Darktiste Sketchbook
What are you studying for?
by that i mean, do you have some idea of what kind of work you are trying to develop the skills to be able to make.
although the studies are studies, what are they in service of being able to produce?
is it game concept art that you think you would like to do?

if this much is unclear, one option I recommend is to put together a mock portfolio
filled with the work that best reflects what you would like to be able to produce, from various artists.
just give yourself a visual of the standards you are trying to reach and the qualities that are important to you.

from there you can better deconstruct what you need to improve to get there.
digging a hole is nice, youl build some muscle
but it might be better to also know why youre digging

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
It might seem unclear to the viewer but it getting clear for me what are my intention and i wouldn't be able to do the mock up portfolio because that exactly where i am going so it not where i am...Yes concept art but i am also look at what my interest in it so forgive me if there alot of digging.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
It hard to see the value of tracing at first glance.But i find it was useful to try to develop my own volume structure method.I tried to combine an approch find in Famous artist school.Inc a really old serie of booklet on how to draw and i also took some of the approch of Marshall Vandruff to create a structure.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
''ASTRAL STALKER DEVIOUS AND BATTLE-HUNGRY HUNTERS, astral stalkers savor challenge and renown. Many of them serve as assassins and bounty hunters,and an astral stalker might pursue its quarry simply to test its mettle against a worthy foe.''

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.10

On this one i try to go with more asymmetry. Front facing pose are relaxing to do but they rarely yield great result in dynamism something that isn't the goal here.Do you think the image is still to big for crimson dagger format?

*Note to myself try to varie the shape of the muscle to make it feel more organic the body isn't a machine they will always be a dominate side.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-02-2020, 05:14 AM)darktiste Wrote: ''ASTRAL STALKER DEVIOUS AND BATTLE-HUNGRY HUNTERS, astral stalkers savor challenge and renown. Many of them serve as assassins and bounty hunters,and an astral stalker might pursue its quarry simply to test its mettle against a worthy foe.''

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.10

On this one i try to go with more asymmetry. Front facing pose are relaxing to do but they rarely yield great result in dynamism something that isn't the goal here.Do you think the image is still to big for crimson dagger format?

*Note to myself try to varie the shape of the muscle to make it feel more organic the body isn't a machine they will always be a dominate side.

Hey dark, good to see more work and less studies (as wrong as that sounds), just basing this off what you said about more asymmetry — I can see the details are asymmetrical but the body is entirely symmetrical, again and to xelfereht's point, not sure what you're working towards.

I think my advice would be to be a bit braver with your poses, try sketching different poses and challenging yourself with overlapping forms.

The gestures of the cat look great by the way.
(08-04-2020, 03:56 AM)scrap Wrote:
(08-02-2020, 05:14 AM)darktiste Wrote: ''ASTRAL STALKER DEVIOUS AND BATTLE-HUNGRY HUNTERS, astral stalkers savor challenge and renown. Many of them serve as assassins and bounty hunters,and an astral stalker might pursue its quarry simply to test its mettle against a worthy foe.''

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.10

On this one i try to go with more asymmetry. Front facing pose are relaxing to do but they rarely yield great result in dynamism something that isn't the goal here.Do you think the image is still to big for crimson dagger format?

*Note to myself try to varie the shape of the muscle to make it feel more organic the body isn't a machine they will always be a dominate side.

Hey dark, good to see more work and less studies (as wrong as that sounds), just basing this off what you said about more asymmetry — I can see the details are asymmetrical but the body is entirely symmetrical, again and to xelfereht's point, not sure what you're working towards.

I think my advice would be to be a bit braver with your poses, try sketching different poses and challenging yourself with overlapping forms.

