kikindaface learns to draw ... ( daily update ! )
thaks man for the crit..
keep it up with anatomy ...
and i like those b&w portraits..
i´m loving your sb mate, good structure on your b&w sketches and also, you represent the face of your characters in a very attractive way.
Keep it up, you got another subscriber.

The pencils are looking sexy man, along with the rest of your art :D

You're going about learning drawing the right way with sticking to pencils first off. And you have a decent handle on constructions, however I think some dedicated perspective studies will do wonders to push your form understanding that much further. Other than that, keep going!

hey guys, i really apologize and i'm really ashamed to not have updated my sketchbook for so long ! I've been taking a break from drawing, had so much things to manage before being focused . I also fellt that i was really stuck in my journey, it wasn't concerning my skills, but more about my mindset . all i fellt when i was drawing was frustration, and i know everybody feel it, but i wasn't managing the way it should be to succeed ! Anyway, a few days ago, i started to draw again, more motivated than ever, and decided to start slowly . i don't wanna rush and draw 12 hours for a few days before being caught again in lazyness. I'll manage my energy and learn in the long term . Anyway it's good to paint again, though it's been a long while . Here i commit to use all my energy to become a slightly better artist everyday. I updated my goals, one of them is to daily update my sketchbook from now . Another one is to be fully focused when o'm working, no more distractions, i must think a lot before doinw what i do, and when i failed at something, it means i didn't think enough ( be prepared for a lot of failure haha, but ti's what make us improving ! )

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You shouldn't title link to this place "Sketchbook of failures". There's more good stuff, than ones that didn't work out. :)

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
kerm : Thanks dude, but believe me, compared to my goals, i'm doing shitty stuff, but i'm glad, because i'm learning and improving !

here's stuff from yesterday, internet wasn't working, so i couldn't upload -_-

Attached Files Image(s)

Hey man, good to see you setting some new goals for yourself and that you are back to posting. Something about your style reminds me of Jana and Hannes' early stuff :) keep up the hard work and I hope to see more as it goes along

thanks pnate !

Here's my stuff from yesterday, and did some gesture draing too that is not useful to show !
Keep up at your work my friends !

Yeah, it can be tough to start a routine, but just like anything if you stick to small amounts every day and then build on that, soon enough it'll become just a habit for you. After a while you can add more and more time to that. Good studies, keep pushing through.

thanks frenik !

Here's my last stuff ! wasn't able to update yesterday due to internet issues, maybe i should call my ISP to know what's happening ...

Nice pencils and great work on the portrait value studies, keeping it simple, what I need to practice with faces. Keep it up!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Thank you for the critique. Im gonna try to do some more value studies. Im sure I have a long difficult road ahead of me but I'll keep trying. I love your values and b/w sketches. Keep up the awesome work!

Man, keep walking on your journey, you're at a very appealing point in your artistic development. I'd say your polish or finality could use work the most, but it's clear you're understanding a great deal of the fundamentals that govern good painting/drawing. Your stuff reminds me a LOT of AlgenPfleger back in the day, so I know you can grow to make some seriously wicked stuff if you buckle down and decide to plan and polish some portfolio pieces.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Thanks a lot for your replies monkeybread, einver, and will2link ! Concerning polishing some stuff, i'm thinking about it, but i'd prefer to wait for more fundamentals under my belt, i don't see the point of spending 20 hours of rendering if the drawing and values are really bad ... but i have on my side some important stuff that i'm excited to show when it'll be in a more advanced stage !!! I'm actually working with 2 friends in order to create a complete story with all the concept art and illustration that comes with ! lots of fun !
Stuff from yesterday guys ! Like Mr frenik said, i'm building my routing on small amount of work ( for now, 4 hours ) and i'm aiming to be at 7-8 hours around new year ! I'm also doing 1 hour of concentration and memorization exercises everyday, and it's helping me to be more focused while working, i'm avoiding all distractions, turning off my phone and blocking internet. i think it's the minimum in order to work peacefully ! I'm really enjoying this work, though i need to do more doodles and sketchbook pages, they're out of my comfort zone ! Anyway, keep it up guys !

my today's stuff ! Selfportrait, photo study, doodle, and sketchbook page !

Dude, not sure why I'd never been in here before, awesome stuff. You've definitely got the right idea with building up the time slowly, otherwise it's so easy to burn out. I know what you mean about wanting to build on fundamentals at first, with shorter things, but it can definitely be worth it to push something as far as you can once in a while, even if it's only to see how far you can go without losing your mind lol. Taking a day, and running a still life into the ground for example.

To be honest, it's probably not a big deal, can't hurt to have a balance in whatever you're working on though. Keep it coming anyway, awesome sketchbook, loving the pencils, and looking forward to more :)

thanks jakeB, i understand what you mean, and i will probably do a long painting once in a while, can't hurt !

Today's stuff ! first selfportrait in color, reaaaaally hard, like i have to think about proportions, and forms, and now colors ! i'll pbbly do more like that ! photo studies, doodle( mostly painted the body, was fed up of always painting faces ^^ ) , and sketchbook, as usual ! i think this schedule is working fine for me right now, might stick to it for a few more weeks !

When thinking about color, you really only need to worry about value and temperature - everything else just seems to take care of itself in some odd way. Try to paint monochromatically in color, maybe a burnt sienna palette to just focus on your values while using color instead of greyscale. Then use a complementary color palette of just two main colors to try and juggle values with temperatures. Then move on to more and more to slowly get comfortable.

thanks mrfrenik, yeah, i think i lost the main difference of temperature between light and shawod when i went into details, but i'll try to not do it again !

Today's stuff ! aaaah i'm starting to get sick, and my mind couldn't focus today, i was so distracted !!!


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