My BS Challenge finished Artwork
I'm doing all the Blood Sports challenges from 1 to the latest.
I'll be doing 3 pieces per Blood Sport and here is the first one finished.
Comments and critiques will be appreciated, thank.

Great idea with going through whole Bloodsports :D Fingers crossed, you can make it!

Post with your finished piece studies you made specifically for this picture. I saw in you challenge thread some processes but I don't know if you tired any other compositions cuz this one could be executed a little better with more work. You're making 3 separate illustration for every challenge but even if you pick one to finish still you can try draw few composition thumbnail to choose the best.

I think it's not possible to stand on animal back in wide stance and be able to shot with precision especially using bow. Even if the animal is huge his back isn't flat like a table. Ribcage is cylindrical and moves with every breath. Maybe he should have some kind of saddle?
You started your sketch with golden radio but later you rearrange everything and the golden ratio is no more used :(

The contrast on bears fur is much too dark, look at photos of polar bears in Arctic environment. Snow reflect so much light it's impossible to have almost black shadows on white fur.

Just give yourself much more time for preparation, and study every object you are going to draw. It doesn't seems like but the greatest amount of time in drawing takes planning picture properly :)

(06-16-2013, 10:43 PM)Madzia Wrote: Great idea with going through whole Bloodsports :D Fingers crossed, you can make it!

Post with your finished piece studies you made specifically for this picture. I saw in you challenge thread some processes but I don't know if you tired any other compositions cuz this one could be executed a little better with more work. You're making 3 separate illustration for every challenge but even if you pick one to finish still you can try draw few composition thumbnail to choose the best.

I think it's not possible to stand on animal back in wide stance and be able to shot with precision especially using bow. Even if the animal is huge his back isn't flat like a table. Ribcage is cylindrical and moves with every breath. Maybe he should have some kind of saddle?
You started your sketch with golden radio but later you rearrange everything and the golden ratio is no more used :(

The contrast on bears fur is much too dark, look at photos of polar bears in Arctic environment. Snow reflect so much light it's impossible to have almost black shadows on white fur.

Just give yourself much more time for preparation, and study every object you are going to draw. It doesn't seems like but the greatest amount of time in drawing takes planning picture properly :)

Hi there!

Wow! I really appreciate the critique! Good points!
Yeah I know the tones are way off, haha, think it was just me wanting it to have more dramatic lighting and stuff, will have to work on doing things right and being realistic about it and not want to just go off and do my own thing, hehe.

I did not really do a lot of concept and comp sketches, that was dumb I know, I just really wanted to putt the hunter on his back, lol.

I hear what you are saying, 1 Awesome piece is probably better than 3 crappy ones. And I will admit that I was maybe a bit impatient and wanted to get started as fast as possible, so it was a bit rushed, I am still going to at least finish the other 2 pieces even if they aren't that good, its all about the practice and I'm still working on the painting part so, even if its bad, It's better than doing nothing.

I probably won't go change this piece, but I will definitely keep everything you said in mind for the next blood sports challenge, more sketches, more studies, and will post everything.

Thanks for kicking my ASS, really needed it and its going to make me think more about what I'm doing with future pieces.

Really appreciate all the time you took to help me out, it's pretty unreal.
Thanks a bunch!
PS: Love your work and style.

Urg, did not really like how this one came out, the lighting situation was terrible haha. But I stuck it out and just finished it, was probably good practice over all. Now on to number 3, hope that one goes well.

And I know the hair sucks, everything pretty much is not really good and I know that. The only good thing is maybe that I got the sun going down and really shining into your eyes, my eyes actually started to hunt just looking at it all the time as if the sun was really there.

Colors and composition are beautiful it have this melancholic but full of hope climate. And this sloth pet is crazy idea xD It gives so much to think it's nothing obvious for a hunter. I instantly got this awesome idea that she's a psychic hunter with telepathy skill and so one xD cuz yeah how sloth could be deadly otherwise? He's the madafa*ng mind reader xD

I reworked the image a bit making it lighter and not so dark, and changed the hair, feel much better about the image now at least. So so...

And it's done! Completed the first 3 illustrations for bloodsports 1: sci-fi hunter with pet.
I did way less than I should have done like concept sketching and stuff like that, with the next Blood sports challenge, Swamp elder, I will definitely do more and I'm also going to do thing a little bit different than just sticking to normal nature stuff, again I will probably think of 3 totally different directions to take the illustrations, just to explore more environments, color pallets and textures to get as much practice and improvement out of them. And a lot more studies and I really have to work on my faces, so a lot of portrait studies on top of everything as well.

To paint a jellyfish is much harder than you would think, I must say, if it looks crap, I'm sorry, I will definitely stay away from jellyfish in the future with mind controlling devices inside of them.

Some back story: When hunting large sea monster of the deep, and implanting a device to take control of their brain and movements for the governments bidding. You first have to capture a pet that can move slowly and unseen through the depths and get in close for the hunter to apply his mind control device.

So here is the last piece.

Have been really busy with a job I got and very busy with my day job lately, but that's no excuse! At least I'm back in action and pumped. Here is just a piece I've been working on for like forever. Hope you like it, really ready to pump out the paintings, and studies and improve as quick as possible. Comments and crits are welcome, although, I'm not really happy with the piece myself, but ow well, its kind of finished, and now I can move on, hehe. Peace!!!!


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