You do a LOT in one day, man, and while I think it's great to be prolific, I think it'll be more beneficial to you to slow down a bit and try to make more of your studies/work more refined a bit.

Day 31
2h done

124/124hrs done. Gotta say its been quite the challenge with school and all.

Now on to Novembers goal which is 150 hours by 30th of november.

Thank you Freinik. I think that comes from the fact that I measure each hour individually instead of grouping them together. But yeah I do rush too much, kind of an habit. I usually get into refining in some studies, if the piece has some fundamental flaws then I kind of dont want to refine it.

Congrats, Crackedskull. Great way to get yourself motivated.

nice challenges ! Keep up with your stuff !

Day 1
5h done

Thanks fellas!

Selfie for the portrait day


Day 2
5h done

*Insert artist rant here*

Hey! Great effort! Try not to use this much black though. Too much contrast can really kill a picture
Anyway, keep on studying anatomy, values, composition and color. BASICS ARE SO FREAKING IMPORTANT YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH STUDIEEEES :D
You are doing really well Crack ! I love seeing all the work you put out
It reminds me that I gotta keep at it or I shall be left in the dust !
You have really good imagination, keep doing what you doin
i agree with othrandir, its best to just figure out how shadows work and push the tones in between the shadows and highlights along with reflected light to turn forms. keep working hard man
Day 3
1h done

"Every year millions people fall victim to procrastination, it has existed since the beginning of time and no definite cure has yet been found. We at ProKill aim to eradicate this disease, help fund our research at"

I could go on about whats wrong and etc, but I probably have already so Ill just replace that with a slightly modified version:
I was overcome with a wave of kittens yesterday. I kept comparing myself with people who had no trouble with handling kittens.
As of today, I keep recalling my experience yesterday. As I was still entombed in kittens I got tired and overjoyed. At the end of the day when I broke free from the kittens using up all my reserves, I felt like posting this experience in CrimsonKittens and just going to sleep.

Thanks for comments.

Day 4
2h done

Day 5
5h done

So apparently I was suffering from overworking. I didnt find art enjoyable and got worried, if Ive lost my interest. But its all good now.
Also because of the slacking yesterday and the day before I was able to focus more.

Finished the character, give me your feedback on it please.

Study on details and then a memory sketch with the basic forms.

Dark souls still life(hard round at 100% opacity,flow and on a single layer.)

Caricature for the school paper.

Day 6
5h done

Master study

Other stuff

Thanks for the comment crackedskull! great effort as usual. I agree with what was said above, maybe try painting something with a lot of ambient light and colored shadows to get out of your comfort color zone? Try and use less black

When doing your master studies, you have to juggle quite a bit to make sure that you are studying the correct fundamentals. Your edges could use a lot of love as well as perspective (both linear and atmospheric) and color. Break things down a little simpler. Do still lives of simple geometric shapes and really try to construct them accurately, render them with correct value structures and utilize thoughtful edge work.

Day 7,8,9,10
0 h done (27h behind progress)

Day 11
5h done

Thanks Sam, will stray towards that.

Sure thing Freinik, did a still life today, master studies are though ones, maybe I should'nt try to do it all in 1 day, but instead break things down like you said and do it piece by piece.

Time to get my lazy ass to work again.
In any case today I decided to start going to the gym again, my friends already go there and I used to go to gym before. Im hoping this will improve my focus and also discipline. Today went great, although my wrist was strained and it was painful to paint at the 5th hour.

Still life and wips

Day 12
1h done

Damn it, Ive gotten to a point where I can push myself to do art even when Im tired and shit, but I still cant focus and make those hours count. Today I started the 2nd hour, but I got so less done that I felt it didnt matter. I want to feel fresh (as in when I have taken some day(s) off and then return to art) every day, but 5h is still over my limit. Gonna do this month, then finish the hours that are going to be left over from this month. Also got to catch up with school and all(mostly math)

As for the gym, it does help, but not as much as I had hoped. Enjoying it quite a bit though so Im gonna keep it up.

Well gonna keep battling with myself, perhaps one day I can manage to win. I'll post some stuff that Ive done from school aswell some day, almost filled my first sketchbook.

Still life wip.

Day 13

Day 14


Character sketches

Enviro quicksketch and logo

Hey, got lazy, now trying to get back on track.

Gonna give an IP a shot, still doing the first of the 4 characters.

Pen sketches and study

Hey nice sketchbook. Getting back into it after a long break can be a pain. I've been doing at least an hour each day minimum and havnt missed any days for a month now. Some days I'll just do the hour. Other days I'll muster up 3 or 4 hours. It just takes baby steps in the right direction to build up your momentum again. At least thats my experience. You look like you've been at this daily practice thing longer than I have. Great job so far and stick with it man!


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