Mythtaken and his training collage
10 min sketch before I start with some more heavy stuff, it was so spontaneous, and it was a fun sketch, no fuzz, just 2 colors and some shapes. And yes, I traced that cowboy from a photo

I really don't know if it's finished or not, I need to leave it be for a few days I guess. Was also thinking if I should reset my sketchbook and just post studies in it...

Anyway, critique is always appreciated!

Personal piece

hey man, nice sketchbook ! you're welcome for posting anything you want dude, studies, personnal stuff, old work, pencil stuff, etc ! i just wanted to say one thing, for the bloodsport piece, it's too bad you didn't stick to the thumbnail, which was very dynamic and well organized in shapes ! now, all the shapes of the golem are looking like the same, whereas in the thumbnail you had big shapes, smaller shapes, etc, and it was harmonious !! even light from background had some interesting shapes !! Next time, stick to it ok !! Anyway, keep it up and hope to see more soon !

Thanks for commenting! I've been thinking and I do agree with you about the bloodsports piece, so I'm going to take your advice and go back somewhat to the original idea. Thanks man!

So I realized that it's extremely messy, and it's hard to tell what's what, got to lose some detailing, but other than that, it will be finished, sooner or later anyway :D I'll obviously fix her right hand and her face :p

Oh, and I did a quick speedy to warmup.. ..but I don't know what it is though..

So this is a sketch for the latest bloodsport (I'm still working on the previous one as well, slow and steady wins the race), been way too busy with school lately, and will be for the next couple of weeks, but I will still try to participate in the challenges.

I highly doubt I'll make it to saturday, but I'll try nevertheless!

Here goes, a very rough state.

Wow! Your bat rider it's amazing! Very strong piece, hope to see more!

Sketching some, saw John Silva using the "mixer brush tool" and figured I'd give the method a go. It turned out to be so much fun :D

So here's a quick lil' sketch

Some more sketching woo

Long time no see.
Not really a sketch but it's gonna end up in here anyway, got another "advanced" version of this in my mind, much like the Legend of the Cryptids stuff.

Anyways, critique is always appreciated :)

I've learned a ton by making this and the previous image, more about technique rather than rendering and design skills, but it feels good anyway.

I've grown fond of starting with some rough linework and then add in color. What I've learned is:
• Don't go in to details too soon (can't stress that enough)
• Draw in the proper lighting-effects earlier in the process (like glow, fog, reflective light, rim light etc)
• Upscale the image earlier in the process (my current computer is quite weak, so I tend to draw at low res as long as I can, but that means I waste time later on fixing and sharpening edges etc..)
• Get the damn proportions, shapes and other fundamental stuff correct with the linedrawing, it makes the coloring a lot easier!

Still got quite some to do with this one, many edges that needs to be fixed, the tail has to be rendered better, atmosphere, the little dude needs to be painted etc etc.

But I figured I could post it anyway, even in this unfinished state :)

(07-20-2013, 10:17 AM)Mythtaken Wrote: • Don't go in to details too soon (can't stress that enough)

• Get the damn proportions, shapes and other fundamental stuff correct

Oh, Man... I so understand this. I have the same issue, while drawing. I try to detail too soon and paint separate part of the drawing instead of focusing on the whole picture (argh~!)

Great thing that You have this knowledge after You finish Your work. It always useful for the next piece :)
I get the Blizzard feeling in Your works. Do You feel inspired by Blizzard art the most ?:) It's great. I love Yours latest works with dragons.

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

(07-22-2013, 04:51 AM)Mannequin Wrote:
(07-20-2013, 10:17 AM)Mythtaken Wrote: • Don't go in to details too soon (can't stress that enough)

• Get the damn proportions, shapes and other fundamental stuff correct

Oh, Man... I so understand this. I have the same issue, while drawing. I try to detail too soon and paint separate part of the drawing instead of focusing on the whole picture (argh~!)

Great thing that You have this knowledge after You finish Your work. It always useful for the next piece :)
I get the Blizzard feeling in Your works. Do You feel inspired by Blizzard art the most ?:) It's great. I love Yours latest works with dragons.

Yo, thanks for stopping by, yup I do the same with the detailing :P

Yeah sort of, It's quite of an unintended style. There's a lot of bot Blizzard in general, Kekai Kotaki and Daarken that have inspired me so far, but I really want to push my realism (i should probably stop drawing fantasy dragons lol) and get better with that. But I'm having a hard time pushing away from that Blizzard type of style. I know that the solution to that is to draw from life and do studies. I have already planned my next image very carefully, looked up reference images and such to really push myself towards my goals.

I noticed there's a big difference between the latest images that I posted, which makes me happy. both design elements and overall composition is quite different between the two dragons, there's only a week in between them, but the second dragon is way more interesting than the first one. I'm glad to see that I make that sort of progress as well as the technical stuff.

But I have to say that the first dragon image gave me the self-confidence to start and push myself even further with the second image, so I'm also happy that I did that boring first piece, in order to boost my confidence to create an even better image after.

Sorry for the rant, I hope you can understand what I'm talking about :)

aaaand I'm back. Finally got my shit together and started practicing female anatomy and faces.

Some more

2 more

monster sketches for my own project

two more character concepts, though, less finished than the other ones. And a jumping dude-thingy.

Man I got to start finish these things instead of adding more, but theyre so fun!

Females woop. Got a bit annoyed by these because I had a hard time keeping the feminine feel to them even though they're covered up in clothes and large shapes.

mmm color sketch


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