Zeezee's Sketchbook
Only a REALLY small post (more of a reminder to myself to keep posting/drawing)
Hate being tired and not being able to draw/paint after work.

Been a really long day at work and could feel my eyes falling whilst at my desk when I got home sketching a little portrait. Definitely dedicating my days off to some more serious progress! :)

So tired....early night I think. Good night all.

Couple more traditional portrait practicing...

Need to do some more digital tonight/tomorrow :)

Another 2 quick semi done sketches before going out for my birthday meal...bath time! Laters ;)

Today's digital sketching/doodling...nothing too serious, just relaxing couple of studies.

My girlfriend bought me a full size skull for my birthday to study :D

This is a doodle from imagination that came from nowhere (need to do more imagination stuff)

Few more sketchbook pages...
Bits I like and bits I really don't, next bits will be digital.

Good work. I'd love to see more personal work tho, apply what you learn as much as you can

@Tom Seas: You've really struck on something I've been thinking a lot about recently and you're right! Really need to do some personal/work from imagination. I don't do enough if any at all. Thanks for the push, I'll get on it.

Here's the first tiny step, a little sketch that came from nowhere...just doodling.

and a quicky figure whilst sketching with a study partner.

Seen some brilliant stuff with toned paper so I'm playing around with it and seeing what results I can get.

Lots more practice needed but think this media has some good potential....and it's fun! ;)

Little bit of digital! yay :) ...more portraits :/ Feels like that's all I draw at the moment, I'm enjoying it and feel I'm learning lots from it but fancy a change soon too!

Couple of WIPs I have going at the moment... this is the sort of stuff me and a study partner have been focusing on.

JEEZOOS I suck at colour! especially skin haha ah well. Hope to get these finished a little more soon.

hey zeezee,

man I totally get where you're coming from about color. I need to learn more about it myself. But I wanted to give you thislink to read (especially no. 5). I used to do many of those things listed but I realized after reading it doesn't really help me. And I thought may be it'll do the same for you. I don't know. :) Anyway I like your sketchbook, especially the pages from your actual sketchbook. Great line, very clean I like that, since I'm really trying to get my lines cleaner and less messy. You have good studies too. One thing I noticed that with your digital studies is that they are much softer and it seems as if you're "afraid" to put down some darker tones as opposed to your traditional drawings. May be it's just the style that you experimented with (i don't know) but try using darker tones as accents or whatever. I don't have a clue if any of this makes any kind of sense. But yeah...great work, and like someone before me said I too would love to see more personal work (that Orc sketch is pretty cool!). Oh and before I go go hug your gf again for giving you that life size skull. Awesome gift! :)

take care

Hey La1uc,

Firstly I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to post, seriously thank you! :)

Just used the link you posted, I like it. It does a good job of making you think of what you're doing from a different point of view. No. 5 I think is really applicable ye, I hadn't thought of it like that at all...will definitely be taking it on board.

I totally agree with you on the digital being softer comment, it's certainly not intentional I just think it is me nervously exploring a new medium/technique...the fact that you have noticed and also just watching my study partner paint has made me realize that I need to be a more confident with tone and colour.

I have thanked my GF multiple times for the skull....although a little bit of me still suspects it's an ex :-S


Thanks again, take it easy!

Still painting, still drawing :)

Quick update of a self portrait study...think I may leave this one now and either make it colour or do a completely new colour one.

Still going! :)

All about the moleskine milage! ;)

I'm actually managing to draw everyday which i love! Thanks to keeping this sketchbook and also having a study buddy. Crimson Daggers rocks.

Hey, I know...I know...I need to post more often! :(

Had a lot of work to do so I've been getting to work earlier and then drawing at coffee shops for an hour before going in to work. Love using a ballpoint whilst out and about for doodles and sketches.

Promise to post more often when my time allows it (June will be more regular ;) )

Can you tell that my iPhone broke :/ sorry for the swearing.

Long time no update!

Been playing with a Galaxy Note 10.1 and sketchbook pro. Here are some of the things I've done so far on it hope you like.

Couple of quick studies on Photoshop recently too...

Very quick stuff...

Really like the motion of the cat and horse sketches! It's easy to get tense drawing people (at least for me). You figured out a great solution--drawing animals!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Long time no post.

Still going, finding it hard to put the amount of time I'd like to into it with work but still pushing it.

Head construction study:

Few digital sketches:

Master study Value thumbnails:

Still life value study:

Trying to paint some textures….HARD!

Need loads more practice.


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