Thanks guys :)

right now the game team is me and another guy who's a musician and story writer, plus his wife and possibly dad, who does coding. It's not a high priority project for any of us yet XD I'm gonna try to put together a game design document over the next few weeks and get the ball rolling. Haven;t really put any work into it for a while, maybe I should set aside part of my day for personal project stuff.

Some gestures and random drawings I never posted. Scanner kind of ate some of the art, sorry about that
[Image: EFgzdZK.jpg][Image: CrHXT2O.png][Image: XGucqGz.jpg][Image: QeCTE84.jpg][Image: aahtxne.jpg][Image: FxkGZRG.jpg][Image: WVYPtgm.jpg][Image: Gx2kDgE.jpg][Image: tIpsAPZ.jpg][Image: tOnHFgX.jpg][Image: JMatF4G.jpg]


you're getting good.
Told you painting wasn't all that hard.

Love the fat dudes!

Really like that character in the dragon claw--so unexpectedly confident standing in the hand of something so large and dangerous! As always, I love your people sketches--so full of personality!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


There is a lot of dynamic going on in your linework! I love that! Also expressions and forms in general work very well in your figures!

Keep up that great work!
Thanks guys! and doublethink what are you talking about painting is monster hard! ugh DX

some random sketches and blah. Some development for the girl who was in the dragon's claw, that's for a comic idea I'm toying with. Not sure how to begin writing it but I should just get on it. Still trying to find her design and the look of the world I guess, right now I'm more or less just trying to figure out how Jamie Hewlett would draw Ryuko from Kill la Kill
[Image: 6G2PYzT.jpg][Image: QzvZ9EQ.jpg][Image: 5yEfIrH.jpg][Image: 3fCEcSO.jpg][Image: urEO1QK.jpg][Image: Y0HV6Dm.jpg][Image: eyQN3yW.jpg][Image: yxMbi21.jpg][Image: EWaCTht.jpg][Image: 7e2QslA.jpg][Image: MdEHQ42.jpg][Image: 50KzsJ1.jpg][Image: upLaz1v.jpg][Image: eeVgkHI.jpg][Image: vojIiX9.jpg]

Love them gestures, they feel very natural and grounded. Wanna see more!

Thanks dude!

some sketches. Also, just got a job! We'll see how that pans out, hopefully that structure and lack of free time will make me more motivated to work on portfolio and art stuff.

Attached Files Image(s)

i saw this last one today on tumblr mate, i fucking love it!
also congrats on finding a job and with that game project, seems like you are going to be busy. :)

Congrats on the job! Good luck!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Awesome scanner, doing the coloring work for you? :P

Congratz on getting a job! Hope we're still getting some updates from you. Lovely sketches as always :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
thanks guys! I'm gonna try to update pretty regularly.
Had my first day on the jobs today, 6 hours of work and around an hour of that there's less time for art I really want to use it!

some sketches and a fun figure painting I did, I was trying to fill it up with a ton of noise and detail and contrast so that a quiet, simple area would be the focal point. Let me know what you think of it! More work on the way XD
[Image: 5rJ4DtL.jpg][Image: RolmVmd.jpg][Image: kYryJ9B.jpg][Image: pOsO26L.jpg]

I love how dynamic the last piece is. Also props for good job with traditional media. :)

I love those designs, man! I never get tired of saying it, your characters have so much motion and expression, it's awesome! I'd really like to see how that videogame turns out.

Keep it up, dude.

All the best with your job and your projects from me as well (:
The last piece is really awesome, I especially like the light and the colour palette.

I wonder how you manage to get your scans so beautiful white, I mean when I scan my stuff I can adjust levels and everything, but then the background is white and my sketch-lines are ugly XD. I guess it's because my sketchbook paper is not really white. Who knows.
Anyway keep those updates coming!


yesssssssss goku from dragon ball...

Good luck with your job, once you settle into the schedule then you will really pick up again.

Agree with Cyprinus though, my scans never look as good as yours -_-

That figure painting is awesome, I love how deliberate each stroke has to be. Good job :)

Great lines man. Post more stuff!

Love the noise in the 'fun painting', don't know what it is but the strokes are really pleasing to the eye. My attention right now goes right to the lighter (left) part of her back though, not sure if that is what you intended? After that I look at the face, which is somewhat hidden due to the lower contrast, ot too easy to read. Then I'm kind of jumping between the face (because it's a face) and her back (because it's contrasty). Love the narrow waist though, beautiful curves <3

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Thanks for the comments guys!

@cyp Thanks! I was really surprised that it had a color pallet actually, I was just mixing shades of grey in ink and gouache, but it turns out diluted inks are a bit redder and painted greys are bluer. As for the scansI'm not sure, I don't think my scanner is too great for art, it's just my dad's business fax/scanner :/ I do usually level adjust quite a bit, when you do that do you use the grey slider at all? If you're just using the black and white slider maybe the grey would give some more variety. And I do usually draw on white printer paper, so it's pretty bright as it is. But hey, a toned background is nice a lot of the time!

@Jaik Hahaha yes, been watching some of the old episodes. it's so cool to see the pervy fantasy slapstick that show started out as, so different from the sci-fi beatemup it became (which I also love)
not quite hitting the groove of the schedule yet, wonder where I'll be in a month...It is nice to have some money though!

@Lyr My intent was to see if I could make a really quiet, low contrast place the focal point by creating a ton of noise and contrast everywhere else in the picture. I think if I interrupted the back with some dark marks it might work, it's too easy to see right now :/ Glad you like it! Really textury, energetic preliminary brushstrokes are my favorite, part of the reason I hate rendering is I have to cover them up XD

[Image: 9KIJHeG.jpg]
[Image: ldoIEt3.jpg]
[Image: opRAcmk.jpg]
[Image: BCbrhev.jpg]

Wooo sketchdump sketchdump!!

[Image: ADBU4O3.jpg][Image: 3Yp1btG.jpg][Image: AywvQDP.jpg][Image: nMhHpPY.jpg][Image: Jz74d5s.jpg][Image: nCnjxhZ.jpg][Image: rkR0XAT.jpg][Image: pakbYUw.jpg][Image: W6uwMZg.jpg][Image: oqajJmu.jpg][Image: QKfa6p7.jpg][Image: GjTdUmk.jpg][Image: EYqrNyv.jpg][Image: LNpxMLL.jpg][Image: yzmNQRX.jpg][Image: a3fsDO1.jpg][Image: snnpRaV.jpg][Image: t8aEs5E.jpg][Image: sS1xBOd.jpg]

I see these sketches and keep expecting them to start moving right on the page. They are so lively!

Thanks for the feedback. It was so nice of you to stop by and offer some much needed critique.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb



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