Practice Infinitum
Thanks Prabu!

Here is my daily speed paint, Executioner!
[Image: vcxFDLql.jpg]

Probably going to double post today, I've got some thumbs for paintings in progress that I need to get in here, and a crapton of life sketches I have not scanned yet.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
So for my Painting class at Uni,(2nd level painting) our midterm is anything goes as long as it can be observed.

I designed this character, made her costume and now she is going to be the subject of my midterm. Calling her the Raven Queen =D

[Image: ZNPByWdl.png]

I went through a series of thumbs ending up with these six strongest, and some of them I think I'll bring up in full digitally. But for my oil painting class, the bottom middle won, and that's what I'm going with.

[Image: WzmZUAal.jpg]

Now, fast forward to the most updated jpeg, and you have this. This is my linear/angular block in establishing form and shadow shapes.

[Image: Lh75Kuol.jpg]

I did have to have my model pose for both figures in the painting, and the fabric is going to be so painful but worth it I think. Also, for the scene, I have to made a maquette, and it was really quite simple. Some candle holders for columns, and some spray paint. Ignore the black outline, I messed up the scale in the early canvas transitioning. Orange is my new standard, sorry for the mess.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Daily Speed Painting.
[Image: aswkiiVl.jpg]
Android Assassin

Life Studies from mid-august till about a week or so ago. Most recent stuff in my class studio atm.
[Image: TkH3G9N.jpg]
[Image: ZnT06yH.jpg]
[Image: q0GoV87.jpg]

I just recently have been trying to increase my internet presence and that really has helped my initiative. I found a motivation thread in the forums earlier this week and spotted this gem.. http://crimsondaggersforever.wordpress.c...-schedule/ Dave Rapoza's schedule.

I was so inspired by this, that I made my own.
[Image: lY3Bgyql.jpg]

A lot of these activities I have been doing already, but I wanted to take the time and really write them down so I can be more deliberate in how i use my time.

10,000 hours seems to be the minimum to become an outlier, and that's what it takes to make it so that's what I'm going to have to do. And before you ask, yes I prefer to rise early. Just wanted to share! =D

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
This weekend was so awesomely busy for me, and I really hit the ground running with that new schedule.

[Image: T03SBEC.jpg]
30 second gestures

followed by a 40 minute anatomy study/value skecth from photo
[Image: 0pbBZrI.jpg]

followed by a color study of Frazetta's Moon Rapture, and having never done this I must say it is extremely hard. 1 hr
[Image: 72aVBaP.jpg]

Moved on to painting in oil for class, and blocked in general background.
[Image: 5jsDIPp.jpg]

Then A SpeedPainting for about 30mins later that evening,
[Image: DJXrrN8.jpg]
"Lost in Space"

Today's stuff in the same order.
[Image: PPY4ZYZ.jpg]

Trying to figure out some hands, and spent wayyy to much time on these, 30-40 mins..=(
[Image: zwWfEWj.jpg]

[Image: CxoeSY0.jpg]
Sargent's Self(?) Color Study, 1hr. Oh lawd was this difficult.

[Image: N8lgror.jpg]
More oil painting on the Raven Queen

[Image: fNE3DyR.jpg]
"Lost Monument"
and a speedpainting before bed. Man am I pooped, time to sleep and start over tomorrow!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Starting from yesterday. First, some femme fatale gestures, then a portrait color study of faestock from deviantart. My portrait work/color neeeeeeeeeeds work badly.
[Image: cmDoUuEl.jpg]
[Image: X1JicGnl.jpg]
Then, some bridgeman studies, to workout some kinks in skull/face anatomy.
[Image: IDxWdmil.jpg]
[Image: KkPTfrTl.jpg]

Finished the day with a speedpainting that bit me in the ass. Two figures in 30 minutes? Pssshaw, I was far too ambitious.
[Image: QRjJ8dCl.jpg]

Today's work includes, figure work from my class
[Image: pm5HLDTl.jpg]
[Image: ka15JQYl.jpg]

and an explanation. I'm taking the time from some of my studies (some, not all) and putting it towards an in-class still-life painting and my midterm raven queen posted above. They both need some love and are due Oct. 1st.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Painting Project update. Solidified a lot more stuff, I'm in the final stretches. Probably another twenty hours over the next 3-4 days, due on tuesday. Learning a lot and having a blast.

