Woaaah 1 more day to go here's the last update, the colours changed a tad ;) time to refine refine refine

Playing around with different fonts and such... not really my strength!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
oh... the deadline is tomorrow? I thought it was NEXT friday! Doh! Forget it then.... Good luck everyone! :D

More progress. I hope this is my last wip:

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@ Virid Rain - cool concept can't wait to see more
@Holdkocos -love the colour,and this fantasy history mixture
@fudgeloaf - really nice dragon
@Lyraina -I like the one in the middle
@BrotherOstavia - GReat idea! love this WH40K atmosphere!

and here is something from me... well I won't send it anyway cause it's poor copy of one of the Frazzeta characters not the whole painting but the main character -definetly not the way to go :D

[Image: TW_zps71baa877.jpg]
I did some studies to understand how to paint the background and how to organize the shadows and colors.
I wanna keep the old fantasy feel in my piece so I thought these studies were important

[Image: 1h30_bg_study.jpg]
old D&D book cover

[Image: bg_study2.jpg]
Frazetta Study

[Image: color_scheme.jpg]
My color Scheme
Guys and Girls! should I send my final WITH the process studies etc. or should I put my studies here?

hey everybody,

so much awesome stuff in here, I am looking forward to all the finals.

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Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

Pretty much done, maybe some final tweaks. Awesome work y'all :)

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A mind that wanders so much it brings back souvenirs.


Well I already know I'm not going to make the deadline...I got a pretty late start. And to be honest I got a tad discouraged when I saw all the awesome work on here, but regardless I WILL finish this piece!

So here's what I have so far.

[Image: BS_TimeWarrior_Thumbs.jpg]

Final Composition I was thinking of settling on:
[Image: BS_Concept_01.jpg]

And the "Knight" concepts I was working on:
[Image: knight_concept.jpg]

I honestly don't think I'm that great of a designer but what ev's that's what looking a references is for right?
[Image: 8577979083_2e6be2abb4.jpg]
WIP by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr

heres my stuff Now i can go to sleeeeeep zombi mode on im finished
(03-22-2013, 07:32 AM)Flo Wrote: hey everybody,

so much awesome stuff in here, I am looking forward to all the finals.

Dude i love your illustration, man the heros's got stones to punch that big cat in the face. totally love it. looking forward to the finished product
Here's my final entry: Voracs and Barleybrain take on Jebediah Hitler and his amish nazis.

[Image: timewarriorsbs13final8_zps9c0578d0.jpg]

I'm not happy with the presentation, but I had to rush it a little due to the deadline.

[Image: presenting_zpsf482c1e0.jpg]

And a bit of amish confusion.

[Image: amishtoken_zps6d80e200.jpg]
Here are my sketch and Wips:
[Image: timetravelerssketch.jpg]
and Here is my final painting:
[Image: skull-pirate-and-cyborg.jpg]

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@Tatar88: send everything related to the Bloodsports to the email.

@Lucas ps: duuuuuude. I just love your rocks and mountains in your paintings.. every damn time :P

I love seeing everyone working so hard! Great work you all!!

I started working on my piece on Thursday last week and this is everything I have so far (posted in my sketchbook the same but thought would be good to post here as well).

Next update will be the final piece. Keep it up those who haven't finished yet! Still some hours till the deadline :)

[Image: bs13sketchescollection_isrartistic-com.jpg]
[Image: bloodsportfinalimagewip012.jpg]
[Image: wip2.jpg]

...fuck you isra. Seriously man that looks so amazing god damn, now I feel like a dick for posting my final xD

oh well here's my entry:

[Image: 7b3723b25fafff4133948a9a097410ee.png]

Heyyyy brothers. Ok so this was my first bloodsport and it was super fun. I definitely didn't put in the work that a bunch of you guys did in the studies and all that and I feel like a dick, felt pressed for time and all that nonsense. Honestly I'm not even sure if I did the prompt right but I really had a blast doing this and it was nice feeling the pressure of a good time crunch again. Anyway heres the final, I have to go to work tomorrow so this is the end of the line for me. Theres so much good work in this thread and so many cool takes its crazy. So heres what I came up with

Not anywhere near finished but its what I got.

Hey guys.

I didn't see any open threads for finals so I'm posting my artwork here. I didn't spent as much time on it as I would like to and not everything is like I wanted but this is what I manage to do and I still hope you like it. I've seen there's much great works here so I wish everyone good luck and just wanted to say I'm totally excited what will Kekai have to say.


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