18 or so months.


Nah, i'm gonna treat her right. for real this time, i promise bebe lol

oh, and the timetable didn't work. it never worked lmao

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Lovin them clean lines bruv <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks, Fedodika! I need to do more than just line stuff lol people have been telling me that for the longest. I made a conscious effort to at least vary it some in this post a by using softer lead and changing up the line-weight. 

Planning to go further in that I need to get uncomfortable with figures while continuing to improve character/personality/nuance/storytelling. just design in general: the whole nine yards lol

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i think you have some good simplifications with how you draw anatomy, like arms and legs. Yea branching out is tough, specially when you get comfortable with something. You can always try pushing poses more, i dont see a ton of dynamic poses in your work, but your faces have a cool style. If you want to get into values you could try adding some simple backgrounds to your characters like clouds, rocks or lava or something, something that you can easily be ambiguous, but can be laid in to enhance the focal areas of your characters :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey Jaktrayter! I see lots of potential in this sketchbook. If you push a bit further, i sense that your character designs will be quite awesome.
Hope you don´t mind that did a quick paintover on the character. She reminds me of Temaki from Naruto with a mix of Avatar. Without knowing the character´s context, did a rough sketch considering that she might be a a ninja.

As Fedodika pointed out, dynamic poses would improve your work a lot ( i need also to push the dynamism of my chars. poses also)


fedodika- yeah the poses are definitely next on the list! thanks for stopping by : ) : )

RickRichards-Thanks, your version's great! I was more so exploring her figure than her costume design but i didn't want her standing in that pose naked, so i covered her up in whatever. I like some of your anatomy edits : )

I haven't seriously demonstrated my costume design chops in such a long time...but you've inspired me! Thanks for stopping by! : ) : )

Glad it has inspired you haha!

some update art s

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better jak! lovin the boobs <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
fedodika: boooobs :P

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