Wants to get better!
Cool concept !! It's sad that you didn't quite stick to your thumbnails, wich were pretty cool and dynamic ; the characters in your final picture are a bit stiff and less dynamic.
Good work though !! ♥

Pardon my english.
@ Tom Seas: Hey thanks man! I don't think I'll make a full design though. I really try not to stay on one project for too long and just stick to the deadline. It used to take me like forever to finish my stuff. Sorry bro :/
@ Virid Rain: Yeah I know exactly what you mean. My sketches are usually more dynamic and have more life in them and then in finish painting everything becomes stiff. Poses, composition etc. Don't know how to make shit look cool yet :D I'm working on it though! Thanks for stopping by again I appreciate it! It's a good kick in the butt :)

And here's D.K. Sketch to start the day of :) result of last night's watching Dark Knight Returns.
[Image: tumblr_mlv32wBDTx1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

Lovin your style, especially awesome looking on the batman peice ^^
@ Chavrepaper: I don't think I have a style yet :D I'm constantly trying new things so...dunno. But anyway thanks man. It's always nice to hear :)

ok guys. I've been lazy with posting. Not so lazy with painting and drawing though.

These were follow along drawings from drawingtutorialsonline.com free videos that I'm getting in my mail :D I like the guy (Matt) and wanted to go back to the basic as far as the figure goes. I think it's good to go back to basics from time to time. I always learn something new. :)
[Image: tumblr_mm13qqQ5tI1rlavnuo2_1280.jpg]

anatomy studies from photos
[Image: tumblr_mm13qqQ5tI1rlavnuo4_1280.jpg]
lasso tool - big shapes and colors study.
[Image: tumblr_mm13qqQ5tI1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]
Male back study for a painting I'm doing. Gotta open anatomy book!! *writes mental note*
[Image: tumblr_mm13qqQ5tI1rlavnuo3_1280.jpg]

And this! I've been working on this painting FOREVER. Well I left it alone during bloodsports 14 and 15 and now I've decided it's time to go back to it and show it some love :) I've also decided to keep working on it and learn as much as I can on this piece no matter how long it takes me to finish it cos well...it's a jungle out there. :D So any suggestions and or advice as far as anything in this, I'll appreciate it greatly. Nothing is written in stone here, everything can be replaced, removed, moved, repainted...

Guardian of the fairies
[Image: tumblr_mm1493DeWj1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

have a wonderful day everyone!

This guardian of the fairies looks really nice. I love the skin color and details on staff. Can't wait to see this finished : ) Have fun^^

Hey la1uc, how are you getting free videos from drawingtutorials online? Anything I click tells me to pay for a subscription lol. I wanna follow along too :)


If you sign up your email you'll get a series of videos every day for like 11 weeks for figure drawing for free.
Thanks MrKanti :)

Hey, good choice ! I'm a member of DTOnline et it's a awesome website, awesome tutorials, i love it !
Your drawings are sooo good *drool* The male is om nom nom nom !..

The little stream on your last painting is wonderful !! I love the rendering on it, the color, the texture !... ♥
The painting looks beautiful, i can't wait for seeing it finished !
If you want a comment, i find it awkward that her face is turning to the outside of the painting, it drives your look to the outside too ; she could look at the faeries on her left ?
That's all :3 Great work !

Pardon my english.
Toxicpanda: Thank you! :)
Virid Rain: yeah Matt is great. Very driven and inspiring. He motivates me every time i watch his videos :) My drawings? EASY GIRL! :D haha Thanks for your input on the Guardian piece. I think you're right, it could look better if she looked the other way. I'll try that :) The only reason she's looking outside the painting now is because I didn't think it through and she's kinda talking to the fairy on her shoulder. But I do think you have a good point though. Dunno what I'll do. I might do that or some other compositional "trick" :D heh we'll see but I'll definitely sketch it out your way to see how it works :) ty!

here's a promised more polished self portrait. Still not happy with it. Gotta study more heads!! And yes. I look sad. because I flipped the image and everything was shit. :D spent too much time on it as well but whatever. Now I can eat.

[Image: tumblr_mm8brhuvtd1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

ok. I wasn't happy at all with yesterdays self portrait so I had to paint another one. haha yes. that’s much more my look. Pissed off. :D

[Image: tumblr_mmaoyij4ND1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

yep dude, do daily selfportraits, you'll improve a lot !!! Keep up your good stuff !!

The last portrait is a great improvement over the first!
More detail and better mood.
Keep it up! ^^
@ kikindaface: thanks for stopping by man. I will definitely try to do daily portraits. :)
@ SpectreX: Yes. I was much more relaxed and had better drawing. The first one was more like a warmup and I look waaaaay too young. So yes. Second one is much better. But ofcourse I managed to screw up the values. still trying to get the handle on those :P anyway. Thank you for comment! :)
Study after Repin.
[Image: tumblr_mmhsbyFHVG1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

original: http://gallerix.ru/album/Repin/pic/glrx-479248046

I love the colors and emotion in this painting. Just had to do a study :)

hey all. i'm getting lazy with posting here! need a good kick in the balls or something! arrrrghhh

here are some warmup sketches and a fun painting of the goblin (trying new stuff again) I like this looser kind of stuff. I think I'll do more things like this.

[Image: tumblr_mml6hz3no71rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mmos3h3p4K1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

Ideas for a new piece. Composition thumbs, dragon silhouettes and some environment studies. I want to paint action/power/drama! And obviously…a dragon. :B I still have lots of exploring to do, but it was incredibly fun so far!

[Image: tumblr_mn454tsluI1rlavnuo3_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mn454tsluI1rlavnuo2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mn454tsluI1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]


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