Gems of the Madzia art
Hello Daggers!
I'm new here :) I was around few days, but I've waited with posting my pictures. I was looking for comrades in arms, to win battle for improvement :D and I think I found them here. For sure I will enjoy spending time with You guys!

About my art, I love stylized characters, saturated colors I overdo soft brushes in my last pictures so I know what to improve next xD But fantasy art is the thing that got me into art. I loved D&D illustrated handbooks, I still feel warm inside seeing Frazetta or Vallejo art. I don't know if I will ever be able to combine it together currently I treat it as two different directions.
Of interesting things I'm drawing in Illuststudio software, If you know SAI it have similar brushes flow but it's much more advanced more like PS (and it's cheaper xD)

[Image: tumblr_mnf5fvzoxs1rw215do1_500.png] [Image: tumblr_mnbpekqFeI1rw215do1_500.png] [Image: tumblr_mn22dfArUB1rw215do1_500.png][Image: tumblr_mmjfydwKO91rfwpf0o1_1280.jpg] [Image: tumblr_ml07m2ERet1rw215do1_1280.png] [Image: tumblr_mkujhrv2Hy1rw215do1_1280.png] [Image: tumblr_mjtzov9yWK1rw215do1_500.png] [Image: tumblr_mjb3prG0r61rw215do1_500.png] [Image: tumblr_mj23tqhKHd1rw215do1_1280.png] [Image: tumblr_mhme71vxZi1rw215do1_1280.png]

Congrats, I love your palette!

nice stuff, very good. the characters at the very top are very cool, lots of of personality. also love your brush work, looks like you have your style down.
Wow, great work ranging from adorable caricatures to deep sea horror! I love the colors of the rainbow elf, the story hinted with the young man at the workbench, the fellow with the crazy arm (really love to know the back story there), and the utterly disgusted expression on the little girl's face! And that warrior lady with the jester motif and hints of goth is just stunningly mysterious!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Astounding pallets!

Oh wow this is great.

Love that howl. Awesome stylization!

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