Space wizard art training
Hey guys, so amazed seeing all the love which is around this community <3

Thought I'd just drop a few studies from daggers and some other stuff

Looking forward to improving with everyone!

[Image: Untitled-1hgfhfghgfh-1.jpg]
[Image: metal1.jpg]
[Image: ScifiHunterfinal_Dilated.jpg]
[Image: swampfinal-5.jpg]
[Image: Scan-120112-0002.jpg]
[Image: fatleg.jpg]
[Image: basement-study.jpg]
[Image: foglestudie2.jpg]
[Image: dude.jpg]
[Image: materials1.jpg]
[Image: gauntlet-final-comp.jpg]
[Image: lifestudymetalwarm.jpg]
[Image: gozzilla1.jpg]
[Image: d9study.jpg]
[Image: gorillasketches.jpg]
[Image: gorillaguardiansfinal.jpg]
[Image: foreststudy.jpg]
[Image: helmet.jpg]
Embarking on a golden journey! Here's what I have done since the announcement

<3 daggers

[Image: portfoliouplaod.jpg]

[Image: backroundtestdasd.jpg]

[Image: interior2.jpg]

[Image: coneman.jpg]

[Image: chat.jpg]

[Image: Pre-comp1.gif]

haha dude, i didn't know it was you that did that Gauntlet piece, So funny.
:D haha, never laughed so hard browsing through a sketchbook :D
can't decide which piece I love the most, but that black metal dude is definitely up high :D

Great sketchbook I saw the gauntlet piece when i was watching an old vid on youtube (I think) great work on that really funny! I like the sense of humour you portray in your pieces it's awesome. Keep em coming.

deerandfox Heh, thanks man!
Saraiza Cheers dude! glad it makes someone laugh aha
JonHop Thanks man, glad it comes through

More stuff, Experimentation for my sidescroller Blackest, Illustration of the real life Robinson Crusoe for Uni and a background for a point and click adventure, and some studies I did for these WIP projects.

God damn animation is hard.

[Image: walkin-1.gif]

More stuff! Trying to wrap my head around animation for game projects and other experimentations. Trying to find different ways to approach things.


Oh, dang! Everything is so goodddd. That trailer piece came out awesome.
Good lighting on your studies !
I really like the one with "Computer 4 sale" with all those colours.
Good work man, nice studies!

This is what I have done this month, urgh need to pick up the intensity more.

[Image: golden1.jpg]
[Image: gold2.jpg]
[Image: gold3.jpg]
[Image: walkin.jpg]
[Image: finalsketch.jpg]
[Image: walkin-1.gif]
[Image: walkinapplication.gif]
[Image: RDSlO.gif]
[Image: cdLKm.gif]
[Image: treeeeee.jpg]
[Image: masterstudyilya.jpg]
[Image: G24zH.jpg]
[Image: walkin2.jpg]
[Image: walkk.gif]
[Image: walkinapplication2.gif]
[Image: studyhead.jpg]
[Image: redstudy.jpg]
[Image: experiment.jpg]
[Image: 9xaWf.jpg]
[Image: iqW8E.jpg]
(attempt to fix the perspective)
[Image: nIOTl.jpg]
[Image: XkiN8.jpg]
[Image: EYapy.jpg]
[Image: Nl4yf.jpg]
[Image: 6ZTZm.jpg]
[Image: Z1iIQ.jpg]
[Image: HHJa1.jpg]
[Image: yaBJV.jpg]
( Old Bloodsports piece which I revamped with stuff that I've learnt recently)
[Image: gauntlet-final-comp.jpg]
[Image: p7IJj.jpg]
[Image: WpWjD.jpg]

A lot of hard work in Septembers goldenboy challenge. Good work, looks like you really push yourself.
whoa dude! love your stuff! keep on rocking! Thanks for the visit in my sketchbook!
Dennis Kutsenko- Thanks dude!
alexnegrea- cheers! thanks for hitting us back.

Some studies and an animation test for a game idea I had. Will upload sketches tomorrow.


[Image: CwvM0.jpg]
[Image: WeHLC.jpg]


Its been a while, been doing a bunch stuff since the last post, finished UNI now, not much else to say other than need to work work work work my ass off.

Also now on tumblrs! :D Tumblr here
Also <3 daggers

Here are a few new pieces I have made

[Image: 6U0x9.jpg]

[Image: S9RnJ.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mg5o3yxbBG1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: CMdzh.jpg]

[Image: DUX1L.jpg]

[Image: 4Q8EH.jpg]

[Image: DoQpS.jpg]


[Image: tumblr_mg5ou1I0EU1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

Sketches for friends who shared my tumblr- more to come

[Image: tumblr_mg9hl6E3Di1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mg9hl6E3Di1s2vrp7o2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mgbl25FcP61s2vrp7o2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mgbl25FcP61s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

Two recent studies

[Image: tumblr_mgbl6dZD6a1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mg9hvtkikg1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

Looks like you are improving, liking your use of vibrant colors.
Demon Lizardman Thanks dude! glad you think so

Bunch of stuff I've been doing, time to get involved with the community again.

[Image: tumblr_mj1057eG2V1s2vrp7o1_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mk3p0reu4R1s2vrp7o1_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mk3p0reu4R1s2vrp7o3_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mk3p0reu4R1s2vrp7o2_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mk3p0reu4R1s2vrp7o4_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mkb2t7EimI1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: MwNuY1F.jpg]

[Image: lyyMqWf.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mitjyqDeR11s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_miim9lrg2H1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mima3q4YmW1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mhleukyV3E1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mkouskxSJp1s2vrp7o1_1280.gif]

[Image: gO0g3WD.jpg]

dude this sketchbook is insane! my favorite piece is this one haha :

[Image: tumblr_mkouskxSJp1s2vrp7o1_1280.gif]

don't stop! :)

Thanks Silverkeeper, means a lot!

Here is the first scene I have designed for Paradigm to actually be playable rather than just be concept art. Super pumped to start putting this together.

[Image: tumblr_mkyx9zPHdJ1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

Here is the study that I applied to the piece.

[Image: Y6GyB6f.jpg]

Also treat your ears

I've realised everything I'm doing eye level way too much, especially since its needed for the point and click adventure. Next up. Higher eye level environment/ illustration.

Adventure time fan art!

[Image: tumblr_ml1vjiVp8N1s2vrp7o1_1280.gif]

New re-design of Paradigms room, for my point and click adventure

[Image: tumblr_ml769bvNGP1s2vrp7o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: 1vpHMvQ.gif]

and one of the studies I did for the piece

Also let your ears enjoy


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