Zombie's Book of Sketches
Some more stuff! Finished version of the Eleven painting, a painting for the novel The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, Chloe and Max from Life is Strange, and some pose practice, all from ref.

[Image: 011_portrait_by_elliercompton-dadluy3.png]

[Image: tumblr_oc4drcpn5l1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oc2k3vd7vv1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: poses_zpsgfjknitc.png]

Cool sketchbook ZombieChinchilla - an inspirational amount of work in here :).

I love your Environment Design Rocks work and those Hampton studies are looking great as well (I love studying Hampton :)).

Keep up the great work!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thanks, Artloader!

Man, I haven't posted here in quite a while! I've been working like crazy, though. Senior year has been a whirlwind. I'm getting my idea for my thesis nailed down, and I'm definitely going to be posting about it here so that I can get some feedback.

Here's some general stuff I've been working on recently:

[Image: 99086FF2-5219-4919-84FB-1F15E1ED0834_zpszprpyvgo.jpg]

[Image: A7524446-530E-4CD4-AC3D-B4393A280EE5_zpsoysnygwa.jpg]

[Image: 512AD753-1E80-4DC7-BE2B-3B2C69FC1C4A_zpsbfnkrc2b.jpg]

[Image: 81520B9F-44B6-4964-B5AE-71C30FE504CE_zpsrmpelpvo.jpg]

[Image: 8D4A14C6-1E5D-4249-8060-0AFED875AEF7_zpsaujzz3lt.jpg]

And here's my thesis work. I'm planning on creating 3-4 characters who are all witches, and I'm planning on having a full illustration and a short comic for each character. So far I'm developing the first character, a plant witch whose house is covered in levitating potted plants. I've been doing thumbnails for the illustration and storyboards for the comic.

[Image: F5E123A2-320A-4BC3-85EF-662AB9254A32_zpsggegesed.jpg]

[Image: E82A033E-0374-4CDB-8153-4735C001CB69_zpspojkct1f.jpg]

[Image: C2C79018-B10D-41E5-9982-C1EA6238C268_zpse8wnugh1.jpg]

[Image: 123E40A1-FB98-4D7C-80B4-181694757BCB_zpshwcsizm1.jpg]

[Image: 1652E7C5-BD23-481B-9616-F551D790D242_zpsklbt5nci.jpg]

Hey ZombieChinchilla. Nice stuff here. Saw your portrait and though it has  potential in it.
I´ve done a very quick paintover just to briefly illustrate some things that you could do to improve that piece.

- Attention with the values, avoid too drastic contrast without gradual building.
- Attention with the anatomy of the neck and proportion of the head features.

Not sure if you wanted to do a kid or a teen, so i tried to keep your style and accentuate a bit the eyes.

The piece has potential. Just my two cents. Cheers!

Hey thanks for the paintover, RickRichards! It's appreciated, I may revisit that portrait someday.

I feel bad for never updating this lately, I'd like to post here more often.

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[Image: tumblr_oi331fLhVM1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oi8j2a4yjI1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

I'm on winter break now, so I plan on working on thesis work. I'll try to keep this more updated as I go!

Some sketches for my thesis, where I'm doing a comic and a painting about a plant witch!

[Image: page1wip_zpszvqoiab5.jpg]

[Image: page2wip_zps0s77de8w.jpg]

[Image: C12BA802-D6DA-4E24-9A47-6BAA1DB8B9F8_zpsy4vxjykq.jpg]

More about the comic over here.

[Image: plantgirlwip2_zpsnvnpcwkh.png]

I haven't worked on this painting in a few weeks, but I can definitely tell that the anatomy is off and needs fixing.

I'll admit that over the past few days, I haven't been doing any real studies or anything, but I have been doodling the characters from my new favorite podcast, The Adventure Zone. If you enjoy goofy fantasy, please listen to it. It's three brothers and their dad playing DnD, but it's very off-the-book, the story and characters are great, and it's such an enjoyable listen. It's been fun playing around with character design with these guys.

[Image: tumblr_ojbfzcG1sF1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oja5wgWbUr1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oj9yh8Ct1g1rrywreo1_500.jpg]
(I didn't come up with the design for No.3113, the robot, I got it from here: http://careydraws.tumblr.com/post/138614...the-latest)

[Image: tumblr_oiytlpQKAI1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oiin79oubf1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

Great stuff!
Its crazy how the eye defines the overall style of the character/drawing even when the rest of the body are the same
(Referring to your last last image with your other img in your thread)

Also you "Dont let this happen again" piece, that is some pretty emotionally striking sketch, damn, nice work

Keep it up! :D

Thanks so much, izene! And I'm glad you like that sketch, it was an emotionally striking scene. ;_;

So I have an update on my comic, along with some mouth studies, character sketches of my friends' D&D characters, and more Taako from TAZ.

