thanks a lot for the advice man! i really appreciate it.
In the end, its all about practice and finding and figuring more and more things by yourself, i will start trying a couple of things tomorrow, though i will come back for a lil inspiration before i start haha

K, some caricatures n' doodles. I still don't have my tablet pen unfortunately. Guess I'll spend all the time I can doing studies and thumbnails for projects I'll start on when i finally get it...
[Image: rwEKETS.jpg][Image: YyuLwkc.jpg][Image: UlUKge7.jpg][Image: tt6Rfem.jpg]

Maybe while you wait for your pen to arrive you could try some more form filled drawings. Something along these lines.
I'd be interested to see how you integrate that into your style :) Just a suggestion! Either way I like the regular updates, keep 'em coming buddy!

Nice updates.
You should spend some time doing beans :D They help loads. That medusa sketch looks like it could turn into a cool illustration, but dont forget to think about the background as well as the character. (if you are planning on having a background in it that is)

Keep up the good work and thanks for the suggestion in my sketchbook, plannin on trying it out in the next bloodsports.

Thanks for stopping by my sketchbook!!!!

Man, your sketchbook is just wow and I love it a lot! So much diversity and above all, I think your sketches all looks so full of life, I really adore that! I'd love to see you do some watercolours, it's probably my favourite traditional tool.


Thanks for the comments guys! Not personally a fan of hatching to show form, it's just more marks than I enjoy in one drawing :\ Appreciate the suggestion though!!
I'm gonna get into Vilppu and review the bean shapes, go over my understanding of anatomy from the ground up with different books :D
drew some dudes form imagination, I'm more comfortable drawing girls for some reason and the lack of confidence really shows in those second guessy lines. Also some character development for a mutant dog I'm toying with the idea of having in a short film, and an attempt at watercoloring that ryuuko sketch.
[Image: 0GM5wmW.jpg][Image: grljl3O.jpg][Image: BAhOkC8.jpg]
[Image: EUGAjJO.jpg]
think I'll do some still lifes and master studies. I was looking at getting hot press paper but jeez it's expensive! gonna need better brushes for it too...

I'm way out of practice with every medium but digital and probably ink XD I think sticking with watercolors firefly for a few months would do me good, I need to figure out what I want finished work to look like. you guys were right, I put all my effort into making sketches, but I can't make an illustration portfolio unless I can finish things!
oh here's some other sketches, one illustration idea with a dragon that skims th e water to catchg fish in baskets
[Image: pLh9lgi.jpg][Image: ZfRPrn8.jpg][Image: rDQw9xw.jpg]

oh ya, replacement tablet pen's on it's way! hopefully I'll have the power of digital back in a week :D

EDIT there was a sketch here of a dude in overalls that might have shocked some of you guys, should probably have thought twice about posting that one XD That was a character a pal was drawing in a stream and I drew him as a joke, but folks looking at the SB weren't in on it. and um. well anyway it's gone now :|

some don't hug me I'm scared fanart and doodles from life drawing last night
[Image: 3HIbqDE.jpg][Image: EKkcMxO.jpg][Image: D8esJnv.jpg][Image: Zpv8OzW.jpg][Image: lpjoZCL.jpg]

Hey bud.

Keep on, keepin' on :)

There is usually more on my blog...

Great update! Your doodles from life drawing really look amazing. I like especially the last but one, it really seems like no line is wasted.

AND AHH YOU MEAN ME? HOW DO I DO IT?! Actually I don't have an idea I'm always just very intuitive with watercolours... I do like the coloring for your sketch a lot though, I think it fits the theme perfectly as it is dynamic and cheeky/bold (please excuse me if sometimes what I say sounds English is not my mother tongue I sometimes really have trouble expressing myself). It looks though if your brush was pretty dry sometimes. Maybe you could use a bit more water next time...and if you are up for some experimenting, try doing some gradients and let two colours mix into each other. When doing a watercolour illust my first layer is almost always a kind of gradient, and then I add the shadow layers on top. AND if you have the chance to use hot press paper, you should try it. Maybe your art store has some trial sheets (mine sometimes has such goodies) For me it was like a revelation when I tried out the paper I'm using now (it's Arches Hot Press). I also really really like the paper in the watercolour moleskine. For me it was a surprise because I usually only like smooth paper, but the moleskine paper is so awesome I wish they sold it in pads. (haha I could go on endlessly about watercolours....) All in all watercolour is pretty versatile so it all depends on what you'd like to see as result (:


Phew. Tons of really great studies, sketches and paintings. I absoultely love your recent updates ;). Keep them coming <3

Here's some stuff!

