Lazybeth's sketchbook
scribles, studys and stuff
Todays scriblings

welcome lazybeth ( though you shouldn't be lazy !! ) i know you can draw a lot mote, come on, next update i wanna see 10 pages full of drawings !! You must be obsesed by drawing ! you must breath the paper, eat the leads , and make love to your pencil if you wanna succeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed !! Keep it up, and looking forward to see more !

Hey lovely start and pretty much what kikindaface said looking forward to seeing more ^^
kikindaface: Thanks yeah the idea in joining this forum was for me to stop being lazy and start churning out a lot more studys and art ;D
Chavreaper: Thanks ill try to post as much as i can
Couldnt draw durring the weekend cuse of some family stuff but today i tackled a subject i always avoided, yup hands
first 5 pages are bridgman studys and then some from life

nice dedication to those hands !!! it's really tricky ! The only thing to say is if you're drawing on A4 sheets, i suggest to draw bigger, because drawing small won't help you to improve your skills ! you should draw a few hands on each page, it'd be better, the more you draw big, the more you see mistakes, and the better you can fix them !! and keep up your hard work ! don't be indulgent with yourself, always want more ! until you're working 14 hours everyday, then you can be satisfied ! but try to push a bit harder everyday, draw one more page everyday, until you don't waste time anymore!! Cheers

kikindaface : hm i should try to draw bigger, i have a really bad habit of drawing super small and trying to detail everything out.
More stuff, started trying to draw heads, both from reff and imagination

More heads

nice work with the vilppu studies, keep working on structure, and try to integrate them into your face from reference, an exercise that will help you better understand volume is to take a photo and redraw it as a low poly 3D modelisation, hope you get what i mean, it's gonna help you understand volumes way better !! And damn, your references are great, can i ask you where did you find those girls' faces ? i'm pretty bad at finding good refs :( Keep it up !

here's a good reference for drawing hands/torso/feet in many poses
on the right you can click to see other stuff and turn the thing around, even tho drawing from photos, or even better, life, is still very important.
for the studies, I'd suggest to stick with the pencil first, and once you get the hang of that, go digital. It worked for me, but if it doesn't work for you, just do digital. remember that traditional will never be beaten bij digital, give em' sketchbook sum love (:
good luck, and never forget that if you put the effort in right, the improvement WILL come, and it will be worth it ^^
kikindaface: Oh yeah i get what you mean! should really try doing that. I get my reffs mostly from DA's stock image section, here:
also u can google "portrait tumblr" wich gives you a few cool blogs with just pics of faces
Budgie: Thanks thats a really cool site! I try to do both digital and traditional, but digital ussualy kicks my ass back to just pencils ;P

Been a pretty hectic week, I wish i had more time to draw but ill just have to wait till summer becouse school is a bitch
Some studies, hands from imagination (wich sucks) and trying to understand the structure of the nose

Oh so many hand studies, I love where this is going.
Welcome to Crimson daggers Lazybeth,and enjoy your stay here. I'm sure you will find a lot of inspiration and help here.
Great work on studies, I see that you are working hard. Try doing more portrait studies. You can follow face classes by Suzanne-
Have fun^^

All these hand studies!! Fantastic!!
You seem to know what you're doing - studying and then applying what you've studied to some refless sketches and so on, which is really great :)
By joining the Daggers, getting involved and keeping consistent no matter what - you're definitely going to be in need of a name change ;)
But yeah, pretty much what kikindaface said about building up to studying/arting ~14hrs a day.
Keep kicking butt and I'll see you ' round, puddin' pie :3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Welcome to the daggers LazyBeth! You have some pretty solid studies here. I'm not sure how much time you spend on them. But I'd recommend maybe taking just a little bit longer to make your you get the details as close as possible. Speed comes with time.

Again, welcome to the daggers I hope to see some great stuff here.

More studies

and some horrible stuff from imagination

Been slowly transitioning to digital. mostly becouse my scanners on the fritz but i didnt want to stop posting and getting advice!!!

and some crap from imagination

Head and skull studys, also im going to try to do atleast 1 value painting a day to learn how to see values. The last 4 heads is me trying to apply the studys, which didnt turn out too great
going to try again tomorow

More paintings
really strugled with that jug, didnt really know how to get the texture right, really struggling with just placing down figures even with refrence, but its just a matter of milage i think :)

More studys (and some face sketches from imagination), im kinda focusing on faces right now but i should really try to start drawing figures everyday and to really just grind anatomy into my brain. Gotta work a lot harder then i am right now haha

Oh my god i just noticed that i missed some replys made a long time ago
to Toxicpanda, smrrfette, TylerDonnelly, Im so sorry i didnt reply, i must have been in a hurry to update or something
I probably came off as an asshole :c
But anyway here are some bridgman studys and something i painted as a gift for a friend

Some real life stuff kept me from drawing last week, so i dont got much to show, tryed to use my free time to just study anatomy


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