The gestures of the cat look great by the way.
Well i will keep the hard stuff for my study and i do easier thing to relax on the side.But i think the sketchbook really need to start to transpire concept art i think right not it not going in that direction and it need to be address.I need more exercise where i tackle design challengebecause right now i been going off that route i want to do more quick sketch less thigh and clean and more thumbnail.Also i want to be better at representing 3d object with 2d flat silhouette.For posing i am really not sure as to how far i am gonna push that aspect i have address that in word previously nt if you miss it maybe take a look.For a design stand point avoiding the unnecessary challenge that perspective impose is for me the right way to approch design in a focus fashion but it doesn,t mean i shouldn't be able to draw them in 3/4 view with more dynamic pose it just that the overlap in general is the enemy of clarity since my work is the early stage of an idea is than pass to other people down the pipeline.I am sure i will still be able create overlapping but maybe not in the dynamic way other artistic path would consider dynamism.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I like the other brush better.Gonna develop those further.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
So i developped those dog gesture a lil bit trying to see what kind of line i wanted to use for the outside and for the inner detail.I prefer the one with the same thickness across the whole animal.I also like the perhaps lil messier approch where i don't do a second pass necessarly or erase everything from the initial sketch.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Learning how to do fish from profile to get the ball rolling more fish coming soon.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A almost complete process from start to almost finish gesture/simplified skeletal structure/simplified musculature/Line art

would just need some coloring wish i won't do for time sake and to learn to draw fish in more interesting pose.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I tried drawing a fish the result isn't superb the long sweeping line prove to be a challenge and i don't think it was a good idea to try to tackle value at the same time.Also i reach a point where i had no idea how to even start to address how i would go about doing the scale so i just call it done...

Never eat more than you can handle.That my advise of the day.

But atleast i learned something about fins there not stick like but more like a fondu fork for the lateral fins on this one i can't say if that like that for only one the lateral fin or if it species specific.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-08-2020, 05:29 AM)darktiste Wrote: i reach a point where i had no idea how to even start to address how i would go about doing the scale so i just call it done...

Never eat more than you can handle.That my advise of the day.

My advice would be quite the opposite
Aim a step or two further than the level you are tackling,
by looking at whats beyond that level it makes it appear easier in contrast to whats to come.

Have an attempt at the scales even for 5 minutes and you could possibly learn something.
Focus is great n context of certain situations, but if you only focus on how to chop ingredients, you'll still not know how to cook anything.

I highly recommend you start working on a project that you will push to very finished look no matter how long it takes.
it does not mean you cant do studies along the way, In fact when you get stuck on the panting it can inform which studies you should work on.

If you don't know what you would want to invest time into painting
give it some thought
because if you can't find an answer for that, whats the difference if you had the skills anyway

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
(08-08-2020, 08:11 AM)xelfereht Wrote:
(08-08-2020, 05:29 AM)darktiste Wrote: i reach a point where i had no idea how to even start to address how i would go about doing the scale so i just call it done...

Never eat more than you can handle.That my advise of the day.

My advice would be quite the opposite
Aim a step or two further than the level you are tackling,
by looking at whats beyond that level it makes it appear easier in contrast to whats to come.

Have an attempt at the scales even for 5 minutes and you could possibly learn something.
Focus is great n context of certain situations, but if you only focus on how to chop ingredients, you'll still not know how to cook anything.

I highly recommend you start working on a project that you will push to very finished look no matter how long it takes.
it does not mean you cant do studies along the way, In fact when you get stuck on the panting it can inform which studies you should work on.

If you don't know what you would want to invest time into painting
give it some thought
because if you can't find an answer for that, whats the difference if you had the skills anyway
Your right that sometime you gotta put on the pressure on to raise your level it seem that doing so only discourage me to draw more because i realize it beyond my current skillset.I prefer baby step to giant challenge that just get me discouraged of course that doesn't breed fast improvement it just how one is able to deal with pressure it something i don't think anyone is really good at you kind just have to do it anyways and feel the pain.

I was certainly not going for anything finish actually rendering was even part of my plan but knowing myself sometime rendering just kick in is part of my bad habit when idk what i am really doing.It like wanting to put the cherry on a cake that isn't baked yet.I just want to be done with fish there not my favorite thing to draw yet because i know how bad i suck at them but i am gonna try to take my time i don't want to be sloppy.I made a few mistake that added to the confuse of where i was going.Sometime when something go wrong the rest follow.It why i like to have a plan but it seem i didn't had one for this study.I am methodical or i am almost totally chaotic