[Image: page1wip4_zpsalc8sbkc.jpg]

[Image: page2wip3_zpsdif6euis.jpg]

[Image: 2E25D17C-5E42-4D5C-BEE3-E9AC8BCC8CC4_zpsltlnacqo.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ojj10c0N2I1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ojj10c0N2I1rrywreo2_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oje6nkxSR61rrywreo1_500.jpg]

Working on my thesis painting! I'd love some crits on this.

[Image: plantgirlwip4_zpsqtom4l33.png]

I was about to say how I think I'm done with this, until I realized I never did the tattoos on her arm and the perspective on the bookshelf is waaaayy off. Still a few tweaks needed but mostly done.

[Image: plantgirlwip5_zpsvgh9hjzf.png]

Love those smile studies!! :D

Oh boooy, it's been a while since I've updated this. I'd like to get back into updating and posting here regularly, gotta keep myself motivated! Let's see...I graduated! Yayy!! I now have a BFA in illustration, and if you want to see my final comic project, I posted it a while ago in the portfolio/finished work section. Since then, I've just been living at home, trying to come up with more stuff to work on. Specifically, trying to develop a webcomic I've been planning for a few years now. I changed the main character and I'm starting to hit brick walls. Maybe I'll make a deathline thread about it, who knows.

Anyway, here's some sketches and stuff I've been doing in the past month.

[Image: tumblr_orb2jkLDTd1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_orcujnZL341rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ortkzc4Agb1rrywreo1_500.png]

[Image: tumblr_os64jjfCrb1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_osn6t2zsbg1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_osocwwKN2h1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

Some more stuff.

[Image: tumblr_osopkfu7w91rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ostrjbsn5T1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

Hey grats on graduating Zombie!

Keep going with the webcomic, good luck with it :)

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Heyo Zombie! Congrats ion graduating from me too!
Looking at your stuff I notice that you stick to your own style, but I think you could benefit a lot from drawing different types of faces and maybe exploring realism and learning from comic book masters, this way your style would become richer and more diverse. And the fundamentals, it's always good to keep pushing them :) Looking forward to see more updates, your studies and folio development!

Thanks, Artloader! I'm working on it, slowly but surely. :)

Thanks, neo! I do need to do more studies, of realistic stuff and maybe some style studies of artists I admire? Thanks a lot!

Haven't been doing as much studies as I'd like lately, everything is mostly self-indulgent...but they are fun, and they're keeping me pretty busy.

[Image: tumblr_otz10gByhk1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_otzaqktJBW1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ou1czoFZWn1rrywreo1_500.jpg]
^ These are two characters from The Adventure Zone podcast. I want everyone to listen to this show. I cried real tears during the last episode. :V

[Image: tumblr_ou2fc4dlIg1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ou4c0hilAc1vjxptho1_1280.png]
And then finally a redo of the portrait of Eleven I did about a year ago...I'm happy with the shading, but her expression is bugging me. I want it to be a sad smile, but it's not really working out.

I finished the Eleven portrait. And check out that improvement!!

[Image: tumblr_ou4mkb4ipD1rrywreo1_500.png]

[Image: 20622005_1108875169246783_11615871147676...e=59FB4A5E]

Woooahh, it's been one year and one day since I've posted here! :0 Haven't been frequenting this forum in quite a while but I was scrolling through today and decided to look through my old sketchbook. Man, it was quite a trip, I'm pretty happy with the amount of improvement I went through during the 4ish years I was really active here. I'll admit that recently I haven't been studying as much as I should be. I'd really love to get back into it, though. Let's see if I can keep up with posting here and get back to grinding like I was before. Gotta keep leveling up!!

Here's some illustrations I've done over the past few months:

[Image: tumblr_ovamt6dM8V1rrywreo1_1280.jpg0]

[Image: tumblr_ovamt6dM8V1rrywreo2_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ovamt6dM8V1rrywreo3_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ov7f1tYbWE1rrywreo1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_p9zfb984861xp23woo1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_p9jl7gZYUT1rrywreo1_1280.jpg]

If you want to check out more of what I've been doing the past year, I've posted most of it on my tumblr, which is linked in my sig. Feels good to be back, daggers!

Some gestures I did yesterday and today. It's been a while...

[Image: c1KMsC4.jpg]

[Image: 5kB713K.jpg]


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