Darktiste Sketchbook
Thank you for commenting both of you 

yes i have a real problem with drawing from life i never feel comfortable drawing object that move i also have trouble with the fact that perspective tend to suck if you draw sitted instead of being on your two foot and i don't own much space to set anything that would make drawing for life really possible.So i draw from photo mostly which can give alot less information about a subject than having the real deal in front of you saddly.Yes with current event life drawing is something that taking a hit.In term of human anatomy well it didn't really move outside of what is shown here previously and i am moving toward ''real'' creature design and invention so it won't be as much animal study as before but there will still be some of it to help the believably of my invention.

Now i am working toward getting a better understanding of dinosaur.But i am really near the end of what i consider was a overview serie of how to draw animal.So i am feeling pretty good now because it gonna be a other challenge to create my own creature and do less thing i already saw.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Carnotorus Skeleton study.

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Carnotorus Muscles study.Not all muscle are there i will do the labeling of the neck and face muscle in a separate image due to some issue with the text police size limit being to big,

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Just curious, what are all the animal studies for? like is there a purpose to it.. or are you studying them because you will make a portfolio piece with animals in them?

(09-27-2020, 05:13 AM)Jeso Wrote: Just curious, what are all the animal studies for? like is there a purpose to it.. or are you studying them because you will make a portfolio piece with animals in them?
Those one were to get more familiar with dinosaur anatomy which isn't to different from the modern day animal the difference is that most dinosaur lay egg so they are not mammal so there pelvis is different since the baby doesn't have to go throught the pelvis to get expul during the pregnancy.I think an other feature that is different is that those creature had much more mass to support so they have bone that reflect that reality.Well the aim of those study actually follow my interest in creature design they are not for a portfolio piece yet i need a ton more animal study my creature are lagging behind compare to the rest of topic of concept art.I am overall interest by concept art but i started drawing because my real interest was creature design but than i realize that it area of concept art was anatomy heavy and it scared the sh1t out of me for a good portion of my art journey until i realized that most animal skull can fit certain familiy of animal and it mostly the proportion that change.So it ain't that scary now and i manage to get the ball rolling which is a good step toward my goal.

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Here the creature description.

This Very old female Vermin it medium in size.This Vermin move around using is paws.It can be generally found in a Desert setting.

This Gluttonous Vermin can also use is Escaping mechanism(Acid vomit) or use SLAM attack if necessary.

I drawn 8 thumbnail.Sorry for this low level of creattivity but i had to make sure i had a fighting chance at constructing there anatomy to a certain level of finish.

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I'm blown away with how you've improved since we last spoke!! Granted that's over 4 years... BUT.. Well done you!! - I hope to follow suit..!! :)

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So as you probably notice i did a few thumbnial well now i am making sure to give my creature an anatomy to refine it further doing like i did previously in my other study.Coming Soon i am gonna refine the face due to it important to the viewer i will do a front and a side view of it not sure how useful this going to be but the front view will be useful since the side view is mostly already solve might just make it more detail than previously with some texture this time.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Have you ever, just once, taken any of the fortune cookie word salads you drop everywhere else on this site to heart? It's clear you haven't taken a single word of advice from any artist on here. Some of them being very skilled and knowledgeable, extending their hands to help pull you from the void that is... whatever the hell it is you've been doing for 7 years. So I find myself asking, as a lurker around these parts for many a year, do you at least read your own walls of misguided pasta? Or are you too busy sniffing the freshly popped wine while you critique others using concepts and keywords you haven't even began to understand yourself? Eesh
The design have been progressing since those last drawing and it didn't reflected the change to the head i made so i came back and adjusted both the skeletal and muscle structure to reflect those change.Soon will be revealing a fully sheet to present the design and pass it to a fictive 3d artist so that they have enough visual information about the creature do there work properly.

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So here more of my side project this time we got 

Balhannanoth A CUNNING SUBTERRANEAN HUNTER, the balhannoth distorts  nearby reality with its very presence.

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p24

I think here my only critic would be that i could have done more to reflect the idea of this creature being able to warping reality perhaps i could have use the warp tool and see if anything interesting could have been generated through it use.

acquiring the lost memories of those upon whom they feast.They also 
have the power to manifest psychic duplicates of themselves.

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.34

I gave this BERBALANG  a more skeletic look with how i made the wing look and i though a nice orange background would be a nice touch since i am doing this during the Halloween month.I did not go to far in term of reinterpreting the design now that i take a step back it definitvely look alot similar to the original artwork but atleast it done in an other style which is giving it an other flavour.

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Hey man! Cool designs, so great to get an understanding of the underlying anatomy and forms with all the animal studies! I'd love to see you take one of your creatures and put it in a narrative/storytelling type of illustration! You've got the character story already written above ^^ Reposing and redrawing it will really push you : )

Comic book creator
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Discord: JonR#4453
I don't know what it is about seeing the anatomy of a drawing, but it's really cool. I like those monster too, I like that you gave them a bio
I am not a illustrator but i wouldn't mind if someone enjoyed it so much they did that.

I took sometime off to celeberate my birthday and take some time before finishing a big project.Sometime the hardest thing is to finish when you just would prefer to move on to an other project.

To day i present your The Cabyqurelot this project help me experiment what it like to create a creature design all by myself.It was an interesting experience that shown me that one should never under estimate the amount of work it take to create something that look this simple.It also shown me that when your left alone and you have free reign no body is holding you accountable to what was first written and this can become an issue as you go outside those boundry if you don't remind yourself of those said boundry.

But i am glad to say this is probably my most professional looking presentation to date.

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That presentation looks great! You should make sure to add links to your website/Artstation in the signature in case it gets reposted anywhere. It's a great way to get traffic to your websites!

Yea i will try to work on my social media presence i visit artstation kinda regularly now but i am yet to make an account i am also working toward creating more personalize piece to present to studio but i am still doubting i am studio quality worthy it just depend if we talking indie or Triple A.I also want to find a mentor to help me during the portfolio process someone with actual experience and maybe use there contact as spring board.

My Sketchbook

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More D&D monster fanart

humans and similar creatures as objects of amusement and
sources of wealth. The kindest banshrae is an impish trickster,
while the worst is a terrifying, bloodthirsty killer that toys
with victims before slaying them.

Source Monster manuel 4th edition p.25

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Some Creature design.

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A really diverse salad of some recent work.

The traditional description use for the D&D redesign

angered and that transform into lycanthropic form
when incited. A wereboar is a provocateur, and seeks
out fights in taverns and on city streets, where it can
use its size and strength in close quarters.

Page.158 Monster Manuel 4th Edition

A isometric house because that my favorite perspective.

A ninja crab because why not?

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Loving the variety of those creature designs! Crazy how you did such variations from cute/cartoonish to stylized realism with the recent pig, and they all work very well. Excellent line work especially on the latest!


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