Nimao's Sketchbook - things and stuff




thanks =)



UFF pretty tired probably why they lost all the dynamic stuff. I hope I remember them better tomorrow. can't wait to see if i' better with arms after one month only arms. If  it works I will move on to different body parts each 1 month and then probably repeat till it all sticks in my stupid subconscious brain part.

Heya Nimao. Welcome back to CD - great to see you around again. I also love the simplification you've got going on here - it's great stuff! Are you studying any resource or artist in particular with your arm exercises ?

Can't wait to see how those guns look after a month of studying them
(05-27-2021, 08:34 AM)chubby_cat Wrote: Heya Nimao. Welcome back to CD - great to see you around again. I also love the simplification you've got going on here - it's great stuff! Are you studying any resource or artist in particular with your arm exercises ?

Can't wait to see how those guns look after a month of studying them
Look like some bridgman.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yap bridgman  ;O

yeah im glad to be back. Should have never stopped studying >.<

Okay I think I really have to stop worrying about all and every muscle. More simplifying first and then add the small muscles. The flow or whatever is more important really have to keep that in mind.

From my mind with rarely looking on old stuff. But I think its slowly clicking. Mostly lose here to get the big shapes in the subconscious. I wonder if I will be able to sketch with it without thinking too much at some point. But I guess that only comes with endless repeating from the head and checking.

Tried a little around. So afraid I will forget that stuff

I don't think there is much escaping the lose of information over time instead of focusing on your fear of forgetting maybe you could focus on getting better at simplification of the bigger mass which you can than apply your anatomy knowledge on top.The rest is about being ok about constently revisiting area where you need to be refresh.If we could just learn one thing and be done with it and not forget that would be fantastic but that being optimistic about the brain retention ability.

I think the biggest commitment to memory is being able to apply what your learn in away that release dopamine which is to say that when you draw something that use the knowledge you been working on it where you see the brain want to go back to this feel of sucess and it also create neutral path that signal that this information is a priority in your day to day lifesyle.The worst thing one can do is being distracted or feel like what there doing will simply just be forgotten because it renforce this instead of the other useful information.

The question become how can you make sure that you enjoy what you do in way that stimulate your memory retention.Drawing is one of them observing is an other learning is an other one being able to alternate between those help retain and refresh the brain attention.Of course over time you have already visit the subject a couple of time it become a question of how do i go further than before.I suggest combining some approch, studying new book or video tutorial trying new medium this kind of stuff .

Keep it fun anatomy can be really taxing at time so make sure to put that anatomy to good use.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-28-2021, 10:25 AM)darktiste Wrote: I don't think there is much escaping the lose of information over time instead on focusing about your fear of forgetting maybe you could focus on getting better at simplification of the bigger mass which you can than apply your anatomy knowledge on top.The rest is about being ok about constently revisiting area where you need to be refresh.If we could just learn one thing and be done with it and not forget that would be fantastic but that being optimistic about the brain retention ability.

I think the biggest commitment to memory is being able to apply what your learn in away that release dopamine which is to say that when you draw something that use the knowledge you been working on it where you see the brain want to go back to this feel of sucess and it also create neutral path that signal that this information is a priority in your day to day lifesyle.The worst thing one can do is being distracted or feel like what there is doing will simply just be forgotten because it renforce this instead of the other useful information.

The question become how can you make sure that you enjoy what you do in way that stimulate your memory retention.Drawing is one of them observing is an other learning is an other one being able to alternate between those help retain and refresh the brain attention.Of course over time you have already visit the subject a couple of time it become a question of how do i go further than before.I suggest combining some approch, studying new book or video tutorial trying new medium this kind of stuff .

Keep it fun anatomy can be really taxing at time so make sure to put that anatomy to good use.

At the moment it actually feels refreshing to just learn again. I always have those ups and down it just what I have to push through. Oft I learn through those ups and downs. I feel like the approach I'm currently taking really helps me learn i think.


from memoryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

From the mind agaain trying to use what I learned

Only a few quick ones today. Because I don't have much time for work


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