Late night sketching with TonariNoPunpun!
Hello again! I'm a bit nervous opening this sketchbook (my first), but I hope to keep updating it and get along with you guys!

Okay :
-first some work from april/may of this year (all reference)

-then work from a few weeks ago (from imagination)

-stuff from the last couple days ( first is from imagination, second from referece, the third is a mixed page with imagination for the lady on the top ,and reference for the portrait and the sweater(?) thing)

-hand sketches during class (referenced my own hand on the left, imagination on the right)

-tried digital, but its so hard... (did the sketch and tried to paint it, without any sucess)
(all from reference, only the last one from imagination)

Sorry for the giant images...still learning how to post them and all (any tips on how to fix this anyone?)

Edit: tried to fix image sizes, contrast. Hope it's better!
I guess that is all for today, hopefully more tomorrow!
-Another failed attempt at painting from imagination

-A WIP I probably will spend some more time on

Guys, to post new work can I just "reply" my own thread? Or is there another way of doing this? Thanks to whoever answer!
More things from, yesterday as its already past midnight here in Brazil
-Figure from sketchbook


-Fun robot/mech inspired by a really nice visual library thread

-Anather failed digital, had quite a bit of frustation with this one

Critiques are welcome and apreciated, thanks in advance!
So, today was my birthday haha, so I couldn't get much done, but here is something:
-another figure from sketchbook

-head sketch from imagination (colors sucked, so i kinda did it as a "grayscale" in red hues)

Will try to be more productive tomorrow for sure, crits are always welcome!
So yeah, today wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be, but here is a study:

More tomorrow for sure. Will keep pushing the studies!

Good effort mate! Maybe you could finish off one or two of those studies?

Your anatomy stuff is excellent! Don't quit so easily when paintings are in the early stages! Keep checking different references, stay cool and open to big revisions! Until we're masters it's the easiest way to get something done.
-anzhou: thanks man, will try getting those studies more polished for sure
-FinnJamin: oh man, i still need to work so much for that anatomy... but thanks man, it's encouraging to fell like I'm on the right path. haha, same as anzhou, will try to give more finish to the studies, maybe tomorrow...(I mean today, it's 2am)

Man, portraits are hard to draw, but I started one anyway (don't know about finishing though):

And a digital wip I started, will work on it some more for sure:

(failed painting):

Going to sleep now, stay tuned for more! (sorry, always wanted to say that ever since the first post...couldn't resist )

Man, oh man

Your portraits are fantastic and my goodness, you kick ASS at painting skin and faces!! Don't give up so easy on your digitals! (though, I can talk :P) but really, frustration is good, try your best to finish your digitals and once you're done, take note of what was so hard to paint and tangle that.
Seriously, you have so much potential - it scares me D:

Keep working hard, really, don't stop!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks a lot for the support smrrfette, will keep trying for sure!
Today was a bit of a lazy day...had the time, not the effort
But oh well, did a few things:

-And a digital study I couldn't finish (but will have another go at it tomorrow I hope...):

Tried to paint some more of that WIP from yesterday but that didn't work out too well. Also did a figure from imagination I ended up erasing, was kind of bored, I don't know.
But...I'm still trying to draw and post everyday, so more tomorrow!

Keep going mate!

thanks for dropping by !
Hampton is the king haha i love him !
Some baller Lines on the bridgeman things man! makes me want to get back into some pencils !
-anzhou: Thanks again, will keep at it!
-JeremiahJensen: All hail king Hampton, hahaha! Thanks for the compliment on the line, but just to not cause any confusion, the study is from a drawing by a student of bridgeman, found on a book called "classical life drawing studio"

Today I had a friend come, played some games but was able to do some drawing (I think I just might have brainwashed him enough to draw more, he is a very good artist btw)
Study from Vanderpoel (awesome book):

Figure from sketchbook:

Mech time!

Portrait from imagination that is looking a bit odd, maybe someone can point out why?

All right update-time
More work on the portrait:

Figure from imagination:

Clothing sketches from reference:

More work on the study:

So...yeah, not much work done yesterday, but did a few things today, mostly work on WIPS

Mix from imagination and ref

Tips and crits are welcome!

From today and yesterday:

(this one took almost 8 hours total...still can't figure out the likeness)

Crits are always welcome!

I can't judge the likeness obviously, but that last portrait is really beautiful!

Nice Keeeeep going! The pencils are quite good

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Thanks a lot Egbu and Olooriel!
Had a bit of a hiatus haha...went to my grandma's house over the weekend, and this week I have to divide my time between drawing and doing a geography school project (sigh... during vacation, really?!? What madness is this?)
But I did lots of hands, some gestures and a sketchbook page:

Plus a Wip:

Last week of vacation, going to push it until it ends!

Keep up those studies! THeyre looking more and more solid as i scrolled down :D

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