First, I'd like to introduce you to a website I found out about through friends called habit RPG, a system where you input tasks you need to get done or want to motivate yourself to do, and ten you're rewarded experience and health and items for completing your tasks, RPG style! it's a fantastic way to get yourself busy with what you gotta do if you're a lazy fool like me. PM me if you want to join a party or something! (shared health points, we get special cosmetic items from bosses we fight together)

tablet pen oughta get here tomorrow! Here's some more unfinished sketches because I suck and spent a bunch of time trying to figure out places to look for getting work when I actually have a portfolio, and where I should be aiming my work towards :/

got a lot of work ahead of me if I expect to make it and this sketchy stuff will no longer cut it! I'm thinking, as a rule, I'm gonna try to have WIPS every post and a finished something every 3!
[Image: Jk0o6df.jpg][Image: YTedqS1.jpg][Image: 6APY0g9.jpg][Image: GUIsphU.jpg][Image: ufQWA8Q.jpg]

Keep it up, Sam! You're becoming more handsome by the minute.
[Image: rOFIxiD.gif]

Thanks bro!
here's some sketches and junk.
[Image: mqx3Lu6.jpg][Image: vJwq6Uq.jpg][Image: foXDuXU.jpg][Image: LBQ7mwf.jpg][Image: erjcI4F.jpg][Image: nob35Jx.jpg][Image: tE3l1rq.jpg][Image: 7RFD351.jpg][Image: 1hpjhKl.jpg][Image: ToOxMpw.jpg][Image: q2R4fMI.jpg][Image: CsnIim5.jpg][IMG]http:/
Did a few environmental speedpaints too, trying to figure out color and light. Obviously gotta start doing some lengthy studies if I wanna nail this stuff :/
plus a sketch of a mountain goat satyr thing that went a bit further, helped me realize I gotta figure out the elements of the style I'm working in so I don't wind up making a million brushstrokes that don't mean anything. Might wind up trying to copy the styles of some painters I like for a few weeks
[Image: S4rRJis.jpg]
Crits= totally welcome, I got so far to go

Love the energy in all your gestures and studies, you can see the animator's hand in there!

Thanks meat!

Found myself really disappointed today over my work ethic and artistic output. I've been making excuses and avoiding doing anything that's a step towards my goals for a few months now, and somehow convincing myself I can get away with it.
I've got to develop a professional attitude and start producing a buttload of art right now and start earning back some self-respect.

Here's some friggen drawings I guess.
[Image: P6bK64b.jpg][Image: Ivz43ny.jpg][Image: so4Sv7x.jpg][Image: AQC4ZdF.jpg][Image: j53AlH5.jpg][Image: OeMrkGq.jpg][Image: UWDWkKa.jpg]

The colours on that satyr piece are great.

As far as style goes, I find it helpful to have a couple of images up done by the style you are looking at going towards. Doesn't have to be the exact same subject matter but a few similar points would help.
The colour of the sky doesnt 'really' match up with the colour of the light on most of the painting. The mountains wouldn't really get blue like that if the sky is yellow, they would actually move more towards a warmer yellow since a lot of what makes it blue is the reflection of the sky in water vapour in the atmosphere.
But that of course is in a strictly realistic approach, where as yours seems kind of stylised do that may or may not apply, depending on the rules at play in 'your' universe. However, there is no real reason for the rocks on the floor infront of her to be bright orange but that is the only bright orange in the piece.

Hope this helps :) Depending on your goals, it may be a complete misdirection.

I can see a lot of awesomeness. I love this stylized sketches you're doing recently. They have nice character and are exaggerated in a cool way. Keep it up!

Thanks guys! That's a good idea about keeping another picture up Jaik! You're probably spot on about the colors, I was trying to make something look cool without thinking about what it would actually look like XD need some more environment studies

Here's some drawings from yesterday. I found out about an internship opportunity I have some chance of getting, but it's due in a month. This is something I should have been on top of and working on for the last few months. But hey! kicking myself over being lazy int he past solves nothing! Time to work my butt off and accomplish all I can with the time I have left.
[Image: f748Fsg.jpg][Image: s56V23R.jpg][Image: 6keu2wE.jpg][Image: HvY7CUh.jpg]

Haha that boy sitting on the stairs is so cute!

Concerning the satyr piece and brush strokes - there are some nice ones in the background mountains, but going towards the foreground/figure you seem to be less confident about the strokes. Maybe you could start with establishing planes with strictly 2-3 values, and only then smoothing it with deliberate (!) brush strokes, enhancing the form.
And also, what Jaik says - keep a painting similar to what you want to achieve open, or try to copy some paintings you like and try to recreate the aspects that appeal to you (strokes, level of opacity, edges etc). Then apply on your own painting.

Good luck on the internship! Now if that's not a good opportunity to get your work routine in order :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
what to say about your sb, nothing except that i love it, lol.
The satyr piece is looking good to me, but yeah doing studies of some painters you like its a good idea. You could try the usual Jaime Jones if you want to study how to be more efficient, brush stroke wise.


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