Sketchbook of Wil
More stuff, not a lot and a bit late cause i had to go outside into the real world today to do stuff, it sucked :/

[Image: 1503.jpg]

[Image: 1503b.jpg]

[Image: figures0407.jpg]

[Image: gestures0407.jpg]

[Image: grips.jpg]

[Image: hands0407.jpg]

More stuff

[Image: gestures0507.jpg]

[Image: hands0507.jpg]

[Image: charas0507.jpg]


Crazy lines you have sir! Really awesome to see those clean.. your rendering is also good.

Keep those characters coming too! I see you have a good sense of design, specially in the clothes!

Thanks a lot man. I'm having a blast just sketching charas, i should probably get down to actually working on some commissions though, haha.

Not a lot today

[Image: chara0607.jpg]

Oh man your lines are so smooth and clean, great studys and great characters :D
the only thing thats kinda bothering me is that your lines dont vary in weight, it could be a stylistic choice but i think your sketches would definatly look nicer with varying line weight
Really like the lines on that last character, the other two are really cool too, keep it up :)

Very impressive line control, fun to see your stuff!
@will123will: Thanks a lot man, will do!

@Rayph: Thanks! It's fun to work on it, glad you like it.

Been doing a lot of pencil studies lately, and i haven't found the time to scan all that yet, but i will eventually. For now, here's some digi stuff. Crits more than welcome!

[Image: chara1.jpg]

[Image: Cover.jpg]

[Image: DungeonCrawlerIllusSmallD.jpg]

Another one.

[Image: char2.jpg]

some more

[Image: gestures2407.jpg]

[Image: torsos2307.jpg]

[Image: figues0108.jpg]

[Image: errantKnight3007.jpg]


Man, awesome stuff lately! Your lines are smooth clean, which really helps your paintings too!

@mateusrocha : Thanks man!

Tried to polish those last 2 charas a bit more and also got a few more done. I'd greatly appreciate some crit on them. Images are a bit big so i apologize for that.

[Image: charming.jpg]

[Image: errantknight.jpg]

[Image: maam.jpg]

[Image: monk.jpg]

[Image: army%20girl.jpg]

Looking forward to hearing what you guys think!

and something i'm working on

[Image: relaxing%20warmth%20sketch-Recovered.jpg]

I'm gonna call that last one done! Any feedback would be really appreciated.[Image: paintingagostoa.jpg]

Great characters, both technically and concept wise.
Dont really know what to crit, everything already looks awesome to the max!
Sorry for the nitpick, but after looking at the last picture and observing it for some time, I found that the shadow on her upper left arm kind of sticks out. Hope it helps.

Mother of lines @_@. I want to marry you linework. Will you bless our relationship? ;O

Hahaha, go ahead, as long as you don't ask for a dowry xD. Thanks, btw.

Here's some more stuff, been trying some still life lately. The one with the glasses is a bit unfinished, i ran out of time for it.

[Image: still2908.jpg]

[Image: stillaugustA.jpg]

[Image: stillaugustB.jpg]

[Image: stillaugustC.jpg]

[Image: valuesfaces.jpg]

[Image: suki3.jpg]

Good Lord, nice stuff man! (: that blurred effect in the last piece really adds a lot of depth! Good job!

Thanks man! Really appreciate it. Here's some more stuff I've worked on. As usual, any comments and crits are more than welcome.

[Image: elf%20thiefA.jpg]
[Image: envirothumbs.jpg]
[Image: face%20values1909c.jpg]
[Image: faces1-25.jpg]
[Image: faces26-62.jpg]
[Image: faces63-87.jpg]
[Image: faces88-109.jpg]
[Image: photostudy0609.jpg]
[Image: photostudy0909-Recovered%20%282%29.jpg]
[Image: still0309b.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
[Image: valesfaces2409.jpg]
[Image: valuesface1309.jpg]
[Image: valuesfaces2409b.jpg]

Great lineart and that last character is awesome so far.


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