Nyle Levi's Sketchbook!
Thank you Kevin, Virid and Craig :)

So here is what I've been working on recently. A quick lip study and process steps of a Shaman/Voodoo lady image I've been working on.

Still a work in process. Hope you like :)

It´s starting cool, I love how you handle yor values, not just in this one but in many others, one thing I think would benefit the piece is increasing the size of the skirt just creat more balance.
Thanks a lot Wolf.

Here is an update to the shaman lady pic. Going to leave it like this for a while I wanna move on to other things lol.

Some legs studies. Plan to do a lot of anatomy studies starting NOW!

More legs:

Great studies, but don't forget to apply them!
Applying after a study will make you learn a ton more than just doing the study.
(03-31-2013, 05:20 AM)RockOnGuy Wrote: Great studies, but don't forget to apply them!
Applying after a study will make you learn a ton more than just doing the study.

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely make sure to do that!

Here's something I did recently:

Morning studies. Plan to do more today.

Really cool sketchbook, by looking at your studies I see you have a clear understanding what to study to improve. Try not to neglect the background so much, but other than that you are on the right direction!

Thanks Dom, yeah it's true I do really neglect the backgrounds lol I need tow ork on that.

But for now here are some more head studies:

I'm also doing a 14 day challenge where I try and draw the same head every day for 14 days without references. Each day I will receive crit and then apply that to the next day's head. Hopefully I will see improvement!

Day 2. Ignore the bust lol I had no idea what I was doing.

I love those animals. Great job getting those darks in there on that last post. The way you draw kind of reminds me of drawings in toned notebooks, with the paper for the mid tones and the highlights put in manually instead of erased out from the white of the paper.

Warning to all. It's kind of image heavy. My Sketchbook
Yeah MusicMetalHead, I guess that is the way I draw lol.

So here are Days 3, 4 and 5! :)

[Image: PhakiOv.jpg]

[Image: 2romwth.jpg]

[Image: Ae1PMAu.jpg]

Still going with this challenge. Waiting for the next Bloodsports to start.

[Image: IvbH7zp.jpg]

[Image: YbR0jtw.jpg]

[Image: W3LtGK8.jpg]

[Image: VzktSCR.jpg]

[Image: I2qB5q2.jpg]

Finished the challenge, now moving onto anatomy.

[Image: ldlqLO4.jpg]

[Image: LH5iDIw.jpg]

[Image: jgXoy3q.jpg]

[Image: FoWNAsQ.jpg]

[Image: 86Q3IRr.jpg]

[Image: zUm3ZNG.jpg]

[Image: jq2jdd.jpg]

[Image: 5o93b.jpg]

small update:

[Image: 6hrIvYA.jpg]

[Image: NZK8KYq.jpg]

Hey you got yourself one nifty sketchbook here.

Cool portrait work and nice film study

if your looking to improve your figures. why not try pixel lovelys drawing course mode it helped me a bunch. Also the vilppue drawing manual is hands down my favorite.


Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
hey Levi...
thanks for stopping by my sketchbook..
i learned anatomy from http://www.alienthink.com/ 's videos... it's very good..
i also use anatomy books...
"Michael Hampton- Figure Drawing - Design and Invention"... is a good one..
after i learned the whole figure i did tons of gesture.. it helps a lot.. but you need to know anatomy

hope it helps..
Nice studies man. Keep it up, the faces look like they are improving. Don't forget to paint the head at different angles, you'll give yourself a migraine from the straight on angle and all that symmetry :)

Thanks Mr.Toodles, sker2 and pnate for your advice :)

[Image: lrlNyKs.jpg]


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