DoubleThinks Sketchbook
Glad you appreciated the critique, I was worried I'd started going overboard and been rather rude >_>

Cool designs! I think there's a ton of potential in that first image, great sense of depth there. it read as some kind of old abandoned mine in a Western to me. A western-set fantasy could be pretty awesome actually! Not suggesting you do that just typing out loud haha.

I liked the timer on pixelovley too, but I believe it's even more efficient to see a gesture on film and draw it without ever pausing. I try and draw the impression from the instant I saw the pose, instead of looking at it and copying what I see. That way when I finish one gesture drawing I'm looking for the next straight away. It's tough to do and for half my drawings I usually wind up pausing the film anyway and defeating the purpose, but that's my ideal XD

And you're right, plenty of other things would be as good as Loomis, I was just throwing out an example. Any way you learn is fine, I just should have said some more perspective/construction-oriented stuff from observation would be good practice.

Awesome to see you're taking initiative starting on a personal project, Most of the time I don't really feel brave enough to.
Best of luck with it, looking forward to seeing how it develops!

@ Sam
Oh I always start new projects, I just hardly ever finish them. I have (what I think are ten good ideas a week) and I want to do them all. Or at least start them :P

More gestures. Wasn't really going well at first, but then I switched to a bigger brush, it was more fun :-P

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Have been quite busy the last few days making a wedding invitation for a friend.

here are some rather uninspired alien sci-fi stuff. It is kind of fun as a thinking excersise..

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Some animal drawing practice. The fur doesn't make it easier.

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hey man!
ace colours in post #19.
really like the summer pitch concepty things too. to me they seem to be a whole step above your other work, great work on them.

a think about loomis is that its really important not to copy them. you really have to try understand the system of thinking that he's presenting and re-create it yourself, to memorise the proportions by drawing in lots of different angles than the ones he draws in, etc.

keep it up

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Yeah, I get that a lot. I do a lot of stuff that kind of starts as a doodle, without a real goal. They're usually a whole lot worse than my other stuff

I suppose I could check some loomis stuff again. I do find it quite boring to be honest.

Look at my guns. Trying to convey mass. from memory. I do struggle with hands. Anyone know of any good reference sites?

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use your own hand as reference! really, it works great. you can see it up close in any position, get yourself a table mirror to see other angles of it

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
God, faces are hard...

Some days it's really hard to stay motivated tbh.

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some stupid sketches.
I think I've found a good brush for sketching in Photoshop now.

Have some stuff on paper too but too lazy to scan

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pencil sketches and a paint over from a "painting" I did about a year ago.

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Trying to keep my strokes a little looser.
When I tighten the painting it loses it's character.

Any tips on that?

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I just got my new computer and I can just paint fluently now on a decently sized canvas.

Had so much fun with this guy.
Might noodle on the details some more later. Some textures + paints

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Spent another hour or 2 noodling away at the details.
It was fun.

What do you guys think?
I feel it's a semi-decent portfolio piece.

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I like the rock guy :) I do think the movement of his limbs could be an issue if this was like a concept art piece, because the joints don't look like they could move naturally without bending in an odd way. Also I would recommend a few rock studies to get that texture down, but nice idea and color palette!

pnate:you're absolutely right! Didn't stop to think about the legs.

Here's some more on the girl from earlier. Don't think I'll work on it more. Just wanted to see how far I could get without using reference.

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Nice work in here! I have a small crit for your last one though.

I know it was done from imagination, but a few things looks off. For one, the lower part of her face (starting from under the eyes) is kind of over sized, and makes her look a little masculine. The eyes should fall about in the middle of the head vertically. Also, her head was just a little large for her body.

I did a quick lasso manipulation to show what I mean. At this point here eyes look a little big (since the face as a whole got smaller) so they might need to be a little smaller to fit in, but you get the idea!


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Thanks for the crit Sublimus, thqt looks way better now!

Just some landscape studies tonight.

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Some cowboys and a seademon dude.

I really need to do some cowboy hat studies. They're harder than they look.
I'm also digging the dutch tilt in the seademon piece.

Let me know what you think before I take them further.

SO many ideas, so little time!

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Just some dragon designs out of me tonight.
I should try and clean some of these up.

But that's for uninspired days! :)

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keep going! i know it's tough to stay inspired, but eventually you'll hit a point where you'll say, man i gotta do this! if you haven't already listened to all the crimson conversations, they are a big motivator for me atleast; especially brad rigney's!

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