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Hi, I've just started simlar thead on, to motivate me to get my sh*t togeder and push myself to work harder than ever. And since in that case more = better Im starting my own sb here as well.

So, just to get this thing going in the next few posts I'm gonna post some stuff I've been doing since 2009 when I've graduated from highschool and decided to become profesional artists up untill now.

Between autumn 2009 and summer 2010 for few months I've been attending private art course, where I've done my first still life studies. Unfortunately I dont have any photos of them yet, but I'll try to upload them in the future. I've done some life model drawings there too, but they sucked so much that I wasn't even making photos of them.

These are drawings from my first portfolio to Fine Art Academy in Wroclaw + some extra wip's gif's. I've been doing these on my own between autumn 2010 and summer 2011 (i didnt got in that year)

Photos are pretty bad - pencil is a real bitch to capture with camera - too much light reflections. I hope I'll be able to make some proper photos somewhere in the future.

Everything is B1 format 100x70 cm / ~40x28 in - all done in pencil

Attached Files Image(s)

Finished studies for my second attempt to academy. Autumn 2011, spring 2012 -Ive been accepted that year.


All still lifes are done in pencil - B1 format 100x70cm / ~40x28in

Models were done from photos - pencil, charcoal - B1 format 100x70cm / ~40x28in

nipples had been censored in PS ;p

Hands done from photo - pencil - B1 format 100x70cm / ~40x28in

Feet's are a4, drawn from life

white chalk + charcoal on coloured paper



ballpoint pen


Also few (crappy and crooked) examples of quick sketches ive been doing to improve my poor quick drawing skills - mainly accuracy and speed. Ive been working at least 4 hours a day on these. Hands and feet were done in 5 minutes on each drawing (pairs of feet 10min), 10 pieces a day - I was drawing some other stuff but those aren't worth showing.

Just to give you idea of the ammount here are photos showing thickness of all the sketches that i've done to that point compared to my ipod classic (lower pair)

Also hands and feet alone - hands on the right, feet on the left side. (upper pair)

Well, the cool posts are over ;p Now's the time for my shitty digital works

These are almost all my digital studies up untill summer 2012 (about 90% of 'em) - as you can see there arent many of them - academy dont accept digital work so ive been focused mainly on traditional stuff and was doing those ocassionally - also i was fucking lazy back then.

I dont remember chronology, except that batman was my first "study" with tablet.

All my digital studies from summer 2012. Some of 'em were done super quick, some super long - I think it shows which are which ;p

Since summer 2012 to end of december I've beed trying to transfer my hand and feet drawing excersise from traditional to digital medium in order to improve precission of drawing with wacom pen. This time I was doing 20 drawings per day, 3 minutes on each - just few samples here, full downloads in links below.

I stopped doing these because of my school assigments interrupting my own work, and also I felt, that I've been losing my focus while doing them - I started to fill the gaps from my mind instead carefull observation.

From the perspective of time I know it was a mistake and I still regret this decision - when done on regular basis this thing would made my digital line drawing ability kick ass by now.

What sucks most about all those drawings is that I've must done more than 3000 sketches of them up untill now - digital as well traditional -and I'm still unable to draw neather a hand nor fee from imagination.

Well you gotta learn form your mistakes - this one got me trying to start spending more time on applying knowledge form my studies to drawing that stuff from imagination.

FULL DOWNLOAD - about 300 drawings in each file ~15mb each

few examples to show progress

09 & 10 july 2012

01 dec 2012

Few pages from my sketchbook

Digital studies from begining of the year





feb 2013

Commisioned portrait of owner of bull terrier kennel ex se natus. A3 - pencil - about 60h of work.
I LOVE Bull Terier's :D

Finally - my most recent stuff. Got tons of pencil studies too, but I dont have a time for taking pictures, editing 'em etc. ;/

God, adding attachments here fucking sucks ;/

05 march 2013

06 march 2013

13 march 2013

16 march 2013

18 march 2013

19 march 2013

23 march 2013

arms studies finished today

Super lazy update from today - hope to get back on the track asap

Instead of pencil, this time I went all digital. I'm still geting used to tablet - it still sucks but it's not as bad as it used to be

today's update

since i suck at drawing faces I wanna try to draw daily 30 min portrait study - here's newest piece of poo i did today (done few minutes ago so it's still fresh & warm)

today's studies

new stuff - it has been pretty bad day ;/

I'm baaaack

So, it's been almost exacly 8 months since my last update. During that time - thanks to my fucking "art" "school" - since my last update I've been forced to gradually keep cutting down on hours I've been spending on doing those studies, untill I've almost completely stopped doing them at all - just some random, lazy spontaneous stuff you can see below (yes, that's all Ive done in between april and july - pretty pathetic, I know):

08 apr 2013

11 apr 2013

13 apr 2013

15 apr 2013

16 apr 2013

17 apr 2013

18 apr 2013

21 apr 2013

22 apr 2013

23 apr 2013

24 apr 2013

25 apr 2013

27 apr 2013

29 apr 2013

30 apr 2013

03 may 2013

13 jun 2013

14 jun 2013

?? ?? 2013

07 jul 2013

inspired by sweet structure portrait drawings Gloominati posted on his FB profile

