Super Mango Sketchbook!
Yes Ben, will update the book :)
I did practice the color wheel a year ago but didn't get much out of it.
I'll check out his works & also color this sketch.
hmm, lets see how it goes.

Hey Prabu!
I remember checking out your work but I guess I was in the lurking phase then :D
These are super cool, I can see you have great imagination, I can't believe you don't update this like everyday! Bring it on man!

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]
nice stuff in here, Prabu!
Really like this last piece. Picturing a Rio Nathan Fawkes vibe from it :P Thanks for dropping by my sketchbook. Get on updating this more too! I want to see MOAR!!! :)

Really amazing stuffs, i really love how there's a story behind your drawing. its so much fun to look at.
second of jaik, i want to see moooaaarr

Some lovely line stuff here, want to see more! I think it's been mentioned but I think some colour theory would really help you : ) maybe look at James Gurney's book or blog. Keep it up!

Your sketchbook is looking great! I love your characters, they seem so full of life.
Keep up the good work.

Somebody mentioned this already but James Gourney "Color and Light" and also Richard Schmidt's ""Alla prima" are pretty good books on color.Give them a read I think they'll be very helpful. Keep practicing

Hey Prabu! Thanks for stopping by my SB... let's get on that experience grinding trip together :D

Hey thanks for dropping by my SB. I wanna see an update soon!
Nice work, you really need to update soon man :).
Yeah as Rindoukan said, colour and light is really good, i've never fully got round to studying it but i've casually read it a few times and learned a lot even from that.
It was a while ago but i'll critique it anyway as it could help you later, the legs on the kid look a bit weirdly foreshortened to me, I think it's probbly technically correct but you've put the lower vanishing to high up so the perspective looks too foreshortened, just my two cents on it ;) it looks great otherwise.

Hey, Prabu...thanks for stopping by my sketchbook! Since you're still posting here, but not posting in your sketchbook, I'm going to assume you're drawing a lot, but not ready to post your drawings yet.

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