So many good pieces ! Great job every one !

Sixspade> omg your concept is so funny haha :D I like it !
Isra-ac> Greaat studies and sketches ! I wish i had time to do like you did ! :O Your cover seems to get awesome !
Immarart> Great final and studies !
Well i can't comment for everyone but your works are so cool !
Last rush to the deadline !!

yesterday and morning work :
[Image: Jaguar-garoufinish.jpg]
[Image: sorcier-aztegraveque.jpg]
[Image: maquette-thumb.jpg]
[Image: maquette-thumbcolorchoice.jpg]
Man, I just love all these entries!

Here's my final. Had a lot of fun and learned a thing or two while doing this.

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Hey Daggers!

Bloodsports 13 bring it on!

I started with a couple of warm up pages, one fantasy then one sci-fi, just attitudes and gestures to hopefully trigger some ideas for a composition. I think the great thing about old RPG covers is that they MAKE you want to play that game, to step into that world. Often it’s the only part of the adventure the players see, all the rest is in their minds. So that said the cover should be impactful, probably the clearest way to achieve this is to put the charterers in the midst of a fight or some other jeopardy, leaving the audience to imagine how the coming action will be resolved.

So my idea revolves around our two heroes are at the ultimate hurdle in the third act of their quest, chased up a mountain by a horde of unfriendly humanoids and also about to be unwillingly sacrificed to some huge blood god… or not if they can get their time doodad working.

My plan is to fly in and render (my weakness) the foreground action then do a few lizard maw studies to finalise the design of the blood god. Also I might throw in some titles just to make sure the design will still work with overlaid graphics. Colours and lighting effects last…

[Image: v5RK7KR.jpg]

[Image: el7DfRQ.jpg]

[Image: XdEf4tN.jpg]

[Image: weyrrKM.jpg]

[Image: xBqu0CZ.jpg]

[Image: 9YuGiPd.jpg]

[Image: jghBJH6.jpg]

Thoughts and suggestions welcome :-)


Great work everyone! Looking at some of the entries made me want to start over so bad haha

This is my final without the logo!

Here's my final and studies. Sadly I couldn't do as much as I wanted because I had work at the time too, but hopefully I'll do better on the next one. Thought I'd mash up Gorilla Guardians in the piece too, I missed out on that bloodsport. Really excited for everyones pieces, they're looking great

Better quality:

[Image: bloodsportsfinal.jpg]

[Image: 10ql7co.jpg]

Epicness right there boys, so many awesome pictures !
Here is my final :

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
Hey Daggers!

Words cannot express how I feel about this community of artists and towards those who have selflessly given of their time and talents to teach other artists. This is my first post on the forums and obviously, the first time I have participated in a Bloodsports. When I read the description of the challenge, I couldn't pass it up because I have been a fan of roleplaying games for almost 20 years now. Man, did I learn a lot just from participating.

To let you know a little about myself, like most here, I have been drawing since I was little and even attended an art school... but like so many have said, it's not about the school, it's about the student. Unfortunately, I didn't understand that at the time and I didn't have this community, else I'd be at a much different level now. At any rate, I graduated and I have done some professional work here and there but hardly any work as a full time artist. Back in October, I jumped into freelancing at my wife's encouragement... even though I had no clue what I was getting into and honestly, was not at a level I needed to be (still working on it) but fortunately, my family of 6 can get by on very little, so I have been working solely as a freelance artist since then and I don't regret it.

In December, I came across Dan LuVisi's brush pack and tutorials and shortly afterwards, Dave Rapoza's tutorials, which eventually led me here. I've been gleaning so much information as I've been doing freelance gigs (which unfortunately, have not been the type of art that I could do to Dagger's level of quality, so haven't had a lot of opportunity to put what I have learned to actual practice) and have been learning so much.

My first 'real' digital painting came shortly after the discovery of LuVisi's brushes. After listening and watching as much as I could, I feel I have progressed so much in a short period of time. Below is an image of my progression from December until now.

[Image: progress.jpg]

All of that, being said, this contest has taught me a valuable lesson about studies and thumbnails and all the work PRIOR to a piece and a bit about time management. I'm not where I need to be in the prior work area, but it has propelled me forward for future works and their preps.

So, posted below is my entry. I wanted to work on an area I knew I was weak in, which was mechanical objects, but I wanted dinosaurs... so why not mechanical dinosaurs? So, I went back in time about 60 years and pulled my hero out from that past, a bit of film noir/pulp fiction feel to the character, threw him on a motorcycle (another weak area) and threw him so far forward into an imagined future where robots and artificial intelligence finally realized the failure humanity has been to the world, so they RESET history! I thoroughly hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed creating it.

[Image: timewarriors.jpg]
Hello Daggers!

Since today is the deadline, and i dont know if this is good enough. But, what the heck, I will post my final entry nonetheless.

Great to see the fruits of thy labors being shown here in the final day piece by piece.

Glory to us all!!!! For Sparta!!!!



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Wow fantastic guys cant wait for the next one!. Here's as far as i got, i've gotta go catch a train but hoping to polish this up at a later date.

Waaa, so many awesome pieces (: bloodsports <3

Here's mine:

[Image: bloodsports_13_by_mateusrocha-d5yv4n6.jpg]

Wow awesome !! I love seeing everyone's process and hard working. :)
They are look good as well as concepts:)
Good luck for all of you guys!! ^_^ I wish I could join but it's too late so next time!
I posted my wips and only saw later it was sooo small nobody could see anything its bigger now but im not sure how to increse the sise on here hope this time its bette ,, best of luck to all of ya

[Image: 8580610814_d9930c51ca.jpg]
WIP by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr

lets try again [Image: 8579554149_8385a9c6c1.jpg]
WIP1 by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr

[Image: 8579559349_f4fcea351b.jpg]
WIP2 by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr

[Image: 8580658166_a7335bdd2d.jpg]
WIP3 by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr

[Image: 8580656964_e617953283.jpg]
WIP4 by Raymond Minnaar, on Flickr
I kinda failed, BUT, I did learn a lot:

1. Next time I'm gonna start with a proper composition and idea instead of just a pose.
2. I learned a lot about going from greyscale to color.
3. I learned about the surface blur filter.

Her is the "finished" version:

[Image: ibbYzjysePIQaj.jpg]

Not gonna make the deadline but here are some character designs :

Good job everyone!

Hey everyone,

Some awesome stuff. Got some time to finish mine off:

[Image: studies_sketches_sam_small_by_moonskinned-d5yvjgh.jpg]

[Image: comps_wips_sam_small_by_moonskinned-d5yvjfx.jpg]

[Image: bloodsport___moonskinned__small_by_moons...5yvj7g.jpg]

the level is so high <sigh>....
Here is my final, below process, tumbs, sketches and studies
Anyone knows should I send my process along with final piece?

Well the perfectionist in me says keep going but the realist says "its time".Learned a lot from this and seeing other peoples work,lack expierence is obvious,but i had a lot of fun and pushed myself out of my comfort zone and definitely will participate more.Amazing job everyone! This community is great!

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Wow really awesome entries from everyone. I'll post my poop here since I can't find the finals thread

[Image: zqMGWcC.jpg]
[Image: P1arXl0.jpg]

here is my entry into Blood sport 13, Everyone did an amazing job. I can't wait to see all the finished works flooding in.
Final version, good luck to everybody.

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Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook


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