The background walls are too dark black, and I plan to go in and lighten up more strategically, and up the entire scene altogether. More light in the color and shadows to make the silhouettes really pop.
[Image: 7CHq9Qrl.jpg]
[Image: jnUTcBAl.jpg]

I'll be happy when the pressure lightens up, I'm missing out on some fun speed paint topics.

C&C more than welcome on anything guys!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
that last painting is looking great! try to get a nice photo of it if you can. for criticism id say to work on the arm of that girl lying down. cant wait to see how that turns out.
Figure Drawing, "Take Two" Assignment! Take one person, draw him accurately, then draw him again exaggerated. Now I now what it feels like to be The Hulk! Haha. Charcoal on watercolor paper.
[Image: InsAYXYl.jpg]

Painting 2 Assignment, I chose some imaginitive realism observed from life. Made a costume, maquette, and had one model strike two poses. So much fun, 30-35 hours give or take a coffee break.
[Image: 55hAXZkl.jpg]

The paint needs to dry and there's always more I feel that could have been done, but hey I'm very proud of how far I've come along. Hopefully some better detail shots will follow. =D

I'll start my regular posting/practicing schedule back up tomorrow. What a rush!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
Incoming File Dump Update!

[Image: U4E7II5l.jpg]

[Image: LYLQ4ikl.jpg]

[Image: KnnuwFyl.jpg]

[Image: OzjFVxBl.jpg]

[Image: MiPW6itl.jpg]

Figure drawing class has moved into working on toned paper, and sanguine/sepia conte pastel pencils. It is very fun, but interesting to wrap my brain around. All of those poses were 1 hour studies each. I have some more not photographed from the last week or so, but life's been a little chaotic.

The end paintings are each 3 hour Alla Prima paintings. I've got to do two more 3 hour paintings for homework, so I'll be sure to post those up soon. I haven't gotten to speed paint nearly anything, so I'm pretty upset about that...

[Image: acYcEEHl.jpg]

A twenty something minute photo study, trying to get some color worked out. Kept getting interuppted, ending up not finishing it. =/

[Image: 85bWI4Gl.jpg]

Charlie Bowater has a skillshare class on character design, so I've been trying to work some on that, these are initial thumbs for a Dwarven smithy, who is retired military.

[Image: aoxBcotl.jpg]

These are the four I want to consider going further with...Not really sure what I'm doing but fun to try and figure stuff out.

If you've read all this, then your a great supportive listener. I'll be posting more in the coming days because my personal life is calming down, I had midterms, a convention to help coordinate, and wedding tomorrow, and then I should be good for a while. Now I just want to work on my school work and my personal study schedule.

Also, I REALLLY want to go to Massive Black Workshop and do Noah Bradley's art camp. please throw me some feedback on any of this stuff.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: vtxKahll.jpg]
3 hour model study, I jsut joined a portrait club, with weekly 3-4 sessions. Very excited.

[Image: 6YSGbRLl.jpg]
Homework assignment for Figure class, full figure self-portrait, photographs allowed.

[Image: 2smxeKgl.jpg]
3 hour alla prima, ping pong balls, maraschino cherries and some liqueur in a glass. =D

[Image: TiZdxRyl.jpg]
1.5 hour alla prima, crunched on some time thought this was due in class, rushed it a bit and it wasn't due! haha oh well.

[Image: Q44bflOl.jpg]
Charlie Bowater's skillshare character design class, these are my final thumbs that have been refined, and have variants. Taking votes here, there and Facebook to see which one I should pursue to end result.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
The fighter has the best silhouette to me but I like the hunter more.

