Day 18
3h done

Thanks, Jonhop. Havent done a value study in a while so I'll give it a go some time soon.
Good to know it Freinik, thanks.
Really, improvement on lines and me? I'm flattered, thank you smrr :)

As far as scribbling/chickenscratching goes, Im still heavily in it, really takes an extra amount of focus to refrain from doing that.

Vilppu 18. Focused on lines, after reading the comments. I really liked the 1 stroke exercise because it immediately alerted me, when I started scribbling.

Update on concept, spent 2h on it, feeling like I should have managed more, but atleast I have a solid basis for it now. Also there are so many happy accidents/patterns in the pirates shiluette, love when that happens.

I am kind of afraid to lose the magic or the potential of the sketch I had, any tips?

this last illustration is really nice man. dont be scared to make mistakes! and for criticism, right now i see alot of highlight and shadow. try to push some reflected light and midtone. i like where this one is going, and youre constantly updating too. keep up the hard work.
Day 19
3h done

Thanks Ben, I'll add the details and fixed lighting near the end of the image.

Vilppu 19

And another 2h on this, only issue I had was that I worked quite slow on it. Thats probably because I avoided using 100% opacity and went over several places (escpecially at the character) multiple times. Right now the guy's posture is too stiff, this comes from the legs, which I reposition.

Day 20
4h done

Vilppu 20

Another 2.5h on the illustration.
Done with this. Didnt work so much on reflected light and details of the ship, because I got tired on working on this piece for so long. Did not use any references, because I wanted to see how far I could go (and I didnt bother searching). Had some parts where I got frustrated, mainly the face and the legs, also some parts of the ship, but overall I enjoyed it.

Armor study wip

I am enjoying the 'pirate ship' piece.
I am excited to see what comes of your last post.

Keep it up, I am still amazed at your improvements :)
I hope you are ok by the way ~mii

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Nice dude, the ship piece came out well :). No point running something into the ground if you're getting frustrated with it, better to crack on with something new and get pumped again :). Keep it up man :).

Day 21
3h done

Thanks missi, I am.
Thanks Jake, when I got frustrated I just worked on a different object in the picture.
Today my mind was just flying everywhere, so things like line quality and everything else got left behind.


armor study


had to resize this one quite a bit(original was 6000 by something pixels.)

Pirate on the ship looks awesome :D

Keep up the good work man.

Day 21
additional 2h done

Thanks Prabu, I will.

Realized I was quite a bit behind the 90h deathline so I have to ramp up the workload.
2h statue head study

Day 22
5h done

V 22

3h study

hogarth 3

Nice work man, how close to your target are you atm? Good job sticking to it for the most part, it's definitely paying off. :) One thing that sometimes helps with line quality is to do a rough sketch, maybe with a bigger brush first. Then drop the opacity and use it as a guide for a clean line drawing on top. Might be worth a shot? You can basically scribble the first version, it just needs to be a rough idea of the object your drawing/studying. Then you can add in details, nuances etc. with confidence on top.

Anyway, keep it up, awesome to see so much work in here :)

Nice stuff man, your improvement is phenomenal. Two months and so much progress.

18 yr old artist comin atcha Party


Day 23
5h done

Fuck yeah 2 in a row baby, thanks caffeine!

Thanks Kronos, still a long way to go :)

Hey Jake. I dont know the exact number of hours, but I was behind schedule by 12h or something. So this last week I decided to ramp it up and catch up. I'll get an extra 15-20h or so. As for rough sketches, I always do them they help a ton, but some of them may have too many details, instead of 1 step at a time I often take 50. As for my Vilppu studies I do everything in 1 layer and simulate the effect of doing it with an actual pen. Thanks, I will.

V 23

1h enviro quickie

3h study focusing on line quality and accuracy. Took my time, but now I have a solid base to work on. Already seeing some mistakes that I didnt before. Also didnt nail Bruce Lee's likeness in it, one of the hardest things.

Ooo nice volume of work going on. And vilppu! You can't go wrong with his teachings. As a suggestion, try using the soft round a bit more to add some edge variation. I think it'll help your work, but see how you like it.

Day 24
5h done

Thanks Pnate, I generally stray away from the soft brush, because I dont like soft images. But I use it for atmospheric perspective at time, also in some enviro studies.

V 24

Spent 4h on study. Then did a horizontal flip and saw that the body is too big for bruce lee. Other that that it has been time consuming, but im having fun with it.

Oh man, horizontal flip is so frustrating for that. Worth getting into the habit of doing it really regularly if you can. I've gone the other way and do it way too often now lol, but yeah. Looking good man. If you want to stay away from soft brushes, you could try painting around the form a bit more to push your hard vs soft edges, so try and wrap your brushstrokes around the 3d form you're painting. Getting a range of hard edges vs gradients can really help push the realism either way :).

Keep it coming dude, good job with the extra work recently. Inspiring work ethic. :D

Day 25
4h done

Sure thing Jake. Should hotkey it aswell. I love the method, where I wrap the lines around the form. Been using it a lot more often since I started studying Vilppu. Also an issue of mine is that, I can sense that the form is 3d, but I cant sense the exact shape of it is some situations.

Update on life: this week ive slept only 4-5 hours every night and today the tiredness catched up with me.

V 25


Finished the study, used the warp tool to try and fix the proportions, but it created some new issues and problems.

Thumbnails+ wip concept.

Day 26
5h done

V 26



Character sketches

Day 27
4h done

Overall progress: 87,7 h/90h



Character from imagination

Study focusing on interaction, took a while to get the linework right.

Day 28
1h done

v 28



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