Looking back, I think that this one portrait study has taught me more than all of the rest put together

I went a little overboard with structure though

Awesome studies man. Your observation skills are crazy good. You mentioned that you still cant draw hands and feet from your imagination after doing something like 3000 studies. Copying references will only get you so far. You have to do an equal amount of drawing from imagination. This is something Im still struggling with. I dont think (at least in my limited experience) they tell students how to improve imagination drawing in drawing classes. A really effective method of working on your imagination is to do a study and then right afterwards put the reference away and do it again from memory. Even though it might not look as good, you'll get much more out of the study. Also for a more interesting challenge, try drawing the same subject from a different perspective than the reference. It forces you to visualize it in 3D and turn it in your mind. By the way that structure portrait looks great. Better to go over board than under board when you're trying to learn :D

In those 8 months I've managed to leave that shitty art academy I've been stuck at, and finally get the hell out from Poland, which was my dream for many years (cuz it really, really sucked to live there - I definietelly dont recommend it to anyone

I'm currently living in UK, slavin' my ass off as lowest production worker for minimum wage (which is almost 3x bigger than I'd make in Poland by doing the same job). I sleep 6h a day - tops, work since 6am to 2pm, and trying to work as much as possible in my free time.

For now I'd like to be finally able to grasp enough basics skills to find a job where I'd be able to draw as much as possible, cuz now I'm pretty much just wasting 10h of my day on crappy job that doesn't let me develop any of my artistic skills (nor any other for that matter).

So far I'm still struggling with getting used to drawing properly (not only digitally, with Intuos stylus, but also with pencil).

So that's my main focus ATM - I just dont see the point of forcing myself into making tons of crappy paintings, when im lacking the most basic and important artistic skill which is ability to draw properly - when I finally start kicking ass in that I'll move to more interesting stuff.

So while I'm working on improving that skill, I'm simultaneously trying to learn some basic human anatomy by using approach inspired by Kevin Chen, Michael Hampton and amazing Bryan Lee (FUNKYMONKEY1945 on deviantart - be sure to check out his tutorials - it's pure gold).

Basically I'm trying to follow their process of breaking down human figure to most basic shapes and slowly refining them into more complex forms - I think it's by far the best way of learning to draw figure from mind, that I've encountered so far, it makes the most sense to me, and I already can feel it gives great results (plus just by drawing this way I feel like it gave me more understanding about how light behaves on different forms, than all those pencil studies ive posted at the begining of my sketchbook)

So, without further ado, here's my newest stuff - it's pretty much all I've done since july till now (it's not much I know ;/ I'm also doing 30min of gestures daily with pencil - I hope to start doing these digitally someday)

I try do my best, to update this sketchbook as often as I can, but since I dont have that much time, and some of those sites are pain in the ass to work with, I'll probably be forced to limit myself, to uploading only some few, chosen studies from week.

And since CD forums are worst of all of 'em you're getting only some chosen scraps ;P - more on my & CG Hub sketchbooks

However if you're interested in seeing all of 'em I invite you to like my FB page, which will be my most frequently updated artdump (only because it's the easiest of them all to manage - god I love drag n drop uploading)

- hope you enjoy

latest study, bit longer this time - still hot (some process)

I've managed to squeeze one last study in 2013 - 40mins to midnight here :)

and may the 2014 be at least half as awesome as this song :D

Little advert on the beginning, but bare with me - you won't regret this :P

Ive spent last 2-3 days of 2013 on watching Stan Prokopenko's tutorials on his site - they're one of the best tutorials video I saw in my life and I cant recommend them enough!

It's soooooo good that I'm planning on buying premium access in nearest few weeks/months.


Two new studies from yesterday + more detailed animation with steps for figure (120+ frames).

And a little bonus with 2 of my works made in around may/july 2013 when I was studying in Art Acedemy (these are only works I actually liked, that I've done there during entire year). Sorry for crappy cell camera photos ;/

Charcoal & pencil + black ink background - WIP + final version

Oil painting on cardboard - try n guess which part of it was made from life

here's next one yo!

long time without quick render practice - I'd like to do em everyday, but usually I don't have enough time for it;/
even though I'm super rusty somehow I'm pretty pleased with this one

same figure few hours, and few thousand lines later
couldn't help myself with mask and logo ;]

Thats a lot of structure drawing! Awesome job man. Something looks off about the pelvis of spiderman guy with the dick on his chest. It looks like his iliac crest is a bit off. A good rule of thumb I heard is that the space between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the pelvis is about the size of a fist.

Damn, this stuff piles on quicker than I tought - just half images here - you can find rest on my & CG HUB theads, or on my FB profile where I update much more frequently

drawn some muscles on previous gesture without any ref, just to check what I've learned so far - normally I'd do it all the time daily, but unfortunately not enough time ;/

finally finished, still not 100% happy, but still not bad

what I've learned on this is that I'm super f-ing slow and that blending is a total bitch


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