In term of personal project i feel it necessary right now that they take the secondary stage in favor of study my fundamental are pretty weak even after all the time i spent i have not necessarly been brave enough and it showing.It reaching it breaking point where i want that to change in a constructive but none destructive way but i am not convince any other approch would be beneficial to keep me away from burning out.I just want an approch that let you draw everyday so that i don't go without day without drawaing but it ok if i didn't draw for a day or two also.For me it essential that i keep the flame going because art is one of the only thing i am proud about and that really important that i can feel i am being sucessful at it because i want to turn it into my career and make something out of myself.No body want the fun to go away or feel like they can't do something that why my approach might not be perfect right now.In the end even discipline can't do anything if you feel like you not going to succeeded.Passion is the fuel but discipline is what differentiate the hobbiest from the professional it where i need to switch for a more passionate approch to a more discipline one believe me i am trying to be more distant from my body of work but at the same time idk it seem like it would leak who i am and i think it important that maybe i find other way to express myself outside of art so that i have different way to feel like i am not stuck with only art as away to channel my emotion.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-08-2020, 09:08 AM)darktiste Wrote: I prefer baby step to giant challenge that just get me discouraged of course that doesn't breed fast improvement it just how one is able to deal with pressure it something i don't think anyone is really good at you kind just have to do it anyways and feel the pain.

For me it essential that i keep the flame going because art is one of the only thing i am proud about and that really important that i can feel i am being sucessful at it because i want to turn it into my career and make something out of myself.No body want the fun to go away or feel like they can't do something that why my approach might not be perfect right now.

Dealing with pressure is also a skill, like any skill if you don't work at it you wont develop it.
You know, having some clearer idea of where you're trying to get to can keep the flame lit while you attempt hard things.

you don't have to sacrifice passion for discipline, your passion can fuel your discipline.
again if you want to compare are to cooking.
where would you begin.

maybe you see some dish on tv and you think, that looks great, so then you find out what that was and then you have the recipe, then you got some idea of the ingredients and can practice making it.

this would be like for example, you see some great character concept art of a fish warrior, so you go ok this looks great, now I'm gonna make one like this
you have an aim now to make something that looks like it could stand next to the art you admired,
what do you need to do it, i gotta understand fish skin, some anatomy and think about what clothes.
then you can target your studies towards a goal.

compared to now, i can see you can outline a fish, but I dont know what your'e going to use that for

don't feel like you have to put down your passion, draw what your'e passionate about and what to see in front of you.
make the coolest character you can imagine.
If you want to make a career out of this, you gotta practice challenging your skills because they will be tested
fail often and keep climbing.  Thumbs_up

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Well it just sometime you draw boring stuff to draw the cool stuff and sometime you think a client is gonna give you nice thing to draw but you also needed to practice drawing the boring stuff because it not always nice stuff you gotta draw.But don't worry i am not at my first rodeo it just that i am arriving at a point where frustration is coming out because i feel like i should be further yet i know i been doing some self sabotage in a sense staying in comfort zone for example it not that i leak goal it not that i leak direction or project.It that i keep going back to comfort zone when i feel overwhelm that why i changed my approch to be somewhat slower less risk driven but i am now at a point where i need to take bolder risk because it like i have no been fulfilling where i said i would be by now.Maybe i had unrealistic goal for my skillset maybe i didn't push myself hard enough.I certainly know that i should fail alot and fast and often but it easier said than done because of past experience it not easy to accept more failure it often push me back to the comfort zone if you see what i mean or being perfectionist because you don't want to fail.

Anyways i don't want to turn this sketchbook into a diary but i have to get stuff out of my system i know i am not alone in this but it easier to think so.It easier to be alone in your misery sometime.But it not constructive and i know that i know better.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Redesign n.3

SERVE AS BODYGUARDS for important persons and others who summon them. They also guard temples
and other sites tied to the deities they serve.

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.15

Here i wanted to get familiar with feather texture and trying and playing with transparency for some halo and reflection effect

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A fish study where i had the opportunity to play with transparency.I am pretty happy with the result in regard to how bad the other study went in my opinion.With a step back it look a bit extremely overboard with how i dealt with the transparency and i guess it where i had to much fun.I should also get back to doing more exercise with wrapping line i am not really convince right now the value help show volume but the wrapping line just feel unsure

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Quick plane study of a foreshorten goldfish+Dorsal fins study

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Some volume study this one happen to be done doing lizard.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A quick critter

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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