Dana's Sketchbook
(02-04-2013, 06:41 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: yes, the values and the depth of field mainly, but also integrating the characters with the environment, to do that you need to create harmony between the character colors and the background.

I know i am like a spambot always saying the same, but if you can get these two books:

-Color and Light, and Imaginative realism both by James Gurney.

Those books will help you greatly.

Alright i'll work on that!
And spam as much as you want, i can use all the help i can get haha.
I'll see where i can order the books from :) Thanks!

Ordered Imaginative Realism, it's on it's way! Yay!

Also a little update, Heavenwill gave me some awesome advise on it;
[Image: 820719_10200430596352593_1918523068_o.jpg]

Thingy i did tonight, intending on painting it too;
[Image: 600747_10200433163856779_1423626724_n.jpg]
Used ref for the woman!

Screenshotstudythingy we did @ hang out;

[Image: 529148_10200434117720625_1957853312_n.jpg]

Got tired of it at the end as you might be able to see!

A few of my sketches, really need to do more :(

[Image: 856932_10200544074909486_556600778_o.jpg]
The right eye on the left character is a little weird lol

[Image: 858177_10200544076949537_2014577563_o.jpg]

[Image: 251686_10200544069829359_1930242124_n.jpg]

[Image: 859815_10200544076109516_45835520_o.jpg]

Update on the boobie woman:
[Image: 857993_10200609824153176_1656545401_o.jpg]

And a new one i have started in the mean time, ToxicPanda painted me, and i still had to paint her so decided to turn her into Sylvanas hihi! A lot of fixing still needed here but only just blocked in the colors and all that;
[Image: kristinawip_zpsa1e32a7d.jpg]


Used a mirror thingy
[Image: blerp_by_pupsie-d5y9ee2.jpg]

Dana! I'm so glad that you started with your sketchbook update :D Can't wait to see your dragon lady finished and my portrait too xD
Also-big wow on self study. Just love how you painted the hair.

Great stuff, Dana! You are so much better at faces than I am :P
Can't really say a lot other than that atm, but I'm glad you are working hard :)
Thanks sweeties!
And that's only because that's all i've ever drawn/painted, sjoerd ;p

Your master studies are really good! And I really like that last line drawing too.

Thanks Nylelevi!

Some more thingies:
[Image: 64707_10200754127800677_436990489_n.jpg]
Gesture things, i believe i spent about 1-2 mins on each of these

[Image: study_by_pupsie-d5z44uy.jpg]
Colour and light study

Your color study is very cool !
Beware of the "chicken scratch" on the gesture study. The principle of gesture study is loong and dynamic lines which describe the direction of movement or weight ... Here the accuracy is quite good, but the line is "hairy" and discontinued. Try to make clean unique lines ;)
Here is an example of gesture drawing http://conteanimated.com/wp-content/gall...ge_068.jpg (from http://conteanimated.com/the-book/)
I admire your sense of accuracy though, yours drawings are really good ! =) So try to see the figure in forms and volumes too !

Pardon my english.
(03-25-2013, 06:36 AM)Virid Rain Wrote: Your color study is very cool !
Beware of the "chicken scratch" on the gesture study. The principle of gesture study is loong and dynamic lines which describe the direction of movement or weight ... Here the accuracy is quite good, but the line is "hairy" and discontinued. Try to make clean unique lines ;)
Here is an example of gesture drawing http://conteanimated.com/wp-content/gall...ge_068.jpg (from http://conteanimated.com/the-book/)
I admire your sense of accuracy though, yours drawings are really good ! =) So try to see the figure in forms and volumes too !

Ooooh! Some lovely advice right there, thanks a lot!
I'll keep that in mind next time i do gesture studies haha :)

And thanks for the compliments!

Also did a bit more work on this piece;
[Image: 903072_10200754900579996_1916923990_o.jpg]

Doodle i worked on today, actually really prefer the sketch over the painted face i did.. :(
[Image: 893147_10200765506325133_1398239433_o.jpg]

Intended to do a mirror colour study but made dinner in the mean time and when i got back the light was all gone, so had to improvise;
[Image: 392755_10200777469784212_136322468_n.jpg]
Was fun to do the sketch though :)

Commision work - originally a anime OC;
[Image: leahaheahealeahaehaealeha_by_pupsie-d5zq7ka.jpg]

[Image: 906674_10200795656158860_851067126_o.jpg]

[Image: 883382_10200817068294150_1651344682_o.jpg]

Love your latest self portrait and that recent study. Also this most recent WIP is gonna be epic when it's done. Keep at it!! Don't stop Dana! Finish this!

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