Heyyy ! I wasnt exagerrating when i said you were smart and work hard. It really is true. Evn if you dont have the discipline to carry it out, just having the guts to do something for so many hours in a day is hard work to me. Also i say you are smart cause looking through your sketchbook, you learned lots of things faster than me and you have great variety in your imagination work. The line studies you have been doing lately are coming out really great. Keep it up, its going to be the thing that really helps you improve!
Day 12: 4h art done.

Thanks BazoOoOoOka :)
I think the next step in my progress is to do more master studies and still lives. After I finish with bloodsports and arena Ill integrate them into my schedule.


Wow, really enjoying this now.

Day 13: 3h done

Learned some stuff about lighting in composition and also about highlights being between the eye and the lightsource. Then made a realization that a lot of people whos work is master-class, use light to their advantage.
Tried to apply it on this.

some work on this

Rip hard edges

Tried out Verve painter. Too bad hotkeys cant be integrated to wacom tablet, using keyboard and tablet at the same time in my set-up is unergonomic and uncomfortable. Was pretty fun, doodled around a bit, then decided to draw a face.

Day 14: 2h art done 1h schoolwork done

Day 15: 2h art done

Lots of quick stuff, today I did not felt like doing art, but felt like I had to push something out.

Day 16: 2h art done 1h schoolwork done.


Day 17:2h
Day 18: 2h

Yesterday was a big day.(17th). I went to check out the art school and was quite pleased by it, the people there were nice aswell. I also got to explore the city quite a bit while waiting for the bus. When I got bored, I bought a marker and paper block and started drawing. Gotta say drawing in a city is much more calming than you'd think.
I got home pretty late and was exhausted so I went to sleep.

Too lazy to take pics and upload so Imma post digitals only.
Hogarth and tried that community challenge.

I really like the studies and that last portrait. The portrait really looks good, I love the colors and the expressions!

Day 19: 2h

Thanks Kaycee.

Got a stiffness in wrist, its hampering my workload.

such persistence , i like how you do so much different things in a week.
and managing to put in some time for personal works. im hoping to do some as well.
how do you manage timewise going to studies and personal work?

i certainly like the comp on your forger (hephaestus is it?) i would like to see it pushed far as the horizon !

Day 20: 3h

Thanks Foxfire. I divide the hours between studies and personal work. Also whenever I can I study the things I portray in the illustration I am doing.

Gotta put this out there.
Its easier to get out of comfort if you admit to yourself that you are being hindered by feeling comfortable. You will get this if you've procastinated and pushed your duties to the end of the day. When that happens just acknowledge that the comfort is a negative thing and to prevent it from getting worse you should get to work. Also think that you wont be feeling the same level of comfort when you actually get down to it.
Another thing that will help is to think how bad you'll feel if you did'nt do the daily goal.

Good stuff man. You are improving so quickly. Its really great to see.

Dont forget to turn the master study to B&W occasionally to check your values. Other than that, keep on killing it. Looking forward to your next update.

Day 21: 1h schoolwork done 2h art done.

Thanks Jaik

This is sooo hard.

Some sketches and left hand gestures, also quick still life. Wrist is getting kind of more discomfortable : /

Day 22: 3h art done

Got this idea to make lvl 1,2,3 loot chest prop samples. So started some shit.

Gestures and babby's first comic practice.

Day 23: 2h schoolwork done 1h art done

took part in the paintover challenge.

Day 24:0h done
Day 25: 3h done

Day 26: 3h

Awesome stuff recently man :) Nice to see such a range of stuff. The statue/sculpture piece is really cool as well, such a good idea.

One crit, your colours seem to get a little muddy sometimes, could be something to work on. Not sure there's a simple way to fix it, but just keep it in mind. Using fewer brushstrokes sometimes helps if you pick the colours yourself, rather than mixing on the canvas.

Looking good though, keep it up :)

Day 27: 2h art done 1h schoolwork

Jake, I think its because sometimes I use the colors loosely and dont take enough time to think over the correctness. And other times I try and do the impossible. Thanks for dropping by.

Wrist seemed to get a bit better but its back to being uncomfortable, theres no pain though. Gonna take a week off. Cant fuck up my wrist.

78/87 hours done. Gonna set next goal when my wrist is ok.

Man, so much work. Really killing it. Those anime paint over things look fun, must try it myself. I think it would be a really good learning activity.

Your enviro's are suffering from the same problem mine did for a VERY long time. The values are pretty far off. The best way I got through this (of course this is just the method I used) is to get a whole bunch of enviro images, they dont have to be big, infact 500px is plenty, and spend 20min and do a study in B&W.
Vary it up by sometimes converting the image to B&W before the study, then try and do it from coloured images, but make yours black and white. This will help you work out the local values for each of the different hues in the spectrum.
The only time you really have to be picky is try and get images that arent edited with filters and are pretty close to stock.
For example, this one is edited:
There is no way in hell real life looks like this. It would be awesome, for a while if it did, but that much constant saturation would probably make me vomit.

This one however, is pretty close to standard (or at least withing a reasonable tolerance since cameras can't actually see what the eye can see, a little editing is normally needed so it doesnt look boring):

Of course, choosing where to draw the line is largely your call, and I think over time this line will both change and influence your work.

Keep up the good work man. Can't wait to see more.


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