Front End Developer by day but an Artist by Night
"Artists help artists"
My Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Youtube Lets Learn 3D
Just an update. Some 45s gestures, a 3 hour portrait that blew up in my face (need to work on edges...and nuance)
[Image: NzkmVncl.jpg]
[Image: B0pDwbRl.jpg]
[Image: TYrviv7l.jpg]

A couple speed paints. Psychic Kid, and Forest Monument.
[Image: 6PrisDNl.jpg]
[Image: 3catC5nl.jpg]

A 10-15 min sketch that I liked enough to share lol
[Image: OksUHRLl.jpg]

And some in depth photo study for figure work.
In progress prolly going to push it a little further for practice sake
[Image: W9c4qxsl.jpg]

Don't really have a good excuse for not posting closer to daily..I'm still working at everything just, the schedules been suffering. No excuses though. I've got a portfolio I'm wrapping up, most of which this forum has seen, and a website coming. Almost done with that and I'm on twitter now!

I'm 96% sure I'm going to dedicate the time and money to Noah Bradley's art camp. Just waiting for payday on the 1st to really "put the money down" if you will. ;)

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
hey dude, nice schedule ! Don't burn out though, and it's gonna be fine ! looking forward to see your improvment !

(10-26-2013, 04:34 AM)kikindaface Wrote: hey dude, nice schedule ! Don't burn out though, and it's gonna be fine ! looking forward to see your improvment !

Thanks man! I'll certainly try not to get burned out. I try to use the schedule as an ideal standard for the perfect day, and strive to get that much done. I try not to beat myself up to bad if I muck it up though lol.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: l15mVXil.jpg]

[Image: lkxdwbBl.jpg]

[Image: tMo1oVXl.jpg]

[Image: SP0gN4Bl.jpg]

A small update. The first is a 30 min speed painting of plant humanoid thing. I threw down some quick values on the figure study from the other day and cranked out a color study in the lady's portrait. Last up is an undead giant eating a fire temple, know...monks are smores apparently.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: Z2wWztTl.jpg?1]
2 and 30 mins figure from life.
[Image: h0wIXmul.jpg?1]
3 hour drapery study from life.
[Image: zDan18ul.jpg]
30 mins portrait from life.
[Image: lRemBffl.jpg]
30 mins portrait from life.
[Image: 57qwLQBl.jpg]
One Hour Portrait Study from life.

[Image: ey9NODyl.jpg]
30 mins speedpaint "illusionist"

[Image: 3AndS79l.jpg]
30 mins speedpaint "shogun"

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: 57tlOwIl.jpg]
Well, it's official. I finally got that damn dwarf concept done. Hopefully this will build some steam...I really feel like it is one of the better digital paintings I have done albeit it is stuck in grayscale...

[Image: Csx9PXjl.jpg]

A comparison shot for those interested! It really came along way! hahah.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
[Image: XCYsykkl.jpg]
30 minute portrait study from life in my new cool grey sketchbook. So excited =D

[Image: JdAidbhl.jpg]
Almost a full 3 hours but not quite, maybe 2.5. Either way my teacher is letting me work digitally with our figure models now until the end of the semester.

[Image: jGxemhs.jpg]
[Image: FvA8GJ1l.jpg]
25 old master composition studies for Bradley's art camp.

[Image: fDOXmqZl.jpg]
first 3 color studies. A very busy sunday/monday awaits me.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
hey dude, you should try to stop rushing and take your time on certain things, like your anatomy studies ! think more and draw less, but in the end you'll learn much more ! for those 30 min head studies, try to not rush to render features ! you can actually catch the likeness only with the shapes of the cranium, the cheeks, jaws and chin ! try to better block in the main volume of the face , it's quite messy !

(11-10-2013, 01:40 PM)kikindaface Wrote: hey dude, you should try to stop rushing and take your time on certain things, like your anatomy studies ! think more and draw less, but in the end you'll learn much more ! for those 30 min head studies, try to not rush to render features ! you can actually catch the likeness only with the shapes of the cranium, the cheeks, jaws and chin ! try to better block in the main volume of the face , it's quite messy !

Haha, okay, thanks for the feedback. I've been treating everything like speedpaints, trying to get as much information down in shortest time possible. I'll have to try what you're talking about, and that's going to be interesting because I haven't ever tried to go slow with it.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook

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