Mythtaken and his training collage
Whoah! Really nice creature sketches man. Keep it up! ;)
Sweet studies man!, keep them coming!

Really awesome work, Gregory is the Man(fish)! looks pretty awesome with his hat and cane haha.

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Thanks for the kind words.

I just realized that Gregory doesn't have any rim light on the fin in shadow, nor does it cast any shadow -sigh-, I'll try to focus more from now on!

two fast ones before late lunch

ah done at last, some character concept.

Some environment thumbnails, i know what I want to do with the concept, but I don't know which one of these thumbnails that I should pick for my idea

Got tired of monster concepts, never thought that day would come but I most recently found out that there is more to art than those monsters. Good for me.

Blargh! speedpainting..

A minor dump of legless men, no women yet.. to change that some day! And I lied about me being tired of monsters, how could I be bored drawing that shit?! They're excellent dummies to experiment and go crazy on, i love them <3

Those environment thumbnails look really good. really like your work here, Especially the big guy on the stool in this latest post. lookin forward to more.

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Hey Mythtaken, I really like some of the more styleized illustrations you've been doing lately. Those are very cool. I feel like you could push those pretty far and have a whole look that you own.

Steve Anthony Pierce
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Thanks guys, yea I agree with that they can be pushed even further. I'll try my best to make that happen!

Moar shizzle

Great stuff! Love your style ;3

Hey, thanks!

A few more of these studies, sorry for the poor contrast on the numbers

You seem to have a pretty good grasp on rendering form :)

Not much more to say, just keep pushing them drawings and you'll be a great assassin / illustrator in no time hahaaa :D

Thanks man :D

Here's a sketch of le king of the beasts!

Oh cool stuff I see in this page, nice colors, rendering and style, keep it up! : )

Thank you sir!

Here's the final image, done for CG hub drawing jam #79: King of beasts


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