Rognoll's Sketchbook
@Sam: That was REAAAAALLY useful, Sam! Thanks a lot! I hadn't noticed but that's a huge flaw in practically all my compositons!

@crackedskull: Thanks for taking the time to look at them, man. Any critique?

I've been practicing comicbook coloring for hours, I've re-colored this drawing like 5 times. This is the final one.
What do you think?

[Image: wiz_by_dadapan-d7igyrd.jpg]

OK, I haven't been here in a while. I've got a lot of sketchbooks to catch up with, but first, outrageously long art dump.

I've been doing a lot of comic work, mostly coloring.

I'm not going to post every page of the comic not to uslessly flood the forum, so here's the first page, and a link to the DA folder where they are.
As always, critiques are more than welcome.
[Image: octopus_garden_by_dadapan-d7qy7w9.jpg]


and some other, you know, dump.
And some colors over lines I found on DA (I gave them the proper credits over there)
[Image: hero_by_dadapan-d85huar.jpg]
[Image: lady_mechanika__sample_colors__by_dadapan-d82cr98.jpg]
[Image: yet_another_color_practice_by_dadapan-d85hd74.jpg]
[Image: wolverine__sample_page___colors_by_dadapan-d7zgb0p.jpg]

No actual studies, I've got a folder full of scribbles and embarrasing color attempts. (at least, more embarrasing than these ones)

Anyway, any cretique would be sooo appreciated guys.


And some value and color practice.
[Image: otro_rahn_by_dadapan-d87w24g.jpg]


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