Sketchbook of Wil
Thanks! I enjoy working on characters a lot, but i should really get down to working on some environment stuff. Anyway, here are some lines and some a couple of works i did for client, any crit on these would be awesome. The one that bothers me the most is the one with the actual background, I feel if i had spent more time on the background it'd look a lot better. The character loos a bit boring too ...well, I'll try to get the next ones better.

[Image: faces111013.jpg]

[Image: drunkpushkick.jpg]

[Image: actualSpinAround.jpg]

Client works always good! :D

Lots of faces lately huh? Did I say I love your clean lines? haha its good to be back (:

keep it up!

Well it's been a while since my last post here, I'm gonna try to be more active from now on. For now I'll just post a piece i've worked on quite a bit and it'd be awesome if anyone could tell me after seeing it what i could work on to improve my art since i feel a bit stuck right now. Thanks in advance.

[Image: KOTCSample.jpg]

Some more

[Image: arms.jpg]
[Image: bodies.jpg]
[Image: face230114.jpg]
[Image: legs.jpg]
[Image: more%20bodies%20torsos.jpg]
[Image: sargent1.jpg]
[Image: value%20thumbs.jpg]

[Image: valuespass.jpg]

[Image: faces.jpg]

[Image: threearmedgirl.jpg]

Here's some more stuff. Really feeling like everything i do is pretty shitty lately, particularly but not exclusively faces. Anyway here's some of that with a few sketches for a illustration i'm working on and a few other things. Any crits would be immensely appreciated.

[Image: bad%20guys%20rough2.jpg]
[Image: badguysSketch.jpg]

[Image: faceslikeshit.jpg]
[Image: feet.jpg]

[Image: figuresketches.jpg]
[Image: hands.jpeg]
[Image: i%20suck%20at%20faces.jpg]

[Image: quick%20life.jpg]

[Image: valuesprac.jpg]

the illustrations in #41 are awesome, especially dynamic movement. keep killin it
Thanks Ben, I'll have a few more illustrations to post soon. Also I'm hoping to be able to participate in the Swamp elder Bloodsports so i should post stuff on that soon too. For now here are some hogarth-ish things and a few stills, also some value studies, I'm trying to improve that.

[Image: arm%20values.jpg]

[Image: arms%20hogarth.jpg]

[Image: egg%20still.jpg]

[Image: hogarthishlegs.jpg]

[Image: leg%20values.jpg]

[Image: stilllalalal.jpg]

Your stills are looking great, very good attention to detail and bouncing light! I can see the detail you're putting into your studies too, awesome work man.

Thanks Mayenla!

So here's that sketch from a few posts back, finished (any feedback on it would be awesome) And a couple of head thingies, just experimenting with stuff.

[Image: badguyscd.jpg]

[Image: faces.jpg]
[Image: morefaces.jpg]
[Image: values%20faces.jpg]
[Image: valuesface2.jpg]
[Image: asdasd%20values.jpg]

Bunch of thumbnails

[Image: Diablo%20thumbs.jpg]

[Image: envirothumbs.jpg]

[Image: thumbs.jpg]

[Image: thumbs2.jpg]

[Image: hogarth%20hands.jpg]

[Image: sargent%20study.jpg]

Hey! Some more stuff, finally.

[Image: thedude.jpg]

[Image: thehand.jpg]

[Image: thebatman.jpg]

[Image: diablosketches.jpg]

[Image: facessketches.jpg]

[Image: thumbs%20sketches.jpg]

Some more, harsh heartbreaking crits are most welcome. Even encouraged.

[Image: faces.jpg]

[Image: rockthing.jpg]

[Image: singlelayer.jpg]

[Image: pyroblast.jpg]

[Image: Iroh.jpg]

And a photo study

[Image: lilguyskinstudy.jpg]

Damn, whats your secret haha. Great stuff, love the dynamic posing in the illustrations in number 41, not much to really crit. I have to stop being lazy now and get practicing haha.

really great stuff man, you are well on the path. I cant really say much to help because i think all you have to do is keep going and of course kill those comfort zones.
any tips of getting clean line art like that? or is it just practice

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