Tristan's sketchbook
Working on my sketch process so I can deliver better sketches to my clients with a higher quality

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Been busy with client work and I've been reading a bunch of art related books too. The books I have left are Alla Prima II, Color and Light, and Imaginative realism.

Trying to loosen up a bit

Discord - JetJaguar#8954

Even more

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
I should try and get a little more abstract with my future gestures...

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hmmm, gestures, the breakfast of champions!

IMO you have it already man, plus your skin colors are spot on, it's up to you if you want to go more abstract or keep it on the realistic, either way I'm sure you'll do fine.

Here's a funny gif, keep it up!

Heh, thanks, man. I'm trying to loosen up my gestures and get a stronger sense of motion. I guess it's just something I need to work on.

Morning gestures while chomping on some breakfast

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
As you've probably guessed, this week is gestures..

Also, I'm doing the whole "get healthy" thing to improve my efficiency and general health. I've already beat my caffeine addiction, quit soda and junk food and things are going well.
While getting healthy is all fine and dandy, I do need to start studying more..

Anyway, here are a bunch of gestures

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Bustin' out more gestures..

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Most are now from imagination. Gonna jump over into some more construction stuff for now. I've learned a lot from gestures and they're definitely something I'll do more often.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Heh, hey man no sweat, you're already doing great and gestures is something we'll never stop studying really. Just maybe try to mix something else in it, like hands and feet so you don't get bored with it too quickly and never come back to it again.

Yeah that's really true. Doing the same thing over and over can lead to you just going on autopilot and not learn as much.
I'm trying to construct my own little course in figure drawing using the Michale Hampon course, the videos Glen Vilppu has and from my big Bridgman book. Should try and pace myself between gestures, construction and full color/value studies. Thanks for the reminder.

So in other news I've found an anime that I've been looking for ever since I was 6 or 7. Back in the day I had a Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters VHS and I watched it all the time. There was a trailer in it before the movie started that was an anime series and one of the most epic things I've seen. Now I never looked up what it was and not being a big anime guy, that stuff just passed me by. Moving on a few years I don't have a VHS player so I can't watch that copy of the movie but I remembered that trailer and I could remember how epic it felt to watch. So just now I tried looking for it (again) and I also checked with a buddy and he knew what it was.... Sooo a few minutes later, I'm watching Neon Genesis Evangelion...

The things I missed what I was younger... (still young so I guess it wasn't a big loss?) So I'll probably get over influenced by it, like what happened with me and Dark Souls. So sorry for the 90's asian-influenced sci-fi stuff that probably will show up in the future.

Anyway, here's a sketch on a square canvas... I hate squares....

Discord - JetJaguar#8954

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
So in the last Zorn study I jumped into paint. This time I wanted an easier structure so I did a loose sketch first.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Yumm, those paintings are lookin gooood man! Are these Finished or beginnings of longer paintings? Either way they're great

Beardley: Hey thanks. These are a few master studies by my favorite painter Anders Zorn. I'm not completely happy with the stylistic influences in my current work so I'm studying the master painters I love because that's how I want to paint. I'd like to develop a more classical style and approach to art but I'm also studying more contemporary things like being able to work from imagination. I am in love with the great painters of the late 1800's and early 1900's and I think that's the style I want to push for (while still doing digital and fantasy stuff).

Going to bed but I'll be back at this one in the morning.
'Night guys and galls <3

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
I think I should start doing studies in threes. Could be a good way to make sure I learn something by repeating the process and applying what I've learned short after. So here is my third Zorn study. Gonna do 3 of something else now... hm.. What to do, what to do.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Messed this up during the last few minutes because I'm really about to crash. I can feel my legs just giving in and I won't be awake much longer. I guess there is something to be learned from this - When you're starting to doze off, quit, seep and get back to it in the morning. You make shitty decisions and bullshit shortcuts when you're tried.

I'll do another landscape tomorrow. Let's hope things go better then.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Something simple

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Listening to some Hitchens debates and studying sculptures

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Beads are sexy <3

Discord - JetJaguar#8954

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